Silly Season 2016/2017

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


edu2703 wrote:
Manoah2u wrote:But anyway, anybody still hammering on Ocon after all this, well, that's a hater by definition.
So, Pascal Werhlein is a Ocon hater? ... 82003.html

Penultimate paragraph: "In direct comparison, Esteban seems not better than me so far, and he is generally rated really highly. Which is of course good for me."
- Wait, Werhlein is back-patting himself drawing comparisons from a mid-sason replacement rookie :wtf: ? He is worse than Red Bull drivers, was Haryanto highly rated too?
- Both are no more than marketing stunt until proven otherwise and competing badly against each other doesn't exactly help. You are 'rated' highly or otherwise based on your track achievements, let's start with crashes, one lap compared to Haryanto, pace etc. We won't hear about car vs achievements ratio in only good news marketing world of course.
Manoah2u wrote:The future imho is with Verstappen, Ricciardo, Sainz, etc. Though i must say none of them give me that 'feeling' that drivers like Alonso gave me throughout the years.
You're not worried that they have their benchmarks (limiting to team mates) in one another ;-) and only from Red Bull program? Their perfect system: one slow over one lap one in races = 2 x best drivers in F1, in press releases between races only. Grosjean, Bottas and Perez (minus probably one lap vs D.R.) are better and I can give 10-15 races examples each you cannot to show it.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


Better sign the deal before Donald gets his wall built (Note: JOKE)
"A pretentious quote taken out of context to make me look deep" - Some old racing driver

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017



As for Perez, Grosjean, Bottas.

Perez; definately a great driver, BUT let's get him in a better car and see how he handles. Dont get me wrong, i strongly like the guy and his results. If Perez in 2 years is not in a very potent car, I can actually see him go to North America or WEC to race - because HE would want that. I dont see him enjoying becoming a Hulkenberg, a Barrichello, a Heidfeld or a Klien; well imho he's better than those all, but if he doesnt get the material to really compete, then he'll end up in a grey zone, and i think Sergio is too strong a personal character to ride a merry-go-round field filler function. Hence if he'll not get a winning car soon in F1, he'll look for a winning car in North American race classes or in Endurance racing.

and no, not only from the RB program, that's why there's ETC behind. Fact is these guys are the most 'recent' recruits that are bound to stay either way.

As for Grosjean; grosjean is not the youngest in the field, and is a very competetive driver but to be harsh, has the character of a cullyflower. Hence, he'll make it no further than a nr 2 driver, and I strongly start doubting he'll ever end up at Ferrari - his goal. He won't go back to Renault, so if his F1 career ends, he'll enjoy time with his family and do some Formula E and WEC/DTM perhaps Le Mans. Meaning, he's not part of the F1's future. not that he isn't capable. I just dont see him having such a long F1 career like Button, Alonso, Massa, Barrichello.

As for Bottas; you must be kidding right? If therés one completely boring and underwhelming driver it's Bottas. Had high expectations of the guy, he has been given a chance like no other at williams (i cant remember anybody staying that long there in the last decades) and at best in a very fast car in 2014 he was on par with Massa, who isnt a bad driver at all, but one that was on the 'winter' of his career and slightly handicapped in speed after his Helmet accident,
and then the demoralisation and demotivation after playing lapdog for Alonso. Last year atleast he was a bit in view battling Kimi, though extremely clumsy. Similar this year against vertappen, imho making judgement errors that dont belong to a driver who's not a rookie anymore. He knows the team through and through, has a car built to him, and still is as grey as the concrete in a lawyer's firm wall.

I actually liked Massa more at Williams than Valterri.

So Bottas? please no.
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


News:Haas wary of taking 2017 driver risk, rules out Charles Leclerc ... es-leclerc

"I wouldn't say too young, I mean Max Verstappen does a good job, but it's difficult that you get in two years two 18-year-olds that are rockets. But the main reason; we highly respect what Leclerc is doing in FP1, he was on the game immediately, but what we need is more somebody who can score points."

They don't want a rookie. They want someone with experience. I don't know if there are drivers with considerable experience available on the grid.

And about drivers who can score points: Gutierrez is virtually out of the team.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


Probably want a driver that fits in their American roots, hence guiterrez, sort of around America, and attracts interest. Perez would be gold for them, but i dont think HAAS would be gold for Perez. Who else are they gonna put alongside Romain?

Experienced driver that would fit that 'Left Hemisphere' origin? Alexander Rossi MIGHT fit that bill. American, so that's nice for them BUT not the kind of experience they'll probably be searching for - and still a big question mark whether he'd do better than Esteban.

Maldonado?! :D
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


Manoah2u wrote:LOL!

As for Perez, Grosjean, Bottas.

Perez; definately a great driver, BUT let's get him in a better car and see how he handles. Dont get me wrong, i strongly like the guy and his results. If Perez in 2 years is not in a very potent car, I can actually see him go to North America or WEC to race - because HE would want that. I dont see him enjoying becoming a Hulkenberg, a Barrichello, a Heidfeld or a Klien; well imho he's better than those all, but if he doesnt get the material to really compete, then he'll end up in a grey zone, and i think Sergio is too strong a personal character to ride a merry-go-round field filler function. Hence if he'll not get a winning car soon in F1, he'll look for a winning car in North American race classes or in Endurance racing.

and no, not only from the RB program, that's why there's ETC behind. Fact is these guys are the most 'recent' recruits that are bound to stay either way.

As for Grosjean; grosjean is not the youngest in the field, and is a very competetive driver but to be harsh, has the character of a cullyflower. Hence, he'll make it no further than a nr 2 driver, and I strongly start doubting he'll ever end up at Ferrari - his goal. He won't go back to Renault, so if his F1 career ends, he'll enjoy time with his family and do some Formula E and WEC/DTM perhaps Le Mans. Meaning, he's not part of the F1's future. not that he isn't capable. I just dont see him having such a long F1 career like Button, Alonso, Massa, Barrichello.

As for Bottas; you must be kidding right? If therés one completely boring and underwhelming driver it's Bottas. Had high expectations of the guy, he has been given a chance like no other at williams (i cant remember anybody staying that long there in the last decades) and at best in a very fast car in 2014 he was on par with Massa, who isnt a bad driver at all, but one that was on the 'winter' of his career and slightly handicapped in speed after his Helmet accident,
and then the demoralisation and demotivation after playing lapdog for Alonso. Last year atleast he was a bit in view battling Kimi, though extremely clumsy. Similar this year against vertappen, imho making judgement errors that dont belong to a driver who's not a rookie anymore. He knows the team through and through, has a car built to him, and still is as grey as the concrete in a lawyer's firm wall.

I actually liked Massa more at Williams than Valterri.

So Bottas? please no.
There is one thing I realized a few days ago, about Bottas. Of course he beated Massa consistently. He has always been better than Felipe in the teammates battle, period. BUUUUUT (and this is a big but) if we remember Williams highlights in the past seasons, they were all for Massa.

Who was leading and could have won in Silverstone 15? Massa
Who did the only pole? Massa
Who almost won in Abu-Dhabi 14? Massa

I simply cannot remember Bottas close to victory with Williams. Am I forgetting something and being unfair?

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


I agree with Bottas. He's a average driver and has nothing special. I think he doesn't deserve a seat in any team better than Williams.

And I refuse to believe there are rumors linking him to Renault.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


edu2703 wrote:I agree with Bottas. He's a average driver and has nothing special. I think he doesn't deserve a seat in any team better than Williams.

And I refuse to believe there are rumors linking him to Renault.
I not only believe but also understand. Bottas is reliable, fast, consistent and experienced. Probably the best available choice for Renault, besides Perez.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


Well no! Renault wants promising young drivers who can improve their talent inside the team. Bottas already has 27 years old and 4 years of experience in F1. He will not improve his talent.

He and Perez would be perfect candidates for Haas, not for Renault.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


Dutch tv just said Force India confirmed Perez for 2017.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


NL_Fer wrote:Dutch tv just said Force India confirmed Perez for 2017.
Force India have comfirmed Perez a couple of times trough the course of the season already

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


Perez looks pretty set for Force India for 2017, despite whatever it is that's been going on in the background. I think now it's just a case of whether or not it's simply a contract for 2017 or if anything more interesting is attached to it.

Given he threatened to leave F1 entirely if his contract wasn't sorted out soon and his hints that it was down to his sponsors, I would have loved to have known what has been happening behind the scenes with him; it's all been very secretive and full of speculation.

Maybe once the actual contract is inked somebody will open up about it all.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


OneAlex wrote:Perez looks pretty set for Force India for 2017, despite whatever it is that's been going on in the background. I think now it's just a case of whether or not it's simply a contract for 2017 or if anything more interesting is attached to it.

Given he threatened to leave F1 entirely if his contract wasn't sorted out soon and his hints that it was down to his sponsors, I would have loved to have known what has been happening behind the scenes with him; it's all been very secretive and full of speculation.

Maybe once the actual contract is inked somebody will open up about it all.
I was on a a Perez semi-bandwagon before it was cool (doesn't add any weight) but it's getting annoying. Just sign up dude, you're not exactly Ayrton bloody Senna of mid-field teams :D , with or without extra cash. Reasons are not rocket science:
- length of contract
- opportunities in '18 (same one and limited but still)
- and how good the car will be in '17. In Force India's case first time with 60% model and proper wind tunnel
Two last ones are connected (I guess all of them are) = risk of getting buried. Don't even start me with Renault again.

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


take note, Ocon just beat Wehrlein in qually. let's see what happens tomorrow with a non-failing car and a non-failing team [pitstops]
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

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Re: Silly Season 2016/2017


Jolyon Palmer, compared to others, he's the worst driver on the grid. I'm 100% sure that he will not be at Renault in 2017.