2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Why McLaren doesn't test 2017 Pirelli Tires:
http://www.espn.co.uk/f1/story/_/id/172 ... on-mclaren

"In the end you have to balance the costs and the distraction for your resources," McLaren racing director Eric Boullier explained. "Where we are now obviously, we believe it was better not to get distracted by doing a new car and [Pirelli] testing."

"There is some learning to do the testing, but most of the data is shared to the non-testing teams and I think that, today, we are not where we want to be so we'd be better focused on making our car faster."

To be honest it does make sense. That is if there are no mayor downsides to not test the Tires, which brings us to the next Article:

How the FIA makes sure Pirelli testers get no advantage
http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/analy ... ge-805179/
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


They did the right thing. It's pointless.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Avocado wrote:They did the right thing. It's pointless.
Yes it is. That's exactly why those idiots at Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari are doing it

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Scuderia1967 wrote:
Avocado wrote:They did the right thing. It's pointless.
Yes it is. That's exactly why those idiots at Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari are doing it
I'll quote Thunders' link two posts above yours:
http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/analy ... ge-805179/
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


wesley123 wrote:
Scuderia1967 wrote:
Avocado wrote:They did the right thing. It's pointless.
Yes it is. That's exactly why those idiots at Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari are doing it
I'll quote Thunders' link two posts above yours:
http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/analy ... ge-805179/
I read that interview, sorry, PR bulls***, long before it was posted here.
It doesn't change the fact that Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari, who won countless GP's in the last 3 seasons against McLaren's ZERO wins, are testing the new tyres, gathering in the process very useful data not just for Pirelli but for themselves. McLaren chose to stay at home, thinking of new and groundbreaking ways to defeat Toro Rosso and Force India

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Scuderia1967 wrote:
wesley123 wrote:
Scuderia1967 wrote:
Yes it is. That's exactly why those idiots at Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari are doing it
I'll quote Thunders' link two posts above yours:
http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/analy ... ge-805179/
I read that interview, sorry, PR bulls***, long before it was posted here.
It doesn't change the fact that Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari, who won countless GP's in the last 3 seasons against McLaren's ZERO wins, are testing the new tyres, gathering in the process very useful data not just for Pirelli but for themselves. McLaren chose to stay at home, thinking of new and groundbreaking ways to defeat Toro Rosso and Force India
Really, what useful data would they get out of it?
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


wesley123 wrote:
Scuderia1967 wrote:
wesley123 wrote:
I'll quote Thunders' link two posts above yours:
http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/analy ... ge-805179/
I read that interview, sorry, PR bulls***, long before it was posted here.
It doesn't change the fact that Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari, who won countless GP's in the last 3 seasons against McLaren's ZERO wins, are testing the new tyres, gathering in the process very useful data not just for Pirelli but for themselves. McLaren chose to stay at home, thinking of new and groundbreaking ways to defeat Toro Rosso and Force India
Really, what useful data would they get out of it?
Problem is that nobody knows! Not ferrari, not Mercedes, not RedBull and not McLaren. Thats why its cocky to pass on this.
You will get data and then You will see what You can do with it! Its not possible to tell this before You see the data.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


The teams are all sharing data, and they all get to test the latest spec of 2017 tire at the end of the year. And all of winter testing, it's not something to be worried about. Particularly when the tire specifications aren't yet set in stone. That won't happen until November
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


If tires specs are not confirmed yet and 2017 cars will be completely different... What the hell are they testing?

Maybe just a test for Pirelli to test some new concept/rubber/carcass/whatever, but I don´t think any team will get any useful info sincerely, testing a different tire on a different car is not the ideal test conditions to get useful data exactly

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Its funny how completely different the reaction is to the infamous tyre test that Mercedes undertook back in 2013 which was held under the same conditions.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


mrluke wrote:Its funny how completely different the reaction is to the infamous tyre test that Mercedes undertook back in 2013 which was held under the same conditions.
Mercedes tested with Pirreli in secret, that is far far far from same conditions
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


mrluke wrote:Its funny how completely different the reaction is to the infamous tyre test that Mercedes undertook back in 2013 which was held under the same conditions.

Same conditions!? You must be joking right?

Seriously, I still wonder how much "politics" and dirty money had to run behind the escenes in order for Mercedes to pull that one off and just get a reprimand out of it.

Remember that back then, THE achilles heel of Mercedes was the tyre degradation. The car was already bloody fast but ate up the rubber after 5 laps. Also consider that besides the nose changes, (which Merc got "right" even in 2013) chasis rules were virtually unchanged for 2014.

So what do we do to solve this tyre problem and have a winner package for 2014 and beyond? Hey!! lets grab the current year chassis with our current pilot line up and "private test" for Pirelli (NOT FIA regulated or monitored) to our hearts content! =D>
That damn test was so dirty and shady that Lewis and Nico were asked to wear "black helmets" so that they didnt attract "fans attention"!

Then look and behold! out comes Mega W05 and up to the date its chassis is Pirelli Proof ™ !! Then Mr Brawn took the blame and a big bag of money from Mercedes so that Wolff and Lauda could finally act as bosses . Lowe was further promoted and all three lived happily everafter...three years and counting.

/Rant off

Back on topic: In order for Mclaren to make it to this tyres tests, they had to also fit good old Honda PU 2015. So that, plus making a "mule chassis" in order to gain the unknown benefits of a yet to define 2017 tyre compound...yeah.

I rather have them focused on maximising the current package so that all 2017 R & D roadmaps and efforts, PU and chassis side, are validated and ready for winter testing.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


The tyres tested in Spain were a mixture of development products; some solutions for Montreal addressing the delamination problems, some ideas for 2014.
Pirelli says that they did not tell Mercedes what tyres they were testing, so they had no reference points.
Its also difficult to say it was in secret when they asked the FIA first.

But that is all history now.

You only have to see that the top 3 WCC teams are all participating in this test to show that it is clearly preferable to be involved.

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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


mrluke wrote:
You only have to see that the top 3 WCC teams are all participating in this test to show that it is clearly preferable to be involved.
The other Teams simply don't have the Money to develop a Test Mule. And seeing last Year it is better for Pirelli McLaren is not Part of these Tests. The last thing Pirelli needs to develop the Tires are lost Days due to a Car not running because of some little niggly issue the Car was so attracted to last Year.
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Re: 2016 McLaren F1 Team - Honda


Another Wall of muramasa Translation. This guy is a legend. Mostly it is Hasegawa quotes:
Hungary 洪牙利

all dotted parts are Hasegawa quote

(some quotes look duplicate but these are from different sources/articles. Most likely identical quote transcribed and used bit differently, for those so obvious I merge/aggregate them, but bit difficult or couldnt be bothered this time )

Friday ---------------------------------------

it's only the first day, but this track suits our car i think.
(on positive result of Friday - FA P7 & JB P8) Of course it's better than starting from the bottom, but I dont want to evaluate / assess the performance/prospect (for Sat/Sun) by today's lap time.

It's shame Alonso's PU suffered trouble. Oil has entered into combustion chamber, also it was emitting white smoke a bit.
It was the same trouble that happened to JB's PU at Canada, but this time the unit has been turned off immediately, so I think both engine and turbo should be fine.
(then they decided to change Alonso's unit to previously used ones) It's the unit last used in Austria (3rd unit that was introduced at Monaco, so had gone through 4 race distance [MON, CAN, BAKU, AUS] )
- current PU is designed for 5 race distance (info in the article, also there was Hasegawa's direct quote on this at Silverstone weekend)

Saturday -----------------------------------------

It's precious that we were able to not only go through to Q3 but also get 7th and 8th under condition like this.
First time we as mclaren honda went to Q3 with both cars. Despite such difficult condition of track drying up rapidly from torrential rain, both team and drivers have made the best job I think. Especially pleased with Q3 result. It was almost dry, so we couldve only dropped position gradually just like we had always been, but our two drivers have extracted 100% from the car and PU performance to produce the best result.
(on quali result, reasons for why they were competitive with both cars through to Q3) Chassis advancement and better track condition. Back in Monaco mechanical grip was low and, more than anything, drivers were insisting lack of traction. Since then Mclaren has been making quite an effort in car development, and it's progressing steadily.
Besides, Hungaroring track has been resurfaced and got very smooth.
Jenson who usually complains a lot was praising the car saying traction is good, grip is good too (laughs).
(towards race) We want to defend the current position at least. Also if possible we want to go even further up. I believe it's not impossible wish. Long run pace isnt bad at all as well.

Sunday ----------------------------------------------------------
also f1sokuho (print) (same for sat and fri too)

The first trouble (of JB) was brake sensor issue. Most likely hydraulic related sensor trouble. The pace itself has recovered by resetting sensor and so on.
(on JB's retirement at lap 60 after white smoke coming out) It's certain that engine oil was leaking. It was not large amount, but we decided to have him retire before engine blow just to be safe. Had we been without these issues we would have got 7th and 8th, so it's shame.
If he had been running within point scoring position, maybe we would've let him continue and take the checkered flag.
At the moment we dont see any issue in JB's PU itself, but we will investigate thoroughly before/until the next race.

It's due to track characteristics, but here we could score points on merit nonetheless. we could show competitiveness on dry condition, so we were able to prove car's good progress.
All 6 cars of top 3 teams finished the race, and we are right behind them. We were faster than Williams, Force India and STR, which are our immediate midfield rivals so far this season. That itself was nothing but positive.
So Mclaren staffs were disappointed more than we (Honda staff) were (about Jenson's retirement). We had good performance, so we think we couldve finished in 7th and 8th, so.

(context is that Hasegawa is not pleased much, because JB's trouble&retire and big gap to the front pack) We got 7th by showing proper performance under dry condition, so actually it is the result we should be pleased with. The race pace was what we expected, long run was good so it was the race we could feel proper advancement of the car. Of course the track characteristic that it is less affected by power is one contributing factor, but at least on this track we were able to score points by coming to right after the top 3 on merit.

This track is not power hungry, so it played a good role, but that wasnt everything. A lot of updates on aero have been brought here again, so car as a whole package has progressed, that's what enabled us to achieve good result. Number of recent updates is incredible, so mclaren side of the effort is tremendous too I think.
(despite good result, Hasegawa is not pleased much. One reason being that JB's troubles and retire, then) That (absolute gap to the top 3) is one reason I'm not feeling cheerful. Right behind top 3 in terms of finishing position, but we were 40sec behind Raikkonnen who was 6th. So it's not really a pleasant result. The gap is big. It feels like the race was such that we are made to realize clearly the gap to the top 3 is substantial.
Thing is, as Jenson was saying at the post quali conference, we have come to the position where we can aim further up, then we are reminded painfully once again about the considerable gap to the front pack by getting closer to the top.
Still, for instance if engine is improved and get power increase, then you can put more downforce for that amount, which then improves tyre life, which then makes strategy easier, so we should be able to go into positive spiral. Besides we were saving fuel quite a bit this time around too, but if power increases fuel consumption issue will be better as well. There is synergistic improvement cycle about it. So I dont consider that the actual gap is as big as it appears from outside. If one thing goes to positive direction, then the gap should be smaller and smaller, I reckon.


Germany 独逸

All dotted parts are Hasegawa quote
Again some quotes look duplicate obviously but they are from different sources/articles

Friday ----------------------------------------------
also F1 sokuho (print)

On JB's PU in Hungary
(same remark from hungary sunday quoted) It's obvious that engine oil was leaking. But it's not a lot in amount, however we chose to have him retire before engine blow up just to be safe.
- Post-race investigation revealed that part of an engine component was broken/cracked and oil was seeping from that spot. Fortunately exchanging the damaged/failed component was all that had to be done and there is no problem in engine itself, so the same PU continues to be used for Germany. (info in the article)

- (regarding JB's eye trouble) In FP2, just as JB started long run on softs, he suddenly came back to the pit saying "i'm coming in, I'm coming in". (info in the article)

It's the first Hockenheim for us Honda. We worked on engine tuning in order to suit PU to this power circuit whose characteristic is quite different from Hungary.
At least Mercedes works is turning power down quite a bit on friday. Then turn it up suddenly on Saturday. Force India and Williams are not as obvious, but it's reasonable to assume they are doing/following the same protocol as the works team's.

Saturday ---------------------------------
also F1 sokuho (print)

(asked "compared to hungaroring, hockenheim is power sensitive track for sure, but Red Bull Ring and Silverstone are also power sensitive tracks. Despite so, able to go through to Q3 at those 2 prev tracks while unable at Hockenheim, why is that?") We didnt expect that Hockenheim would be power sensitive this much.
It turned out to be that actual full throttle rate/period figure was bigger than what has been calculated/simulated beforehand.
When we ran on actual track, we found out that it is possible to press on throttle more than we estimated/expected, and full throttle rate turned out to be even higher.
Drivers were able to push the pedal more than expected, therefore engine were using rpm range that's different from the expected/pre-calculated range, which as a result has made driveability bad.
- prepared engine mapping based on simulation result, but rpm range and throttle opening rate/degree that drivers actually used in real condition turned out to be very different from simulation/estimation. Then it took much effort and time to adjust the mapping (nuance is that they couldnt get the mapping right in satisfactory fashion). (info in the article, but format is transcription of Hasegawa's info)

- In FP3 JB suffered from the trouble that brake duct caught debris so had to abort the session there. (info in the article)

we were surpassed by Merc customer teams brilliantly (from Friday to Sat). To be frank, I think they are running by turning performance down quite a bit on Friday, but I didnt expect effect of power to be this much.
Car setup work didnt go well either, but biggest reason should be power. We couldnt match Merc teams who are superior in power. On the other hand, we were able to press on throttle more than expected, which means fuel consumption has increased for that amount as well, so fuel situation has become more severe than expected too.
Having said that, long run pace isnt bad, and regarding power as well, there shouldn't be as much difference on the pu side in race as there was in quali. I think it's highly possible to score points. We should be able to fight against Williams, FI, STR on equal terms.

Sunday -------------------------------------------

also F1 sokuho (print)

We were able to show strength of our car in terms of race performance. So in a sense I'm pleased more than I was about Hungary's P7 actually.
For instance Russia was very severe on fuel consumption too, but at that time the competitors we were fighting against by saving fuel was Renault and Haas. However now it's Force India, Williams and STR that we are competing against, so we are now one stage up. To put it explicitly, it's impossible to fight against them by saving fuel.

Regarding PU, 6th race for Alonso's and 5th for JB's, but both lasted til checkered flag. I'm pleased about this too.
- Alonso: 4th ICE that was in its 6th race
- JB: ICE was in its 5th race, TC was in its 6th
This (PU component/count situation) has given us big boost in confidence for future development. During race I was always nervous though.

On the other hand, we were reminded painfully of severity of fuel consumption and lack of power in quali. We could see advancement in performance, but also the task/issue ahead to be solved has become clearer. Kind of race that's suitable for us / depicted us nicely.
From around the start of the final stint, we were in situation where remaining fuel was not enough. Added to that, tyres were shot and only got worse and worse.
JB was severe on fuel and tyre , but Alonso who started from lower position and had more battling opportunities was in far more severe situation.

Jenson was in severe situation on fuel too, but it is thought that Alonso's situation has become more severe because his race was about catching up from behind.
For the final stint, they were saving fuel almost all the time. Anyways drivers have done very good job in managing fuel. Fuel remaining in tank after the race was about 0.x%, like 200gram in amount.
(on being overtaken by Perez) it was not just because of fuel shortage but also tyres were finished.

Drivers adjust the driving/pace by themselves by looking at +/- figure (of fuel consumption) on the dashboard indicator, I think they are doing very good job indeed. At the end of the race the margin was within 0.x%, ie fuel remaining in tank being about 200g or so.

We were discussing on radio, but there were instances where Eric was giving order by saying "dont say that" etc. He was asking like, "if fuel is severe, then perhaps we can tell drivers by target laptime?" etc. I guess maybe he didnt want rivals to know that our fuel situation was severe, I guess that's why he was abstaining from saying sth explicit like "right now you are xx% short of fuel", "lift and coast here" and so on.


Random PU topics in general

(all dotted parts are hasegawa quote.....in other words non-dotted parts are NOT hasegawa quote so pls b careful)



We could confirm that we are improving/growing a lot by the development of reliability, turbo and horse power that members of HRD Sakura have been working on since late last year to this year
First half of the season was tough more than we imagined. At the stage of winter testing, we were vaguely thinking "we shud be able to score points as long as finish the race", but were surprised particularly by the strengths of FI and Williams. It's impossible to score points if we just race normally. While we are surely able to show our improvement so far this year, we are not yet at the level we can be satisfied with at all. We are facing tough reality that it takes more time to reach high/supreme level in F1. We must make further efforts.
The objective is that we continue current evolution/improvement and keep the position of 4th best team in the field firmly with the next step-up. If we are able to be on par or surpass Mercedes, situation would change massively.



[on Friday] (Franz) Tost (of STR) told me off saying "Honda is fast" when I met him at toilet
In terms of performance of engine itself, I dont think we are at the level where we can clearly say that we have surpassed last year's Ferrari just yet. In terms of overall competitiveness, we have come to quite good point I think tho.
(Regarding Horner's remark at Hungary that Renault PU deficit to Merc PU was 35kW/47ps) As for the spec that's received token upgrade from Monaco, I dont think their (Renault's) deficit (to Merc PU) is that much.
Then the writer went to ask an engineer of Mercedes regarding the Horner's remark. He said,
"the gap is not like 35kW. I cannot tell you exact figure, but it should be a lot smaller than that. Needless to say, the gap b/w Merc and Ferrari is even smaller. According to our (merc's) analysis, current pecking order of PU is, Merc is on top, Ferrari in 2nd, then 3rd is Renault, followed closely by Honda in 4th. There is no doubt that last year's Ferrari PU that STR is using is positioned at the bottom."
The engineer also told, "RBR is faster than Merc in velocity at low speed corners."
Why Merc is still confident is that it's impossible to make development tailored to all the 21 circuits, according to the engineer:
"Even if we are inferior to RBR at lower speed circuits, number of tracks where we would lose/struggle is merely 3, ie Monaco, Hungary and Singapore. We won 2 out of those 3 so there is no problem."



- There are talks that upgrade will be introduced at Spa, but it's not confirmed yet. It's certain that development has been going on targeting that date (Spa) for a long time, but Hasegawa refused to confirm the exact timing of the introduction (info in the article)
It is no secret at all, needless to say we want to introduce as soon as it's completed, actually we'd like to introduce immediately / we wouldve introduced already if possible. We have several "weapons" at hand that have been confirmed on dyno that would defo make it better if introduced. However of course it's impossible to introduce all of them, so we have to decide final spec by assessing/evaluating which ones of these weapons would be most effective, which will make it in time, etc. Right now we are in the middle of verifying its reliability.

f1 sokuho (print)
(regarding prospect for new PU from Spa and onward) Of course my desire/intention is same as drivers and team, that I want to introduce right now if possible to do so.
I consider that as long as we are able to confirm/verify the reliability, it's possible to introduce as planned.
With the new spec whose combustion efficiency is improved, we can expect not only increased power but also better fuel consumption. As of now, with the comprehensive performance including fuel consumption, we cannot yet match Force India. In that sense too, I'd like to introduce as soon as possible.



> arranged time for post-race conference is past but Hasegawa doesnt appear
> PR personell searching for Hasegawa
> Eric B appears, asking press people "where is hasegawa?"
> seems Hasegawa was called by Ron Dennis to hold meeting
> Hasegawa was supposed to leave the track immediately after the race
> seems Ron wanted to ask hasegawa about prospect of upgrade

- At German GP, drivers asked Hasegawa about the new engine, to which Hasegawa replied with "we'd like to introduce asap". Then drivers jumped to hasty conclusion by thinking "right. then new engine is coming (at Spa)" and made such remark in public. However Hasegawa denies that he promised the team that Honda would definitely introduce new engine at Spa, by saying:
We haven't told the team anything more than what I have been explaining to you (press people).
We want to introduce it as soon as the new engine is ready/completed. When/after new engine arrive, then we dont intend to use current spec of engine anymore.
- Alonso's PU at Germany was 4th PU that was in its 6th race. Therefore it's unlikely that this 4th PU will be used at Spa as it would be its 7th race. So if new engine wont be ready by Spa, then Alonso's 5th PU that will be introduced at Spa would be the same spec as current one. Then when new PU is ready to be introduced sometime at Monza or afterward, it will be over 5 component per season rule so they will get grid penalty. Therefore ideally you'd want to introduce the new spec engine/PU at Spa. Both mcl and Honda are aware of this, more than anyone in fact. (...But prospect is not clear at the point of Hockenheim post-race, it depends on the outcome of reliability check, is the nuance)
If it's possible, we want to introduce right away

excerpt of the parts relevant to PU development from "ask Hasegawa vol.07 @Hockenheim (will post full later)"

------------ During FP1, you were chatting with Alonso, what were you talking about? Looked like you were talking about something using 3 fingers?
We were talking like, "current engine, next engine and previous engine, how is it?"
------------ What was Alonso saying?
That's related to strategy so I cannot disclose.....
------------ But judging by you two's faces it looked like positive talk?
well, it was a talk about what we are going to do with update, so basically positive talk!
Also it's Fernando's birthday.....35yo, you're young, i said. He replied "not young" (laughs)

--------- During summer break what are you hasegawa-san going to do? The rest of the staff, how each member will spend break must vary I imagine, but are you going to spend time relaxing with family, or go out to travel etc?
no plan at all yet (laughs). I'm thinking I want to go somewhere tho....

------------ Can you take proper holiday ?
No, I cant take a lot of holidays. For the first half I think I'll be attending company, but basically i'll be able to take a rest

------------ Japanese GP is getting closer and I cannot help holding high hopes for Suzuka. To put it straightforward, can you expect further performance gain until Suzuka? Also please let us know your objectives for Suzuka
As I've been telling always, we are making development all the time. We'd like to introduce next update before Suzuka. However when it will be hasnt been decided yet. In that sense, we are planning to improve the performance towards Suzuka.

----------------- To show recent good performance in graph, it's drawing nice upward curve isnt it. Then I look forward to prospect of joining top 3
Well, I cannot say we are aiming that. As we saw in hungary, top 3 is quite formidable, so I think coming to right next to it constantly should be our current objective. Kinda like aiming to be top of the rest of the best 3.
We'd like to improve performance in order to be able to score points regularly.
turbof1 wrote: YOU SHALL NOT......STALLLLL!!!