2008 Technical Regulations

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Pirelli are going to tender for the role of sole tyre supplier next year alongside Bridgestone and Michelin who have made a u-turn and decided that they wouldn't mind being in Formula One even after complaining to so many journalists that they are only in F1 for the competition.

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Actually, I don't think it's that bad as there are some good points.

- Engines only need to last one race so the teams will set them to work at max revs and performance.
- No more -10 places for engine change, means that good+unlucky drivers like Kimi won't suffer so much and won't have to put up with traffic anymore.
- 30,000km max of testing. This brings more advantage for teams like Super Aguri who can't afford to change and crash cars at testing. Rich teams won't have too much advantage from income.

I don't like the fact that engines have to be "frozen" for 3 bloody years. If so, I think the minor developments should be allowed.


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Freezing some of the large items, such as the crankshaft and cylinder heads wouldn't be very bad at all.

I still think the way to go is to use a standard FIA approved monocoque. Safety and some of the main areo would be controlled. leaving aero development to wings and the underbody.
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Some of the ideas I think are great, they seem thought out properly (FOR ONCE) some on the otherhand are just plain rediculous.

The idea to go back to slicks is great, grooves just dont look right (yes i know its a poor reason lol) but the idea that they along with other changes could shift towards an era of mechanical grip over Aero grip is a great idea, as much as I love aerodynamics if they are spoiling the racing something needs to be done...

...that something however should not, and should never, EVER, be that infernal CDG-Wing. Its completely absurd, and poorly thought out. I'f I were Max I'd just limit the teams to even tighter aero resitictions, rather than introduce an whole new element himself (Leave the engineers to do the engineering Max.) He could quite easily change the regulations so that they do not permit shelf-wings, T-Wings, Airbox Wings etc, they could also minimize the size of the sidepod flickups (I wouldn't remove them, they are a good way of diverting air away from the wheels, the last thing we need is even more turbulant air behind a car!) Limit the cars to a FW with one mainplane and one flap, the rear wing to just two elements (as it is now).

I did like the maximum downforce limit idea (I dont know how on eartn he proposes to enforce this?!) But that means designers have room to invent, they can produce that downforce limit easily and in their own way (maybe one team relies on wings, one on diffuser more etc.) and then the designers can still design and develop to produce that limit at lower drag levels (which surely means less turbulance and isnt that what Max wants to improve overtaking???)

This engine freeze Idea is just plain stupid....yes lets prevent invention deliberately, how is that going to benifit anybody?! besides reducing costs further. Soon you'll be able to enter F1 with a £5 note in your pocket if he keeps on like this! Reducing costs is a good idea, but this engine freeze is maybe a step too far!

Just when I think he's begining to think like a normal balanced human being, he proves me wrong!!!

I will never understand him! In fact I dont think he'll ever understand F1! Or "What the fans want".

I'll be honest, Bharain was a great race, Malaysia wasn't bad...this is looking like it will be a good season, what about 2003? Fantastic season...Max a little message...If it aint broke dont fix it (Especially if you have no idea what your dealing with!)
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Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26


Venom wrote:Actually, I don't think it's that bad as there are some good points.

- Engines only need to last one race so the teams will set them to work at max revs and performance.
Engines will still have to to last two weekends under the 2008 regs, and on top of that gearboxes will have to last four weekends. If either are changed, teams will suffer a 15 kg penalty rather than losing 10 spots on the starting grid.

I like the penalty for early change better, but the fact that there are specified terms for component reliablity bothers the crap out of me. It does nothing to improve the quality of racing, making it a needless regulation.

I loathe the engine freeze. It makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever no matter how you think about it. If that rule takes effect, no team will save money because they'll start developing their 2011 engine as soon as they put the 2008 engine in the car. And if one team happens to sumbit a poor engine, or one with a flaw, they're pretty much screwed for three years. That idea in the Formula 1 world honestly sounds like it came from a three-year-old kid.

I can't stand that cars will be put under parc ferme conditions after Friday practice instead of after qualifying. Another useless rule that does nothing to make racing better.

Returning to slick tires from a single manufacturer is ok with me, I guess. I'd prefer competing manufacturers though. But banning tire warmers irritates me. It'll lessen the quality of the racing as there will be less actual racing. Drivers will have to wait longer to push (read: make exciting things happen) until their tires are warmed up.

Standard ECU, CDG wing and on and on and on...:evil:

I really just don't get it with these rules. Mosley is going to make F1 the most expensive spec series in the world. And if they go into effect, I might as well watch IRL or Champ Car here in the States. At least then I won't have to wake up at an ungodly hour on Sunday to watch a race.

Joined: 18 Jan 2006, 18:46


To be fairer, I think all cars should be manufactured by the same company and have the same aero figures, certainly would be very fair. Like A1 GP, all engines provided from Zytek Engineering, no aero differences between all the cars so keep things fair, should be good if Max tries it Very Happy
It would be fairer, but I wouldn't stand for it at all if the components were standardised. It would take away the element of individualism. Noteably Toyota and BMW, who (at least partially) are there to 'showcase technology'.
They would be out like a light if that ever happened.
Besides, A1GP is already the king at that sort of thing.

Joined: 01 Feb 2006, 15:20
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I just realised... crap.

What if you change the engine 2 times on a weekend, then you have to add 15+15kg=30kg to the car?

I still didn't read the full regulations.

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Venom wrote:I just realised... crap.

What if you change the engine 2 times on a weekend, then you have to add 15+15kg=30kg to the car?

I still didn't read the full regulations.
Adding weight is insane, the car would go overweight and slower....Mad Max is making the sport crap :evil:
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Thank you for that Ranger. Regards Spencifer_Murphy's post, I think Max having to constantly out manouvere the G.P.D.A. is giving a skewed picture as to what is happening with the sport, as well as the direction he thinks he has to take it.

Joined: 09 Dec 2005, 11:18


The lastest engine rules are crap in away. Going away from the track for a minute think about the cost and the stress of developing the engines to last two gp weekends and to the enineers as well. so thats a thing to think about when you see a bmw engine engineer ripping his hair out when the jac pulls over with flames out the rear end. So mad max if you want to change f1 go to a1 gp if it aint broke dont try to fix it.

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man......his "ideas" are seriously fcking up F1......standardized motors, aero, everything but the driver, what the hell is that? thats IRL and NASCRAP bullsht............what ever did happen to what the fans want? or the results of the poll the FIA took that points the complete oposite of what he wants to do? :evil: :evil:

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fwa2500 wrote:man......his "ideas" are seriously fcking up F1......standardized motors, aero, everything but the driver, what the hell is that? thats IRL and NASCRAP bullsht............what ever did happen to what the fans want? or the results of the poll the FIA took that points the complete oposite of what he wants to do? :evil: :evil:
I agree, why don't just sack Max and Bernie, FIA needs a younger leader :evil:
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Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26


fwa2500 wrote:what ever did happen to what the fans want? or the results of the poll the FIA took that points the complete oposite of what he wants to do? :evil: :evil:
One of the big problems with F1 is the way the sport is almost totally insulated from the fans. The FIA already got their money from Bernie, and Bernie gets his money from track fees, advertising and TV licensing deals. Money (ie., support) never goes directly from the fans to F1. So if fans stop caring or stop buying tickets, only track operators suffer (and many of them are suffering). Those in charge of F1 don't even notice.

Anyone notice the half-empty stands in Bahrain and Malaysia?

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54



...Those present at the meeting which was held in Maranello were as follows:

Max Mosley
Charlie Whiting
Peter Wright...

Joined: 17 Mar 2006, 18:12
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My, my, how times have changed. Max's current stance is in complete contrast to the one he held when he wrote that article. Very interesting, thanks, Manchild.