Mercedes GP MGP W01

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


The 2010 regulations aren't different than 2011 as it relates to the frontal portion of the car.
A lower nose cannot achieve the same quality of flow to the central part of the car.
The proximity of the parts of the underside of the driver's legs and the nose to the splitter and bargeboads has a direct relation to the quality of flow.
The mandatory weight distribution is not directly related to the nose and underside. It's only indirectly related by virtue of the driver placement.

The design goals in 2011 and the last 2 years are the same.

A cfd demonstration of the nose proximity to the central part of the car and how it affects the downforce would be good.
For Sure!!

Joined: 26 Feb 2010, 07:27

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


Ringo, that has to be one of the most elaborate "I told you so" posts I've seen! :)

I think there has to be something more to the 2011 regs that are pushing the designs to all be high, flat platypus noses (at least so far with the two that have been released). Unless we're going to assume that last year, no one (except the still-born Toyota) thought this would be a good idea and this year it's the "fad".

I'm not arguing that the drooped nose of W01 was "good"...I'd almost say that it was just a left-over from the Brawn that didn't get redesigned. But at the same time, with the extremely high flat nose we're seeing for 2011, I can't believe that some of the smartest engineers in the world were lurking on F1T and said "ah ha, there was our mistake" when they heard us rambling about high-nose/low-nose.

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01



The increase in minimum weight.

The addition of KERS

The Mandatory weight distribution

Active Rear Wing

Are all changes to 2011 that were not applicable in 2010. The high nose is more condusive aerodynically of course, most people would agree. but that is not the reason for the teams all adopting the high nose.
The main reason is with weight distribution set the way it is, there is no advantage to be gained with a lower nose, to offset the loss in aerodynamics.
Im afraid saying "I told you so" to the lower nosed teams in 2010 is very wide of the mark.
More could have been done.
David Purley

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Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


volarchico wrote:Ringo, that has to be one of the most elaborate "I told you so" posts I've seen! :)

I think there has to be something more to the 2011 regs that are pushing the designs to all be high, flat platypus noses (at least so far with the two that have been released). Unless we're going to assume that last year, no one (except the still-born Toyota) thought this would be a good idea and this year it's the "fad".

I'm not arguing that the drooped nose of W01 was "good"...I'd almost say that it was just a left-over from the Brawn that didn't get redesigned. But at the same time, with the extremely high flat nose we're seeing for 2011, I can't believe that some of the smartest engineers in the world were lurking on F1T and said "ah ha, there was our mistake" when they heard us rambling about high-nose/low-nose.
You'd be surprised to know.
For Sure!!

Joined: 26 Feb 2010, 07:27

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


ringo wrote:You'd be surprised to know.
No, no...I didn't mean I'd be surprised if "real-life" F1 engineers are on this forum. I'm sure a bunch of them are on here all the time. If nothing else, they'd get really good "spy" shots of competitor's cars! What I meant was I'd be surprised if they only realized or thought about their low-nose "mistake" BECAUSE of this forum.

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Joined: 29 Mar 2009, 10:57

Re: Mercedes GP MGP W01


They're not gods, they make mistakes.
The W01 had a few mistakes relating to the mechanical side as well.

Almost like car manufacturers having to recall cars for some silly reasons, and they had more time than an F1 team to design them.
They're not perfect.
For Sure!!