Who should win the title this year? why or why not?

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


I just hope whoever wins it produces a breathtaking drive in at least one of remaining races. That would at least stay fresh in the memory, while each and every contender had their #-o moments this year.

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


Whoever wins it deserves it. Unless it's decided by an unsporting Schumacher/Senna-esque incident at the end.

Having said that I'd like to see the title won by Webber, cos he spent too many years in inadequate cars it's about time he's rewarded.

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


Personally, I'd like to see Alonso win it. My other favourite is Webber, even though I find him the dirtiest defender in F1. Let's hope I won't pass this title to Jaime.

Anyway, regarding the title, any of the candidates would deserve it. If Button (really long shot) wins it, he'll have defeated all the naysayers (me included) that pronounced him dead even before the first race of the season, and will have also beat a very capable teammate to the points. Hamilton has produced some awesome drives, and if he somehow manages to overcome a 29 points deficit and a speed disadvantage in three races that would be (Barney-style) Le-gen-dary.

Similar to Hamilton, Alonso has produced some amazing rides, coupled with some really silly mistakes and a wee bit of bad luck. Beating the red bulls with their qualy advantage surely compensates for Germany (where Massa almost crashed into him 10 laps previous to the incident).

And the real quid are the Red Bulls. I honestly believe that had we had Alonso or Hamilton (or, gasp, maybe Button) in a RB6 the title would have been decided. However, we've had Webber suffer some kind of second driver treatment in silverstone, plus the accusations at Turkey. And Vettel lost some 30 points in the first two races due to reliability issues. To make matters worse, there were some inspired and threatening drivers capitalising from every mistake they made, thus raising the pressure.

Short version: we've seen some great rides, some silly mistakes, some reliability issues and had some scandals thrown in for good measure. Whoever wins it, will have reasons to say he deserved it. Whoever wins it, the not-whoever will have arguments against him. In any case, he'll be damn proud of getting the most contested championship of the last 28 years.
I am not amazed by F1 cars in Monaco. I want to see them driving in the A8 highway: Variable radius corners, negative banking, and extreme narrowings that Tilke has never dreamed off. Oh, yes, and "beautiful" weather tops it all.

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


I would say Webber deserves to win it. He is Clumsy but he makes up for it by being very consistent, level headed and determined in the races.

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


Lewis Hamilton deserves to win, every race he drives over the limit never seems to let off, i think a true definition of a f1 pilot. very exiting to watch his racing.
[-o< lh 2010 wdc go lewis

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


It helps to drive under the limit of available space in a gap too

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Re: Who should win the title this year? why or why not?


I am a fan of Schumi, but for this year, I want Mark Webber to win WDC. Why? It is because this year is his best (and probably last) chance of becoming a World Champion. Vettel is still young, and if he cannot be win WDC in a Red Bull, for sure there are many top teams who love to hire him and assist him to become one. If Mark can't win it this year and somehow will not drive for Red Bull next year (I hope not), would he ever get another chance of driving for top teams ever again? I doubt it. Hamilton, Button, Alonso: They are already world champions, right?

The same goes for Red Bull to win this year constructor championship. Ferrari and Mclaren have already won it for many times.

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


n smikle wrote:I would say Webber deserves to win it.
Webber is slow and boring. Vettel or Hamilton are the drivers who are exciting to watch. Hamilton hasn't got a good enough car this year so Vettel is the man to support.
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Re: Who should win the title this year? why or why not?


WhiteBlue wrote:
n smikle wrote:I would say Webber deserves to win it.
Webber is slow and boring. Vettel or Hamilton are the drivers who are exciting to watch. Hamilton hasn't got a good enough car this year so Vettel is the man to support.
hahahah 5thousands of a second slower than vettel, does that make him slow too??

boring? please explain that one for me with particular reference to how golden boy differs...

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Re: Who should win the title this year? why or why not?


Mystic, just curious, which race was that? (Note that I am NOT taking sides in your argument with WB) I'm just curious, I don't remember ever having a qualifying battle so close between the two. It's always been measured in tenths or hundredths if I recall correctly :s

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Re: Who should win the title this year? why or why not?


ooops sorry my mistake, i meant hundredths.

apologies :oops:

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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


WhiteBlue wrote:The driver with the most points in the end deserves it. I would be disappointed if it was Alonso though because he got seven points by an illegal team order from Massa. The stewards and the FiA did not rectify that fault. So if Alonso wins by less than seven points his title is forever tainted.

I would like Seb to win this one because he had tons of bad luck where Webber was incredibly lucky most of the time. So if Seb wins this one it will be particularly well done in the face of adversity.
I don't think Heiedfeld gave Kubica much of a race in Canada 2008, or to Kobayashi in Japan this year. It was team orders, or just knowing that the other car is faster and purposely holding him up isn't going to help just give you another possibility to screw up. Massa was a couple tenths per lap slower than Alonso, maybe Massa felt it was too soon to be playing team orders or it was latin pride. Whatever, point is Alonso would have passed Massa sooner or later, the way it was done it just eliminated any chance of taking each other out.

Massa has been slower than Fernando in all but two races this year Turkey and Spa (big maybe to Australia).
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Re: Who deserves to win the title this year? why or why not?


rich1701 wrote:I want Webber to win, but for me the Driver of the year has been Robert Kubica.
Why? I don't see what Kubica has done that any other driver couldn't have done. When you look on the data that Renault was a beast on some of the tracks. High top speed, good traction, and good down-force. I would even say it's better than the Mercedez right now..In fact I see no reason to rate him higher than Rosberg.

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Re: Who should win the title this year? why or why not?


Wow. This is an amazing stat: http://bit.ly/9DXIm6

Regarding Kubica, he's excelled on the driver tracks though. Monaco, SPa, Suzuka. Where driver can make a difference in the car. (HUngary is a driver's circuit as well, but he bollocksed that one, being outclassed the whole weekend by the young Russian teammate, so I'll leave that one.) Mark Hughes' article sums things nicely: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsp ... 080455.stm

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Re: Who should win the title this year? why or why not?


This is very interesting:
http://www.f1fanatic.co.uk/2010/10/19/h ... hip-by-59/

Basically Vettel and Hamilton have lost the most points due to poor reliability, 48 and 35 points respectively.

Alonso and Vettel (again) have lost the most points due to driver error, 34 and 43 points respectively.

Button is the interesting one, just 4 points lost to poor reliability (Monaco), no driver error and just 12 other points lost (Vettel crashing into him). Yet he is still last in the title race = Poor pace in general.

Webber has been lucky with reliability (2 points lost) and has relatively little lost in driver error and other incidents (30 in total).

For me Vettel and Alonso have been too error prone, Button has just been plain slow and lucky with reliability and while Webber has been lucky with reliability he's leading the championship, so I'd say he and Hamilton are the two I'd like to be competing for the title, especially as Hamilton has had the 2nd worst reliability and 2nd least amount of points lost through driver error.