FEATURE REQUEST: Ignore Functionality

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Re: FEATURE REQUEST: Ignore Functionality


Tomba wrote:Do we agree that the best possible way to implement this is to hide posts from the threads, as if they would have a low rating? This would allow you to expand the item and still read it.

There is however an issue with this, as it might interfere with the voting system. Say we allow voting on "foes", would that not lead to abuse? (perhaps not, because now nobody has foes anyway).
If we'd block voting on posts by foes, this could mean that there will be less downvotes on posts, as users will not be reading posts made by their "foes".

Voting system doesn't work in my eyes because not enough users have the ability to downvote, not enough votes are cast etc. etc. but that's another discussion.

I agree the best way to implement is to still allow the ignored users "hidden" posts to be expanded on a per post basis.
bhallg2k wrote:It's called "self-control," people. It's not always easy, and you won't always have it. But, it's far better than relying on a digital nanny to keep you out of trouble.

Free discourse is just that.
It's about the "signal to noise ratio" as CMSMJ1 put it. It's nothing to do with self control. I want to be able to read through the race threads and skip all the fanboy ying yang which almost always comes from the same users. It's purely my choice to do that, and doesn't affect other users such as yourself.

If you don't have a use for the feature, the beauty of it is, you won't need to use it.

Joined: 05 Jun 2012, 01:55

Re: FEATURE REQUEST: Ignore Functionality


While I doubt I would use this feature, I think it can definitely be useful

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Re: FEATURE REQUEST: Ignore Functionality


This greasemonkey script will give you basic ignore functionality

Code: Select all

// ==UserScript==
// @name        F1 Technical - Ignore Users
// @namespace   f1techignore
// @include     http://www.f1technical.net/*
// @version     1
// @require     http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.6/jquery.js
// ==/UserScript==

$(".postprofile:contains('enter the username to ignore here')").parents(".post").hide();
For each user you want to ignore, just copy this line adding the username where indicated

Code: Select all

$(".postprofile:contains('enter the username to ignore here')").parents(".post").hide();
So for example if you wanted to ignore me, it would be

Code: Select all

Obviously, I would still like to see this functionality baked in to the forum, as this only works on machines where I have the script installed.

Joined: 08 May 2008, 17:45

Re: FEATURE REQUEST: Ignore Functionality


If there were an ignore function added to the site, I personally think it would be better if we could ignore individual topics rather than members. Of course, this would probably only appeal to people who, like me, always start with the "view new posts" page.

It's just that I know I'd have a lot easier time with the whole live-and-let-live thing if topics like that ARROWS garbage weren't popping up in my face every day. :lol:


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Re: FEATURE REQUEST: Ignore Functionality


In the assumption that we are all mature enough to handle the few people which we don't like, the ignore function has not made it. We've discussed this among the moderators and agree unanimously that we should all just use our common sense and behave like grown ups when somebody jumps in and acts differently to what we'd expect.

The "report a post" button is there for the extraordinary case when things are out of bounds. Use that in case things are against the rules, so that we can help resolve the situation as it happens. As always, at your service ;)

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Re: FEATURE REQUEST: Ignore Functionality


Disappointing. For me it's more about ignoring the people that only post about "their" driver. There are many users on this forum now that post nothing technical, and only ever blab about "their" driver.