Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan

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Kiril Varbanov
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Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Ideal to fill in the gap to Spain. According to J. Noble and some 'leading figures' -


Tyre blanket ban
Fuel system simplification
Brake duct simplification
Front wing simplification
Gearbox usage flow brought in line with engine life
Increase in curfew
Ban on front and rear interconnected suspension

Standard front impact structure
Standard rear impact structure
Standard final drive system
Standard steering rack

FIA standard active suspension
Move to 18-inch wheel rims

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


This is not F1...
Not the engineer at Force India

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


None of this will solve, or even make a dent, in the cost problem.

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


At what point can we say Formula One is dead without running the risk of such a statement being considered hyperbole?

Are we there yet?

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Wtf just make a cap

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Tbh most of it seems reasonable, but won't lower the costs much . Rich Teams will throw their Money on whatever Part they can develop freely.
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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Thunders wrote:Tbh most of it seems reasonable, but won't lower the costs much . Rich Teams will throw their Money on whatever Part they can develop freely.
Then how does it seem reasonable?
Not the engineer at Force India

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Tim.Wright wrote:
Then how does it seem reasonable?
The Changes on their own, not in perspective with cost cutting.
Sure it will make the small Teams' Live easier but the rich Teams won't spend 1 Cent less than before.
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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


I'm sure the fanboys with a memory that stretches back no further than perhaps the year 2000 will see nothing wrong with this proposed plan. Of course when one has no idea what the day-to-day life of a formula was when it wasn't trying to be spec series racing, YouTube videos don't quite convey how exciting those days were. In-season testing, simplified aerodynamics, engine development, real tires and on....those were the days.

None of the things listed are even reasonable. When I see "standard", it is a reminder of how once interested in taking risks on all fronts, the sport has become so averse to risks, that they are constantly amending the rules to ensure no one even gets any ideas of rocking the boat...unless of course a curiously worded rule is slipped in to give a team an unfair advantage that would make Roger Penske blush.

The F1 name needs to change to FH; Formula Homologation.

A pity, if I'm going to watch a spec series, I'll stick with the feeder open-wheel series, or IndyCar. At least they don't pretend to be something else, and the racing is far better than anything F1 has had to offer for years.
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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Spec series here we come!

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


This solves nothing. The teams will spend the same about, just on other things....

this is a plan to standardise f1, not save money. In what way is banning tyre blankets going to save money? it will cost more via R and D costs for the teams (suspension design) and the supplier to make the new unknown product.

What they don't seem to understand is the more they change things the more it costs because the teams have to start from scratch on x, y and z. Brake duct simplification will just mean the teams will spend more on wheel design for example and will prob cost more than what small adjustments to the brake ducts would of cost due to the advance stage they are already at with it.

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Standard front crash structure? That's a very cheap way of solving the finger noses.

No fric anymore? Some teams spend years to get it right. Banning it at this point will not lower costs: most costs about it has already been made!

Imo, I hope none of it gets passed. This is indeed starting to become GP1.

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


turbof1 wrote:No fric anymore? Some teams spend years to get it right. Banning it at this point will not lower costs: most costs about it has already been made!
well that's half of my point. the teams spend years perfecting something and once they get there they ban it. So not only have the teams spent millions on that they will now spend millions on a new solution

Front wing simplification - Won't reduce costs, it will increase costs. The teams will be left with a hole in performance left from doing this so will spend more to make up for it

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


Because a spec series is really going to help the "applicable to road car technology" cause. I don't think they necessarily need to cut costs by huge amounts, but maybe some of the money Bernie has been getting should be going back to the teams... Teams are the reason the sport is there, they should get the benefits. Increasing the money they are awarded from the huge profits the sports make would mean teams are "spending" less money.

If they keep making all these changes that will eventually make the sport slower we might see a better formula appear soon. LMP1 in a couple years anyone?
Felipe Baby!

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Re: Revealed: Formula 1's new cost-cutting plan


The teams and Bernie are killing the sport, I hope the FIA wakes up and stops them

OP forgot to add this important piece:
The ideas that are up for discussion during Thursday's meeting are:
so these are just ideas at this point.

Banning FRIC, and standard front & rear crash structures can definitely save the smaller teams money
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