The Split

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Joined: 19 Sep 2006, 21:48

The Split


OK. Please let me have the honor of starting this thread a few days early.

Let's look at the FOTA announcing that KERS will be scrapped for 2010... what does that tell us? It is another sign of the impending split with the FIA. The FOTA are acting very independent already. In their hearts the FOTA have reluctantly resigned themselves to the split because Max has proven himself to be an arbitrary implacable autocrat. I see this KERS matter as a "Freudian slip" (or a measured unveiling?) revealing their heart being set on a course they may not want to verbally acknowledge until the divorce papers are served this Friday. The FOTA has been to the attorney's office, they have gotten the papers from the courthouse, and they have even filled them out but they haven't delivered them to the registrar and won't until Friday. Then they can talk about it. Until then... kids everything is fine even though daddy isn't living at home anymore. Pssst, you older kids know what is happening so please do mommy a favor and comfort the younger ones for what is coming, OK?

Its a real pity for CVC who are honest investors looking for a decent return like anyone else. They were too muted last year during BDSM-gate. They foolishly thought Max would be reasonable for the remainder of his term and that he would then quietly retire. They should have asked me. I haven't seen Max's reflection in a mirror for ages now. I could have told them to drive a wooden stake into his heart while the sunlight had him in a weakened state. Now the coffin lid is creaking open and the moon is full and the monster is at full vigor. They should have pulled out all the stops and agitated for his removal as vocally as they could have. They should have openly suggested a candidate as Max's replacement. They should have mobilized a full-on media blitz. Coulda, shoulda, woulda... My advice would have saved them nearly a billion dollars.

Hey Max.... where are all your teams going to get their engines and gearboxes? Cosworth? LOL! Don't make me laugh... a one-make spec racer series... LOL! I will give it a year... LOL! BTW, the early money at the bookmakers has Alex Yoong at 5/4 over Yuji Ide as favorites for the 2010 FIA F1-lite championship. Hold your bets though. This may all change when Jean Denis Deletraz puts his helmet back on.

Three days until liberation.....
Innovation over refinement is the prefered path to performance. -- Get rid of the dopey regs in F1