Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


Tozza Mazza wrote:
MIKEY_! wrote:Image

What do the teams package into here?
Legs and ballast.
Depends on the tub design.


legs can be there if the intent is to have a big splitter. But the bow is very narrow so the legs can only go so much.
Ballast and electronics can go there, maybe the drink bottle and black box?
For Sure!!

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


Incredible pic ringo, that's a great help :D

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


Well if the dampers etc can fit in there I now have a way to operate them:

In other news does this airbox layout have any merit under the current regs?
I'm thinking of having the horizontal opening as high as possible, so that the stalk like bit connecting it to the chassis is the only thing blocking the RW leading edge. It might require another intake near the headrest to supplement it. Any thoughts?

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


with lots of rockers to handle thew cables .no but why not just use two wheels to redirect the cables? this would be incredibly light ,almost nil in terms of unsprung weight .
But what about cable elongation and excitation under all those vibrations? I´m not convinced it is not just openeing a big can of worms .But sure it is possible to have a cable arrangement .

I still do not see why a pullrod configuration is not possible in the same way as we see at the rear even though I think the important thing at the rear is they have no corner springs at the back which is not the route to follow at the front ..

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


Are there any rules to stop the floor flexing? (other than the splitter that is)

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


MIKEY_! wrote:Are there any rules to stop the floor flexing? (other than the splitter that is)
3.12.5 All parts lying on the reference and step planes, in addition to the transition between the two
planes, must produce uniform, solid, hard, continuous, rigid (no degree of freedom in relation
to the body/chassis unit), impervious surfaces under all circumstances.

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


Except that also includes the splitter which has been shown to flex in the past.

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


Would it be viable to create a venturi tunnel starting below the sidepod intake and exiting (at roughly the same pressure a it entered) at the rear of the sidepod as a way of feeding air to the diffuser/beam wing? I'm imagining large square intakes which are split in the middle, the bottom half feeds the venturi and thus the diffuser/beam wing while the top half is for normal cooling purposes. It's certainly a more direct route to the diffuser but does going through the throat of the venturi affect the flow more than going the long way around the sidepod? It's kind of a development of the Toro Rosso STR6 double floor but with walls to stop air escaping to the sides and a lower tunnel ceiling.

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


The problem with your idea is that flow through a pipe isn't that good, the air will be more disturbed when sealed rather than open, so you will be feeding the diffuser with disturbed air, the str7 pods will disturb the air but not as much as a pipe would if it was sealed in the air would be too disturbed to be worth sealing it off
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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


I agree, the boundary layer thickens in a pipe and ruins the flow, however I have heard of no such issues on ground effect cars of the '80's. Does the faster moving air of a venturi make for a different result?

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


Venturis of old were used to create bigger pressure difference above and below the car, thus providing downforce. Whether the air after it was clean or not wasn't an issue. In your case that is the purpose of the pipe, so it immediately becomes a big issue.

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Re: Mikey F1 - 2012 Innovations


If the brake fins extended to the diffuser footplate making an arch shape to prevent air flowing from the top of the floor to under it and into the diffuser help downforce generation, do nothing or hurt downforce generation. My armchair CFD is not quite up to the job here. It's supposed to be another way to seal the diffuser. Air can still come from the front and reach the edge of the diffuser.