Rob Wilson - driver coach?

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


In his latest Video Rob Wilson, after some prodding by a guest, finally admitted he made a mistake when he said Kimi would crush Alonso in 2014. Then he went on and said Kimi will crush Vettel in 2015 lol

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


PlatinumZealot wrote:In his latest Video Rob Wilson, after some prodding by a guest, finally admitted he made a mistake when he said Kimi would crush Alonso in 2014. Then he went on and said Kimi will crush Vettel in 2015 lol
=D> lol

I will say this, if Kimi beats Vettel this year, Vettel's reputation will be shot.

I do expect Vettel to be faster than Kimi though

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


JimClarkFan wrote:
PlatinumZealot wrote:In his latest Video Rob Wilson, after some prodding by a guest, finally admitted he made a mistake when he said Kimi would crush Alonso in 2014. Then he went on and said Kimi will crush Vettel in 2015 lol
=D> lol

I will say this, if Kimi beats Vettel this year, Vettel's reputation will be shot.

I do expect Vettel to be faster than Kimi though
I don't think Vettel is a top driver, but I agree with you, Vettel might be a little bit faster than Kimi, because alcohol makes kimi slow down.

But, what if Kimi beats Vettel? I will be more than happy to see that :)

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


I doubt that will happen. Both will be 50/50 I think. The thing is Vettel has the speed in Quali when the car is perfectly set up. I think Kimi is less Quali based, but more a driver that is on the move during the race. It would be interesting to see, but I think Vettel might have the upper hand in the end.

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


Surprised that people are so interested in this man's opinions. It's like talking with a Kimi fan visiting a GP and discussing your favourite driver. Not a source at all.

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?



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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?

Post ... ton-48667/

Found an interesting snippet in this video regarding the type of drivers who is all about the front end and simply deal with the rear end and how that now affects them in the Pirelli era.

Basically in the Bridgestone era they could build the setup all around the front end and simply deal with the rear end because the tire wear would not make much of a difference but in the Pirelli era too much rear sliding means youΒ΄re tires are gone so they have to peg that back a bit, making it more balanced setup-wise front to rear.

Hamilton, Kimi, Vettel among others we know like to run very "pointy" cars compared to say Button who likes a more neutral setup in that sense.

Will be interesting to see if more durable tires in 2017 will allow them to once again build the setup around the front end and not worry about wearing out the rears too fast.
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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


^ I'm not sure, Vettel seemed to do fantastically well when pirelli came in, where as webber struggled big time.

Could all be relative i suppose.

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?



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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


Why would he have stopped? lol

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


Just wondering, has anyone ever taken track days with him?

It just struck me of late that his short corner style would really only work when the car has a lower Power to Grip ratio. If the P-Gis very low then the lack of P would make the extra G necessary to kickstart your straight

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


raymondu999 wrote: ↑
28 Jun 2012, 01:40

I don't understand how you come to that conclusion. Nor do I agree with the conclusion. There are always corners where a greater apex speed - which means speed carried through to the next straight - is the quicker way.
I realize this is an old thread but I came across it while searching for more Rob Wilson pearls of wisdom.

I was listening to Rob again this morning and he specifically talks about how "people used to define driver talent by who had the highest minimum speed" but "the data clearly shows that this is not the fastest way around the track."

Speaking of that, I appreciate that the tone of this thread is that we're all here to learn. But I see a lot of posts calling Rob's techniques into question. Are you here to learn or here to tell the expert that active F1 drivers listen to that he's wrong?

I'd like to see the discussion be more "What does Rob mean by this or that?" and less "He's wrong despite the fact that better drivers than we are try his techniques and verify the effectiveness with hard data."

One unfortunate thing about Rob is his voice is pretty gruff and I have a hard time actually hearing the words he's using. I'd really love to see his coaching accompanied by visual aids and even a transcript would be nice.

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


I alctually think his voice is better than his opinions! He's not boring to listen to. I don't mind it. It's an interesting voice.

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Re: Rob Wilson - driver coach?


Hello old thread. I obviously can't speak for others but from my end, I'm just seeking a technical reason/logic behind his techniques. He does provide explanations, yes. And many have said his techniques do indeed feel faster. But "feel" and his prose-style explanation is very subjective territory. Some things can "feel" slower but in fact be faster, and vice versa.

I have no doubt that there is wisdom he can impart to many drivers. And his statements and explanations "feel" reasonable, they feel logical. but that does not mean it equals reality, if that makes sense.