2017-2020 Aerodynamic Regulations Thread

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


mahinderlasmibal wrote:Hopefully they will bring back the lower positioned aggressive looking rear wings, it is a shame that f1-cars of today are sporting such hideous tall RW's

https://41.media.tumblr.com/e9cfaf3079c ... o1_540.jpg
The sad thing is that tall rear wings come with a nice premium, increased sponsorship to the teams as the rate card price will increase.

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


trinidefender wrote:You will find yourself in a situation with cars with massive understeer. You can't just make the reads wider and expect there to be enough grip at the front. With a smaller front wing this problem will only get worse at high speeds.
The didn't understeer horribly back in the day.


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Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


Ah nice, I loved the high wings then and I still prefer them now. If only the current ones were the full chassis width like those they'd be perfect!

Ps plus bring back the 2 meter wide chassis!
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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


Anyone knows if DRS will be allowed with the 2017 regs?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


bauc wrote:Anyone knows if DRS will be allowed with the 2017 regs?

Thanks in advance
DRS will be allowed for 2017 and will also be more powerful.

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


The criticism was that F1 was to slow and should be 4 to 5 seconds quiker. Since then the cars have gained about 1.5 seconds. That leaves 3.5 seconds to get to the goal. How much for you guys think the cars will improve in laptime with the 2017 aero and tires?

The amount of changes seems like overkill to me. With the current criticism on overtaking I can't imagine that a 7 seconds improvement would be welcomed. Safety would then also be a huge issue. I can see the headlines and discussions between FIA, the losing teams and the drivers already.

To get back to my question. How much time do you get from the wider tires? How much time do you get from a lower rear wing, beam wing and bigger diffuser? How much time do you get from a wider floor? How much time do you get from the bigger front wing? Does the wider track of the car also help the car?

I think these changes would be too much. I think wider tires and floor would go a long way if you add the improvements of the engine and aero in general. But I'm not an engineer.

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


They want cost and weight reduction and they know F1 needs more wheel to wheel battles like Gordon Murray said, but what they bring?... larger cars with a large fugly exposed front wing.
Larger modern F1 cars would look cooler? #-o
They know F1 need less turbulence-sensitive aero/FW like Byrne and Head and Greene etc said, but what do they bring? a larger complex fugly front wing. #-o

And they know these changes will make the show lamer, they admitted follwing and overtaking will get harder but like Whiting said; it's no problem, we can keep the lame overtaking by making the DRS more powerfull and the tires more shitty.
The aim is not to increase real overtaking, the aim is to make the strong teams stay strong because F1 is governed by 6 big tems, and an FIA president who follows them everytime.
No real solutions altough solutions exist. Just more cosmetics and artificiality and confort for the big teams.

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


How would adding rudders to the vertical rear wing supports improve or detract from car handling? They could work either in the same direction as the front wheels for sideways movements or opposite to them for tight corners. Has this ever been tried?

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


I think aero wise the cars are at their peak, they may gain at most .6 seconds with current regulations, to go faster there needs to be new regulations. However I think they should just focus on the diffuser area, instead of trying to do too much with too many changes, which would be expensive. Making the diffuser at 09 levels minus the double deck would be more than enough, then re-introduce the beam wing, or go with the wider lower rear wing, not both, this with more rubber, and active suspension, I have zero doubts they can find 3 seconds.
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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


godlameroso wrote:I think aero wise the cars are at their peak, they may gain at most .6 seconds with current regulations, to go faster there needs to be new regulations
That´s the point of the proposed 2017 new regulations :P :mrgreen:

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


Although too late for 2017 here are my suggestions for next major tech revamp:

1. introduce standardized driver safety cell
- focus on major improvement to the seat to avoid drivers' back being hurt. In return this would allow tracks to have higher kerbs while also preventing drivers hurting their backs when the car bottoms out
- standardize the weight, center of gravity location and shape of the cell so drivers from 60kg to 80kg are all similarly positioned inside the cell and balanced with weights to prevent any kind of performance advantage of shorter and skinnier drivers. The cell should be able to accommodate 1.50m-1.90m tall drivers.
- closed cockpits. Driver head injuries need to stop.

2. Move as much of the downforce to the bottom of the car by using ground effects
- No increase in overall downforce but hopefully less turbulence sensitive cars which should make close racing possible
- car bottom shape is standardized. No point to allow teams to spend lots of money on something nobody will ever see.
- rear wing stays narrow and tall

3. Wider tires to increase drag and mechanical grip

4. active suspension
- uses fia standard control unit but the actual actuators or their type is free

5. change the battery discharge so that the electric motor can only be used above 200kph speed. The goal is to eliminate the way the teams are using the electric motors to fill the dips in the engine torque curve. Doing this would make the cars little bit harder to drive out of slow speed corners.

6. Allow exhaust blowing and make it more free to position the exhaust
- no real performance benefit here, focus is to improve the sounds of the car

7. Replace mirrors with cameras and lcd screens

8. mark unused tires so that spectators can see when team has switched to completely unused tire set.

9. hopefully get rid of drs.

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


Adrian Newey looking at these regs licking his lips most likely (if he stays in F1)

What's with all the angles on everything?

Introducing beam wing, doesn't that really affect the airflow behind the car? Making it harder to overtake?
Felipe Baby!

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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


second wrote:Although too late for 2017 here are my suggestions for next major tech revamp:

1. introduce standardized driver safety cell
- focus on major improvement to the seat to avoid drivers' back being hurt. In return this would allow tracks to have higher kerbs while also preventing drivers hurting their backs when the car bottoms out
- standardize the weight, center of gravity location and shape of the cell so drivers from 60kg to 80kg are all similarly positioned inside the cell and balanced with weights to prevent any kind of performance advantage of shorter and skinnier drivers. The cell should be able to accommodate 1.50m-1.90m tall drivers.
- closed cockpits. Driver head injuries need to stop.

2. Move as much of the downforce to the bottom of the car by using ground effects
- No increase in overall downforce but hopefully less turbulence sensitive cars which should make close racing possible
- car bottom shape is standardized. No point to allow teams to spend lots of money on something nobody will ever see.
- rear wing stays narrow and tall

3. Wider tires to increase drag and mechanical grip

4. active suspension
- uses fia standard control unit but the actual actuators or their type is free

5. change the battery discharge so that the electric motor can only be used above 200kph speed. The goal is to eliminate the way the teams are using the electric motors to fill the dips in the engine torque curve. Doing this would make the cars little bit harder to drive out of slow speed corners.

6. Allow exhaust blowing and make it more free to position the exhaust
- no real performance benefit here, focus is to improve the sounds of the car

7. Replace mirrors with cameras and lcd screens

8. mark unused tires so that spectators can see when team has switched to completely unused tire set.

9. hopefully get rid of drs.
You have basically designed a spec series and something that I will stop watching.

Joined: 29 Apr 2009, 10:40

Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


trinidefender wrote:You have basically designed a spec series and something that I will stop watching.
I knew this was going to come up. It's not a spec series if some parts are standardized to save costs. Otherwise it would add tons of extra costs if teams had to develop their own closed cockpits, own floors with ground effects and design own active suspensions computer system and then crash test the lot.

How does it even make it more of a spec series if the floor (which is already almost fully locked down and standardised) was just changed to fit to different but as ridid rule set?

How does making the cockpit safer and also cheaper for teams make f1 spec series? The cockpit already has lots of rules about it. How is it bad for f1 to create cockpit which doesn't penalize drivers who are taller than 160cm idea f1 driver?

When a lot more of the downforce is made with the floor it should also allow teams more freedom to design the cars to look different.

As for spec series how does allowing active suspensions make f1 more spec series?

Cold Fussion
Cold Fussion
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Re: Proposed 2017 F1 Aerodynamic Changes


How does it really save costs? The teams have a limited amount of monetary resources, if you expand your avenues of development you simultaneous limit the amount of development on each avenue. If you lock down some areas like you suggest, the teams will just deploy their resources to areas they can develop.