2015 Pre-season Testing

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


http://www.jamesallenonf1.com/2015/02/b ... n-command/
"Both Williams and Ferrari will be pleased when they drill down into the speed trap and sector time data. Williams did 332km/h and Ferrari 33okm/h top speeds on the straight and yet both were only a tenth and a half down on the Mercedes in the tell-tale final sector for low-speed downforce."
Guess 33o was a typo for 330?

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Felipe 92
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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


Vasconia wrote:What Boullier has said makes sense for me. I think they have serious problems with reliability and they will need a few races to make enough mileage to fully understand those problems and achieve to make the engine work at 100%. With the first big development planned for Barcelona they should be competitive again.
If they are going to need 3-4 races to make PU work, they`re going to blow few PUs while they sort out everything and from the middle of the season they`ll be penalised for using more than 4 PUs. It will be a vicious circle, sorting reliability will lead to penalties, starting from back row is going to be eventful and will put more strain on the PU, less points translates into less money and smaller budget for the next year. Also Ferrari/Mercedes/Renault won`t sit down and wait for Honda.

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


Felipe 92 wrote:
Vasconia wrote:What Boullier has said makes sense for me. I think they have serious problems with reliability and they will need a few races to make enough mileage to fully understand those problems and achieve to make the engine work at 100%. With the first big development planned for Barcelona they should be competitive again.
If they are going to need 3-4 races to make PU work, they`re going to blow few PUs while they sort out everything and from the middle of the season they`ll be penalised for using more than 4 PUs. It will be a vicious circle, sorting reliability will lead to penalties, starting from back row is going to be eventful and will put more strain on the PU, less points translates into less money and smaller budget for the next year. Also Ferrari/Mercedes/Renault won`t sit down and wait for Honda.

Well engines issues may be fixable, not mean instant PU change.

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


irang wrote:http://www.jamesallenonf1.com/2015/02/b ... n-command/
"Both Williams and Ferrari will be pleased when they drill down into the speed trap and sector time data. Williams did 332km/h and Ferrari 33okm/h top speeds on the straight and yet both were only a tenth and a half down on the Mercedes in the tell-tale final sector for low-speed downforce."
Guess 33o was a typo for 330?
Doesn't mention Mercedes' top speed- they've generally been on the lower end this week.

I suppose these days you can't just crank on some more wing if you're high on top speed/short of downforce? I guess they're pretty much running the maximum most places.

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


"It wasn't particularly a spectacular day," Hamilton said. "I put the lap together, but the track was quite slow compared to the first day."

"We think the tyres and the circuit are behaving a little differently these last two days, and we think the track's been half a second to seven tenths slower than the first day."

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


f1316 wrote:
"It wasn't particularly a spectacular day," Hamilton said. "I put the lap together, but the track was quite slow compared to the first day."

"We think the tyres and the circuit are behaving a little differently these last two days, and we think the track's been half a second to seven tenths slower than the first day."
If that's true that was a very rapid time he did on the softs then. I seriously can't wait for FP1 now, just want to see where McLaren fit in and if the supposed battle for second with Williams Ferrari and Red Bull is going to be as good as I hoped.
Felipe Baby!

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


Concerning McLaren's Honda PU lack of reliability and performance, I can´t help but wonder if this is partly an act.

It´s obvious that Honda have problems, yes, but don´t you think that it might be too stupid to show all of their cards when they still don´t know the amount of tokens left over from the rest of the engine suppliers available for them to develop the PU? Sorry but can´t help to be a little suspicious.

It´s probably too far-fetched but it might work for them in order to fetch more development tokens from FIA...just saying.

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


tonmeister wrote:Concerning McLaren's Honda PU lack of reliability and performance, I can´t help but wonder if this is partly an act.

It´s obvious that Honda have problems, yes, but don´t you think that it might be too stupid to show all of their cards when they still don´t know the amount of tokens left over from the rest of the engine suppliers available for them to develop the PU? Sorry but can´t help to be a little suspicious.

It´s probably too far-fetched but it might work for them in order to fetch more development tokens from FIA...just saying.
Trading test track time for the prospect of tokens that can only be tested with limited in season testing seems like a very poor trade to make. PEACE.

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Felipe 92
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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


PlatinumZealot wrote:If alonso was drivng that Ferrari u can subtract six teths from the times too.. ;-)
I really do not believe that - not this Ferrari - this one seems driveable for all pilots, not just Fred.
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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


I don't get it with Mclaren. Every Team gets on Track within the first 10 Minutes of the Day and Macca wastes hours upon hours of precious Test Time. Not one single Day where they ran within the first 30 mins right?
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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


Thunders wrote:I don't get it with Mclaren. Every Team gets on Track within the first 10 Minutes of the Day and Macca wastes hours upon hours of precious Test Time. Not one single Day where they ran within the first 30 mins right?
McLaren is painfully corporate. I wouldnt be surprised if the mechanics have to clock in and out, or even the drivers for that matter.

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


CjC wrote:
Thunders wrote:Anyone have an idea why McLaren almost never starts testing at 9? They are always at least half an hour late to the Party.
Historically mclaren never crack on with it on time. Even during the race weekends, for instance if one of the drivers misses a practice session, you'd expect them to be one of the first out on track the following session- nope not mclaren, they usually have the excuse of 'waiting for the track to rubber in'. It doesn't wash with me I'm afraid.

As for testing, mclaren needs miles as we all know, so why they aren't out straight away we can only presume the car isn't fit to take to the track.

In his case they might be fitting the race spec PU to the car??

What ever it is it frustrates the living hell out of me!
Deja vu anyone?
It's is Sunday today right?
Just a fan's point of view

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


Somerfield, tech review, been a while since these popped up :)

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Re: 2015 Pre-season Testing


CBeck113 wrote:
PlatinumZealot wrote:If alonso was drivng that Ferrari u can subtract six teths from the times too.. ;-)
I really do not believe that - not this Ferrari - this one seems driveable for all pilots, not just Fred.
Impossible to say one way or the other as he'll never get to drive this car...

(But, can you imagine his frustration if Ferrari this year proves to be only six tenths slower than the Merc...?)


Seriously though, wherever Ferrari may be this year one of the highlights of the season for me will be to find out if Kimi is faster than Seb! Either way, there's bound to be fireworks and a few locked F1T threads..
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