Felipe no risk for Schumi - Massa

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Felipe Massa, Michael Schumacher's team mate, made it for the first time in his career to a Grand Prix podium. Ferrari's team boss Jean Todt was very happy with the Brazilian his performance but it didn't came as a surprise to Todt.

Although Todt is satisfied with the performance of his new driver, he says that he doesn't see Massa as a risk to Schumacher's title charge.

Jean Todt "He did very well in Bahrain, he was on the front row, then he made a little mistake and the team made a very big mistake, so he probably lost fourth or fifth position. In the second race, he started last on the grid and he finished fifth. It was a very good race, maybe a better race than this one. And in the third race, as I said several times, we make a mistake in the choice of the tyres and then he didn't race because he was taken off by two cars at the start."

"In the fourth race he lost a place in the pit stop and finished fourth and here he's finished fourth, so I think he's doing a very good job. I'm sure it helps him with the pressure that he has, gives him confidence. For me, he's already strong and calm."

Ferrari's team boss didn't want to compare Massa's pace with the one of Schumacher or Alonso.

"I think we have three drivers in this championship, who have something a bit more than all the others and I think Felipe is amongst the best behind those three drivers."