Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Well, we'll have to see where it goes from here. From what I've seen, if it isn't Max then it's an exceptionally good body double. Personally, I think Max has lost all grip on reality for the past twenty years or more. I'm sure MB and JS are laughing their asses off, desperate to say something that they're not going to say.

It's a pity he isn't going to Bahrain. I was looking forward to Martin Brundle interviewing him on the grid. \:D/

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Tom wrote:I don't think it matters any more if it is tre or not (although from Max' reaction I think it might be) either way Max has been very publicly humiliated and everyone will remember him as 'that sex scandal geriatric' even if he clears his name.

I think the FIA have released a statement (can't remember where I saw it, can't find it again) basically saying its none of our business, let him get himself out of this one. Meanwhile he's not going to Bahrain and is apparently sueing for invasion of privacy rather than slander, that pretty much admitting it.
I agree why do we care how a guy gets his rocks off. Its not like he forced those girls into it. I really don't understand our society with its obsessions with celebrities private lives

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Several posters have taken the position that it's Max's private business and that it has no bearing on the racing world.

Dead wrong.

Max represents an enormous, multinational marketing enterprise (we call it F1) that makes billions by helping multinational corporations showcase their wares, get lots of media exposure, and share in the spotlight of the spectacle that is F1, show off their technology, etc, etc.

IF this affair continues to get public play - whether true or not - some of these companies WILL begin to question their multi-million dollar investments. BMW and Mercedes WILL consider the Jewish/anti-semite link. Toyota and Honda WILL look at this affair through the very conservative Japanese perspective. There are very few companies that will see any way to positively link themselves to an enterprise led by an outed anti-Semite pervert. And, please, don't trot out "any publicity is good publicity." I worked in Fortune 50 corporate PR for many years - bad publicity HURTS and is to be avoided.

Compaq agonized about their eventual involvement in F1, even though there was no blatantly controversial element to be concerned about at the time. This is one post that is NOT based mainly on opinion. When Compaq considered and then entered F1 I had the privilege to be there.

Max must go.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Reports: Ballmer invovled in animal sex scandal
Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, is facing intense pressure to resign from his post after being implicated in a bear role-playing orgy according to the American newspaper The Seattle Times.

The report detailed a five-hour "bear-style" orgy between Ballmer and five prostitutes at a house in Redmond, Washington. In a video on the newspaper's Web site, it shows a man identified as Ballmer arriving at an apartment. The man is then greeted by a woman playing the role of a Grizzly Bear, checking him to see if he is willing to "be a slave to two bears, male and female."

Later, another woman in mock Alaskan Black Bear garb enters the video and the man said to be Ballmer is heard growling.

At one point during the video, the man yells "this is more than I expected! It's heaven!" while the bear digs his paws in even harder and slams the man onto his cock. The man feels his grumble turn into a roar.

The report is even more disturbing because of the fact that his father, Frederick Ballmer, was a former Ford Manager who served in the company after emigrating from Switzerland. Before World War II, however, Frederick led Switzerland's pro-beastiality organization according to the Times of London. Formula One chief executive Bernie Ecclestone said the sport shouldn't be affected by this report, mostly because this is a shitty parody thread and has nothing to do with Formula One.

"Assuming it's all true, what people do privately is up to them," Ecclestone told the Times in a story posted late Sunday on its Web site. "Knowing Steve it might be all a bit of a joke."
Still, the pressure is mounting for Ballmer to step aside, particularly from Hunters Rights groups, according to the Times.

This report comes mere months following a scandal in Orlando, Florida where Wesley Snipes, the World's only black half-vampire, was verbally taunted by fans. Ballmer came out shortly after the incident and threatened to impose penalties on those fools if any racially-themed incidents appeared in the future. He then agreed that this thread sucks terribly, and that Lech should be permabanned for stupidity.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Im thinking this is all a big april fools joke

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


donskar wrote:Several posters have taken the position that it's Max's private business and that it has no bearing on the racing world.

Dead wrong.

Max represents an enormous, multinational marketing enterprise (we call it F1) that makes billions by helping multinational corporations showcase their wares, get lots of media exposure, and share in the spotlight of the spectacle that is F1, show off their technology, etc, etc.

IF this affair continues to get public play - whether true or not - some of these companies WILL begin to question their multi-million dollar investments. BMW and Mercedes WILL consider the Jewish/anti-semite link. Toyota and Honda WILL look at this affair through the very conservative Japanese perspective. There are very few companies that will see any way to positively link themselves to an enterprise led by an outed anti-Semite pervert. And, please, don't trot out "any publicity is good publicity." I worked in Fortune 50 corporate PR for many years - bad publicity HURTS and is to be avoided.

Compaq agonized about their eventual involvement in F1, even though there was no blatantly controversial element to be concerned about at the time. This is one post that is NOT based mainly on opinion. When Compaq considered and then entered F1 I had the privilege to be there.

Max must go.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


donskar wrote:Max must go.
=D> =D> =D>

Even before this new sex scandal.. I ran a poll on this forum regarding Mad Max..

83% of people thought he should quit then.. I think if we re-ran the poll now the percentage would be higher..

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4854&hilit=+another ... r+max+quit
Tripos Media Partners

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Max if you choose to live by the sword and wield it then you must expect it to come back and bite you sometime[-X

What goes on behind closed doors is generally no concern of mine, but when its publicly exposed on the world stage it becomes much more serious, especially if you are in a position of such power and influence.

I hope this is treated with as much seriousness and vigour as the Spy Gate scandal of last year

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


(see details below)

I remember when President Clinton was caught in the Lewinsky affair how the Europeans claimed that Americans were prudish and overeacting. Now we have Europeans calling for Mosely's resignaton for baically the same thing. Neither culture is prudish, neither culture is permissive. It is human nature to watch the spectacle of another's downfall. To decree Mosely as a perverted Nazi and anti-Semite and tople him from his throne is the same as all the towns' people watching a wild-west outlaw's public hanging or the French filling the streets to watch the Guillotine behead a nobleman. The viewing public gains a sense of superiority and the facts garner little attention. Human nature at it's worst--Off with his head.

Now as for that little headline, if you watch the entire video or view the stills, you will plainly see Mosely being inspected for head lice and treated as a incoming prisoner. Now if someone were to edit this down to only those clips, and introduce only that portion, the above eroneous headline could be given enough strength for the court of public opinion. What does all this mean? Absolutely nothing! And that is my point.

This scandal means nothing to motorsport or international business. Max cannot be the only S&M participant in the FIA and he most certainly has fellow sadists on the boards of the global corporations (especially the Japanese) which participate in or advertise on F1 racing. It is only those who are paid to worry about a corporation's public relations who overanalise the impact. As Max neither works for any of the corporations that are among the F1 community, his personal off track antics have no direct bearing on those businesses. If the companies would simply ignore the entire subject, they would not be linked to it. No public withdrawal, apology, or condemnation is needed. Show some damn back bone and move on.

And within the world of S&M the Nazi fantasy is fairly common. The SS and prisoner outfits are readily available. Max is breaking no new ground there. And for him to go from a 'Bottom' (dominated) to a 'Top' (dominator) shows Mad Max to be fairly common himself.

So Max got caught having some expensive fun. So what? Next!!!
Heaven: Where the cooks are French, the police are British, the lovers are Greek, the mechanics are German, and it is all organized by the Swiss.

Hell: Where the cooks are British, the police are German, the lovers are Swiss, the mechanics are French, and it is all organized by the Greeks.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Max's sex life is connected to his job. He is a power-mad maniac. His personal issues have bled over to his job performance. He rules F1 autocratically and will tolerate no dissent, nor will he listen to reason. He deserves what is coming to him and much more.

Not only is he a tyrant and a perv, he has done a sh!t job of ruining F1. The regs are too strict so that refinement is the name of the game over innovation. Frozen engines, spec tyres, etc. We need the liberty that was in F1 way back when. We need to be open to different size tyres, chassis width's that vary, engines that can have any number of cylinders, be rotary, turbo, etc. We need ground effects (no skirts) so cars can pass in dirty air. If you want six wheels, then OK, if you want a "dual chassis", then OK, if you want braking regen, then any scheme should be allowed. No minnimum weight either. Just certain crash load specs. Let the designers design cars that are well balanced. If you have an unbalanced design, then you should pay the weight penalty for the ballast. If you want AWD, then OK etc. We need more design liberty. And TC and ABS should be allowed despite the purists.... How else could F1 claim to be the pinnacle of motorsport when an F1 car doesn't have a feature that your Honda Accord has? CVTs should be allowed and developed and certainly active suspension. In 20 years time all cars will have these things, so it is only to the detriment of F1's "technology image" if they come from LeMans LMP prototypes instead. Likewise diesel should be allowed as should hydrogen. We don't need all these imaginary space boxes where the wings should fit etc. We need great liberty and then F1 will serve its truest purpose as a hi-tech proving ground for engineering.

In sum, Max has done a great disservice to F1 and let his power-mad ego lead us down a path where cars can't pass each other and racing is done at the pit stops. Max's sex life and issues with power have detrimentally affected F1. And all the laud about safety etc. should properly land on Sid Watkins' shoulders, not Max's.

And the shoddy way Max treated Michelin is unforgivable. To him who shows mercy, mercy shall be accorded; to him who deals harshly, with harshness shall he be treated. I thought that Max's retribution would come largely in the after-life, but we are being treated to a preview of divine justice.... oooops, Max is an atheist..... well, WRONG AGAIN Max! We should tremble at the recompense and consider ourselves..... but a touch of glee can certainly be understood.

Max is SCUM.... other than that, he would be a fine dog catcher.
Innovation over refinement is the prefered path to performance. -- Get rid of the dopey regs in F1

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Where are the youtube links???

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I agree that the ever tightening regs have hurt F1. And I agree that M. M. is at the helm of that ship. But what he does to chase his pleasure has nothing to do with what he has done as President of the FIA.

If the argument is that those who enjoy S&M are not to be in power because the rest of the populace is put off by it, than should we also openly ban homosexuals from any sort of managerial position? N0! Because ones job is not the place for their sexual pursuits in any case (typically).

And as for M. M.'s replacement, as Checkered posted earlier in this thread, many have called for that for some time. However, no one has been able to oppose him or replace him.

And now something completely different...

In February Bernie hints there are not enough sex scandals in F1. In March Todt resigns from Ferrari. April fools days ses a Mosely sex scandal. Will May see Todt replace Mosely? All according to Ecclestone's plan?
Heaven: Where the cooks are French, the police are British, the lovers are Greek, the mechanics are German, and it is all organized by the Swiss.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I read that letter and he never said in that letter he admitted it was him. He just states there was an investigation into his private life.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


:arrow: http://www.f1technical.net/news/8670

So he was trapped into the sex orgy?? :lol:

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Ray wrote:I read that letter and he never said in that letter he admitted it was him. He just states there was an investigation into his private life.
Don't forget that Max is a former lawyer.

"publicising highly personal and private activities, which are, to say the least, embarrassing"

That's a lawyers way of saying yes.