As we're all speculating, there are some stuff happening (maybe, probably not), probably because it's a funky picture but, from bottom arrow to top:
- Interesting line going on the nose, as if split in half, could be similar to how Ferrari as allegedly found a way to change nose design without additional crash test.
- The rear part of the top wishbone can maybe be seen, it looks like it might be placed much lower than it's front part.
- Looks fishy because of pictures quality, but it looks like there's a massive T wing at the back of the car, I thought it might be the background but the wing pylon looks to be merging with it and the yellow and red on it is similar to the one on the engine cover.
The way the rules are laid out in term of volumes there, looks like it might be a possibility, but I'm not sure in term of minimal radius there that would prevent any sort of devices.
@AeroGandalf posted this on twitter about the different legality volumes. The gray one at the rear could fit a kind of T wing, but again I'm uncertain about the radius situation there.