Condolences to the Mosley family.

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Condolences to the Mosley family.


This is a time of tragedy for the Mosley family. I sincerely offer my sympathy and condolences on the tragic loss of Alexander Mosley.
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


DaveKillens wrote:This is a time of tragedy for the Mosley family. I sincerely offer my sympathy and condolences on the tragic loss of Alexander Mosley.
I Dont really wanna be a sort of cruel guy here.
but i would for sure submit my condolence at the must if that guys would die in a car accident, or caused by a any kind of accident, tragic right!!1
but this guy died caused of been doing. drinking or taking the drug or pills he wanted to use.
an overdoose is not something we would have to feel proud when hearing about.
but is sad to see a human lost cause of this kind of things.

God help me to make my childrens go in a clear and right way.

Alex C.
Alex C
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


We don't know what kind of person he was, what kind of things he has done, and what the circumstances are around his death.

As former cigarette smoker, I can understand the hold addiction has on you, and addiction needs to be treated as a disease. Some substances are so powerful that a small mistake in judgement can have life long consequences. Mine has likely been shortened as a result, but I was lucky my lapse in reason only got me hooked on cigarettes. It could have been booze, heroin, meth, anything!

Nobody is immune, and many people can only get out of their addictions with the direct and continues support of family and friends.

If it was a drug overdose, as the media seems to think, it's even more sad as the Mosley family obviously has more means then some people might. If I found myself hooked on some drug I couldn't just check to myself in to the most expensive/prestigious place around.

I'm curious to see what else come to light about this, but for now the only place my heart is is with the Mosley family and the friends to Alexander.

It could have been me or you with just a small twist of fate.
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


To lose a child, no matter the circumstance, is a great tragedy. Nobody deserves to suffer such a loss.

My condolences.

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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


well said FOZ
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


warmandog wrote:
DaveKillens wrote:This is a time of tragedy for the Mosley family. I sincerely offer my sympathy and condolences on the tragic loss of Alexander Mosley.
I Dont really wanna be a sort of cruel guy here.
but i would for sure submit my condolence at the must if that guys would die in a car accident, or caused by a any kind of accident, tragic right!!1
but this guy died caused of been doing. drinking or taking the drug or pills he wanted to use.
an overdoose is not something we would have to feel proud when hearing about.
but is sad to see a human lost cause of this kind of things.

God help me to make my childrens go in a clear and right way.

Alex C.
While I share your outlook on drug addicts and alcoholics, you reap what you sow, this is very sad. We all have our demons, some are worse than others. A death of a child is terrible for any parent. Have so compassion for Max. We may not agree with his way of doing things, or the company he keeps, but this is his son. I personally hate to see someone die from anything other than old age. My heart goes out to Max.

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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


The FOZ wrote:To lose a child, no matter the circumstance, is a great tragedy. Nobody deserves to suffer such a loss.

My condolences.
Second that.

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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


The FOZ wrote:To lose a child, no matter the circumstance, is a great tragedy. Nobody deserves to suffer such a loss.

My condolences.
It is. I lost my first brother back in 2001 after a weekend from being born and it changed me for ever.

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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


There are probably a lot of things that could be said and speculated on this particular incident, but I pass.
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


warmandog wrote:
DaveKillens wrote:This is a time of tragedy for the Mosley family. I sincerely offer my sympathy and condolences on the tragic loss of Alexander Mosley.
I Dont really wanna be a sort of cruel guy here.
but i would for sure submit my condolence at the must if that guys would die in a car accident, or caused by a any kind of accident, tragic right!!1
but this guy died caused of been doing. drinking or taking the drug or pills he wanted to use.
an overdoose is not something we would have to feel proud when hearing about.
but is sad to see a human lost cause of this kind of things.

God help me to make my childrens go in a clear and right way.

Alex C.

It's been reported as a drug overdose here... I sort of agree with the quoted statement, but once drugs get hold of you, it's a uphill battle to bet them. Perhaps Max with his going on's drove him to them?

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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


People should stop judging people and their lives. Especially if they dont know them. Simple as that.

Condolences are in order.
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


woohoo wrote:People should stop judging people and their lives. Especially if they dont know them. Simple as that.

Condolences are in order.
Yeah you really have to separate out all your other feelings for Max on this one, it's a rough day for him. My condolences.
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


I may sound harsh but who gives a damm - I rather care about all the starving under privileged kids around the globe who never have a shot at life and die from common diseases that are treatable or malnutrition and the kids who are used and abused everyday in all societies - why this is news beats me and I dont care its Mosleys son (means nothing to me) hes one of thousands a day to die from that scourge that is drugs if thats the case - Ive had six very close friends over the years that were lost to this. Apologies if thats not very compassionate - take it as whatever you will.........ciao
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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


Ouch. Heroin. This family is having a rough time.

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Re: Condolences to the Mosley family.


My cousin was an alcoholic since many years, until he was given methanol from heaven knows where, dead within hours.

He was the worst sob imaginable, lying, manipulating and stealing. But I still miss him no end.
"I spent most of my money on wine and women...I wasted the rest"