Michael Schumacher For Life !!

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Joined: 31 Mar 2006, 18:53
Location: UK


The difference between senna and schumi was that senna would say before hand what he would be doing before the race started or state after the incident why he did it even though majourity of people thought he was wrong and take their point.

Schumi on the other hand would sit there and swear blind that he did nothing wrong until the cows came home i.e. monaco 2006.

That is one of the main reasons why people don't like him. However we do acknowledge that he man had real good talent.

I mirror what Martin Brundle said at the end of the race i just wish he had one less title and 10 less wins!

But senna and schumi are in my top 5 drivers but still dont make the top of my list.

Thats my only bit i am going to say to this thread, opions are like arseholes everyone has one!

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02


That's one of the joys of racing, how in the end it's about people. Real people, with warts and flaws. There's been a lot of ranting from different camps comparing Michael Schumacher and Aryton Senna. Both are/were great drivers, displaying fantastic driving skills, and personalities. Very different personalities, very different perspectives, very different set of rules.
Both just human beings, with strenghts and flaws. Maybe that's the human condition, that we can't be perfectly strong in all areas. Left brain, right brain, ying and yang. If you are strong in one discipline, then somewhere else you suffer. And maybe that's the line of my rant. That we have these two individuals under a microscope, and are studying them with 20/20 hindsight. Every move, every decision dissected and examined and re-examined. And considering the pressures they were under, the self-imposed isolation of decisions, some were bad choices. And more were great ones, because both Michael Schumacher and Aryton Senna, found in their own ways, how to win, how to intimidate the opposition, to sweep it aside and conquer the obstacles they perceived.
Yea, they both made mistakes, errors in behavior. But one does not justify another, or excuse it. They just did what they did.

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Joined: 17 Jan 2004, 22:24
Location: Motorsport Valley, England.


Good post Dave. At the end of the day none of know how we would react under the same circumstances that Senna and Schumacher have found themselves in over the years... but everyone's an expert... or so they they think.
"Whether you think you can or can't, either way you are right."
-Henry Ford-

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Joined: 29 May 2006, 09:08


Scuderia_Russ wrote:Good post Dave. At the end of the day none of know how we would react under the same circumstances that Senna and Schumacher have found themselves in over the years... but everyone's an expert... or so they they think.
Then again, this forum would be very quiet, if we could only talk about things we have experienced ourself.
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you

Joined: 09 May 2006, 18:37


Loved it how the great SHU overtook KIMI......... the old teaching the new suit how he wants him to perform next year in a RED car.... :lol:

Everyones an F1 expert........

Joined: 30 Oct 2006, 11:26
Location: Royton, UK


saam wrote:Loved it how the great SHU overtook KIMI......... the old teaching the new suit how he wants him to perform next year in a RED car.... :lol:

It was like watching how F1 overtaking should be done at the highest level. i bet there were harsh words between schuey and fisi tho after
Schumi the greatest will always live on in our memories

Joined: 09 May 2006, 18:37


i bet there were harsh words between schuey and fisi tho after
You think? Since it was his last lace i dont think i heard any nasty words from SHUMI towards FISI. I think shumi would have thought it was fisi job to do that

blitz the field from last place, in last race, what more could you ask for from the F1 king... :D

Everyones an F1 expert........

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


saam wrote:blitz the field from last place, in last race, what more could you ask for from the F1 king... :D
What else could you ask for an F1 king, you say? What about a "French Revolution"? :wink:

Joined: 09 May 2006, 18:37


What about a "French Revolution
well well, we all know the so called french revolution had to come dont we.... we cant have the red cars winning all the time can we???

simply not !!! :wink:

Everyones an F1 expert........