Mclaren Mercedes MP4-25

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


murtoidf1 wrote:well all the drivers say that because the cars are being developed each year
tell that to kimi when he drove the mp4-19 :wink:

sorry for bein a bit off-tops :D

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


murtoidf1 wrote:
raymondu999 wrote:
He actually said its the best car he has ever driven.
Says it every year. Sorry to b*tch but this is just one area where Lewis just seems very plastic and "press robot" like... every new car is the best handling he ever has. It's the most planted too.
For us driving an F1 car is more of a dream. For him its a profession and he as to be professional during interviews. It's not his fault, but thats what's expeected of a modern f1 driver..

Button is more honest abut the car and its lack of grip, and as a result he often comes across as constantly whining, even when he's being honest.[/quote]

How do you know who is more honest?
One has driven 4 mclarens one has only driven 1.
I agree that the 25 is the best car that he's ever driven. So was the F10 for Alonso, and he's driven the 2007 Mclaren.
At times the 25 was better than the F10, so it can be cross referenced that Lewis is speaking the truth.
Button only likes the car when he has an ok weekend. :lol:
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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


jason.parker.86 wrote:
maybe but hamilton wouldn't say 09 was better than 08 and 07
He actually said its the best car he has ever driven.


he said this years car was the best, not 09's like your suggesting.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


He also said that the 09 car was nicely balanced from the get go, it just wasn't fast enough. In the end it did evolve into a race winning car don't forget.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


ell66 wrote:
jason.parker.86 wrote:
maybe but hamilton wouldn't say 09 was better than 08 and 07
He actually said its the best car he has ever driven.


he said this years car was the best, not 09's like your suggesting.
If I remember correctly, it's not "wrong!!". At the beginning if '09, Hamilton said it was the best car he'd ever driven.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


Tnat was then.
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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


He actually said its the best car he has ever driven.[/quote]


he said this years car was the best, not 09's like your suggesting.[/quote]
If I remember correctly, it's not "wrong!!". At the beginning if '09, Hamilton said it was the best car he'd ever driven.[/quote]

you remember incorrectly, he never said that.
the only thing he said was that it didnt feel much different to the cars hes driven in the past.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


Oh, but I also remember Hamilton saying during 2009 winter test that MP4/24 is the best car he was ever driving and saying pretty much the same next year. I do even remember some people laughing out their stomachs on this very forum cause of that ;)

But on the other hand this year's cars were on par with those from 2008 season speed-wise.

EDIT: Typing ;)
Last edited by mith on 22 Nov 2010, 00:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


link please :!:

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


mith wrote:Oh, but I also remember Hamilton saying during 2009 winter test that MP4/24 is the best car he was ever driving and saying pretty much the same next year. I do even remember some people laughing out their stomachs on this very forum cause of that ;)

But on the other hand this year's cars was on par with those from 2008 season speed-wise.
Things only come into perspective until the first race.
You car can feel pretty good until you see how it matches up to the competition.
The 24 still had qualities that allowed it to win races.

I'm sure rosberg and shumacher thought the W01 was able to win races after winter testing. Why are you trying to sully Hamilton? What's wrong with an honest opinion without the luxury of knowing what the future would hold for the car's relative performance to the other teams; worse with the inception of the DDD?
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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


Oh, I just find it funny, that each year he's giving verdicts before estimation of relative performance of his car is even possible. But well, maybe he's told to do so by McLaren PR department.

I never tried to neglect the fact that development of MP4/24 was quite a thing.

And I think, we should end it at this point and left spamming for others ;) I'm sorry for starting unnecessary topic.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


mith wrote:Oh, I just find it funny, that each year he's giving verdicts before estimation of relative performance of his car is even possible. But well, maybe he's told to do so by McLaren PR department.

I never tried to neglect the fact that development of MP4/24 was quite a thing.

And I think, we should end it at this point and left spamming for others ;) I'm sorry for starting unnecessary topic.
please give us links/sources for each and every year where he said that
rather than just stating "i remember" etc etc.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


I do believe the statements without seeing the links.

I am as sceptic as most people, but the reason I do believe it are quite simple:

The racers in the top-teams are race-drivers paid by the team they are racing for/with. Surely (although some are young) they are all smart and "street-wise" to making good and promosing comments on the equipment they have to deal with. Also think about not driving for some time (winter-break) and then after a long time getting back in the car. Obviously that will feel like something special (although it might be rubbish - relatively speaking) and they have not seen how they do match up to their competition.

If might very well be that the MP4/25 was the best car he's driven and he truly believed it untill he saw the performance-level compared to another car.

Give the 2 statements below :
* A car that handles beautifully but never will get you anywhere higher the 5th
* A car that handles like a dog but get's you the pole and across the line first ?

Which car would you prefer ?
Which car would you call the better car (not faster car sicne that's obvious) ?

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


murtoidf1 wrote:
n smikle wrote:
myurr wrote:
All in all, I think "we" were the 3rd best car this year. We were good at everything but exceptional at nothing.

completely disagree.

redbull was the best handling.

mclaren was the fastest in a straight line

only the ferrari had both
MP4-25 was the fastest in Montreal and F10 the same in Monza. Every where else, RB6 was either King or King-Consort, but mostly outright King.

Back to comparing the other two head-to-head, if my memory serves me right: Bahrain - Ferrari was faster than Macca; Australia - about equal; Malaysia - can't really remember but possibly Macca a tad faster; China - a was strategical lottery that race so can't read into it much except that Macca was faster than Merc and Renault; Spain - Macca faster; Monaco - Ferrari faster; Turkey - Macca faster; Montreal - already discussed; Europe - about equal; Britain - about equal though Macca arguably a shade quicker; Germany - Ferrari; Hungary - Ferrari; Belgium - Macca; Italy - already discussed; Singapore - Ferrari; Japan - fairly close; Korea - Ferrari; Brazil - maybe Ferrari but just; Abu Dhabi - possibly Macca but not by a great deal, probably the most evenly matched event in terms of race pace at the front.

So by rudimentary calculations and memory, Ferrari were first or second fastest in 8 races and McLaren in 7 races.

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Re: Mclaren Mercedes MP4/25


Ferrari were faster in europe from my observation.
They were also faster in silverstone by a little bit. I think how the race panned out for alonso gave the illusion the mclaren was faster.
Qualifying, q1,2 and 3 is always a good judge of which car is stronger.

Mclaren were stronger in japan, just a little i guess.

Ferrari were much stronger in brazil; i think historically they do better there than Mclaren.

It's close and i also agree that ferrari were a little better this year.
The champonship would have been more exciting if redbull wasn't in it, somewhat of a 2007 and 2008 repeat.
For Sure!!