Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


Manoah2u wrote:I wouldn't be suprised at all if Merc is going downhill rapidly after this. Pardon my french but i don't believe in the talents of paddy lowe
but i think your forgetting about the amount of talent behind the scenes (bell, costa etc) working on the cars. Brawn isn't a loss like Newey would be to Red Bull for instance. But yes, its a big step up for Paddy so we will have to see. Although mainly his roles are managing projects...

It will be a shame if this is where Merc fall down next year when the car and engine are screaming look at me.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


No Brawn does not have engineering talent of Newey or Chapman, neither is Brawn an ignoramus.

Anyway, its time to move on.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


Brilliance is certainly not a matter of going to university ,but in todays world it seems to be a logic path for talent to progress through education being the best would or should show in your degree .
should...could F1 .
I myself was certainly on my ways to take an academic route finishing school and my plan was well thought out first serving an apprenticeship as modelmaker and then go to university .But life sometimes takes odd turns and I ended not in University but I spent 10s of years reading books and amassing knowledge in the nights and spent working days applying that knowledge doing what I love(d) solving technical challenges...
I certainly lack at some ends when it comes to actually calculating things so quite often I have to go back research what I have not yet been teached but to that end i have always found the answers needed. I do work in an environment where I work in an engineering position and certainly not too shabby .In the ol days it was certainly a much bigger pain to get hold of all the necessary information but today you are right there a few clicks and a the right questions .

As for Ross ..I ´m pretty sure he was a very very clever guy , and he grabbed that chance at williams with both hands.Mind you he was one of very few employees at Williams back then.Patrick Head the guy who had the sound engineering knowledge ,and someone was needed to get the aero department on stream in this tightly knit team.Logically you would choose the guy who
is technically knowledgeable in terms of instrumentation and Ross also had hands on experience as a machinist ...
So at least there was a certain chance to get some results when asking him to do the aero results.

As this was a very crude time in Aero -you stumbled over pheneomenons ,not knowing exactly what went on but you knew the gains were massive -it did not matter the guy was not really understanding ...the chunks of time to be gained were
just too big it didn´t matter if he fully understood or went the correct routes .

Todays it´s different alltogether ,the basics are all known so it´s the detail you need to master to make a difference. And the overall concept -which is more a matter of brilliance -Neweys 24hour rule is a good example..

I don´t know or understand what it is that makes Brawn an outstanding principal -apart from the sheer mass of experience he has gained over the years-but as it is this is reflecting on past not aimed forward.And I think this is exactly what separates him from Newey-the guy is all future when Ross relies on what was .

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


I don't agree that all is known about aero Marcush.
If that were the case there would be no need for wind tunnels and every problem would have an answer on a CAD FD read out.
I have yet to meet a graduate engineer fresh out of Uni with enough life experience or common sense to take a top position in an F1 team.
Unfortunately most end up in very narrow focused positions with little chance of gaining the overall knowledge needed to progress other than in that narrow discipline.
If I had a team I would make sure all the staff gained experience in all the departments.

Ross is probably the best team boss because he has all that experience and many years to go with it.
I think he trumps even Newey on that point.

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


autogyro wrote:I don't agree that all is known about aero Marcush.
If that were the case there would be no need for wind tunnels and every problem would have an answer on a CAD FD read out.
IIRC CFD is supposed to work by solving the Navier-Stokes equations
but (it is said) the N-S equations do not represent correctly the behaviour under study

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


No simulation will accurately reflect real life, not currently.
Some teams can make it work nicely though. In limited testing regs it becomes a performance differentiator.

In light of Paddy Lowe's experience with one of the more advanced CFD simulators at Mclaren, I think he can definitely add something here for mercedes.
The appointment of Jarod Murphy occured a few months ago when news broke of Brawns impending departure.

To me, this has Lowe's fingerprints all over it(Murphy joining).

And I also think this could have been a catalyst for Brawn to leave. He made mention of the fact he wanted to be the "reference point".
When it became clear he was not the only reference point, his decision was caste.
JET set

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


let me be a bit more precise here :
The pheneomenons the likes of Brawn and Southgate or Wright were looking at were more of a macroscopic size the tools available were sufficient as were the knowledge of the guys.

Now with Coandaexhausts ,tyre deflection and aeroelasticity all part of the Equation a very different more analytic more scientific approach is needed .

CFD and simulations not precise ,I don´t buy it .The problem you are facing is the sheer calculating demands involved here.
According to a very recent lecture I attended a full vehicle CFD Simulation with instationary conditions including temperature
will take a whole year to perform with current technology available!
The same lecture gave numbers of <3% deviation in drag numbers and <0.030 in lift figures measured vs simulated.
as long as you are not leaving the stationary environment correlation is good-but admittedly this is rarely the case.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


But CFD does make a difference.
JET set

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Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


Sadly some members froth at the mouth at the mention of Brawn with a perverse fixation that one of the most successful leaders in F1 is an incompetent fraud.

Trolling posts have been deleted.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


richard_leeds wrote:Sadly some members froth at the mouth at the mention of Brawn with a perverse fixation that one of the most successful leaders in F1 is an incompetent fraud.

Trolling posts have been deleted.
Needed doing. =D>

I think the FIA role is for him.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


I think he just might go fishing. Permanently, not as a 6 month leave. Or gardening, whichever he prefers.

Funny thing, both sides of the fan-base got what they wanted. Those claiming Ross is overrated (i lean towards this side too), see him replaced without being able to win the championship for Merc, and the others who like him, can claim that he turned this team's fortune around, from battling with the Torro Rosso's to beating Ferrari in the WCC.
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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


Why has no one else suggested it but the Americas Cup sounds like an interesting project? ... rs-2876337

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


So it's fishing after all, and a "consultancy" with Merc that I interpret as a means to stop him popping up with another team.
Lauda wrote:He says he wants a rest. So it's very simple. He will not go in pension [retirement]. This is clear. I think he will come back.

I'm very sad because I wanted him to stay another year, but he says he wants to go fishing. I really tried hard but he stays a consultant to me, which I think is very good and important.

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Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


richard_leeds wrote:So it's fishing after all, and a "consultancy" with Merc that I interpret as a means to stop him popping up with another team.
Lauda wrote:He says he wants a rest. So it's very simple. He will not go in pension [retirement]. This is clear. I think he will come back.

I'm very sad because I wanted him to stay another year, but he says he wants to go fishing. I really tried hard but he stays a consultant to me, which I think is very good and important.
I'd take it as Brawn waiting to see how 2014 plays out before deciding to go with whomever the preferred winner is.
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Joined: 06 Aug 2008, 14:00

Re: Ross Brawn leaves Mercedes


so he is the best in the business then ...if he can take the pick where he goes !
to the optimist a glass is half full ; to the pessimist a glass is half empty ; to the F1 engineer the glass is twice as big as it needs to be