Jolle wrote: ↑Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:57 pm
The rule is very simple, if you go off track, even for a car length, you have to make sure to join the track in a safe manor. Verstappen didn’t and got a penalty. Fair. Alonso didn’t And didn’t get a penalty. In China Verstappen went for a gap at Vettel very similar to this race, got a 10 second penalty, fair. Vettel goes for a gap, collides, no further action.
If you want to ignore context and intent in order to make your version of events fit, then feel free. The Stewards don't though. If you really want to get contextualessly pedantic, not only did Verstappen rejoin in an unsafe manner, he forced another car off the track and caused a collision. Similarly, against Vettel he left less than a car's width between his left front and the apex of the corner.
According to you that's four penalties Max should have received.
As for saying that China and Japan were also 'very similar', tell me. Was Vettel alongside Verstappen when they entered the corner? How far alongside? Where did Vettel hit Verstappen? Because, in China, Verstappen doesn't even get his front wing alongside Vettel's rear until Vettel is nearly on the apex and he then puts his front tyre into the rear half of Vettel's car.