Azerbaijan? Really??

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


Another counter clockwise circuit. It looks like it will be insane at full speed. Well Mclaren is going to end up behind the Saubers around here.
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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


a1b2i3r45 wrote:
FW17 wrote:Don't see how the tower area is different from this ... airpin.jpg
If they do not put a barrier in front of the tower, they it is barely a corner (turn 10) and the closer you get to the tower the more flat out you will be.
I cant understand how do you compare baku's turn 9,10 to monaco's turn 6.
I think he meant in the sense of track width (?) because some people say it is too dangerous.

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


SR71 wrote:
wesley123 wrote:Oh, a very long straight, a few 90 degree corners, a chicane and a slower tight section, haven't seen that before...

What do you have against street circuits? Do you not like seeing F1 cars in that environment or something?
That's a pretty weird conclusion you draw from my quote.
You know its impossible to design a street circuit that's doesnt have 70-80% of what you described above?
One word: Monaco
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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


Seems quite fast, and kinda dangerous(obviously it's not completed in terms of safety measures).
Nice scenery.
Last edited by Sevach on 03 Jun 2016, 23:39, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


a1b2i3r45 wrote:
FW17 wrote:Don't see how the tower area is different from this ... airpin.jpg
If they do not put a barrier in front of the tower, they it is barely a corner (turn 10) and the closer you get to the tower the more flat out you will be.
I cant understand how do you compare baku's turn 9,10 to monaco's turn 6.
Sorry to sound thick, does the scale only relate to Monaco? In the video Baku looks huge.
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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


wesley123 wrote:
SR71 wrote:
wesley123 wrote:Oh, a very long straight, a few 90 degree corners, a chicane and a slower tight section, haven't seen that before...

What do you have against street circuits? Do you not like seeing F1 cars in that environment or something?
That's a pretty weird conclusion you draw from my quote.
You know its impossible to design a street circuit that's doesnt have 70-80% of what you described above?
One word: Monaco
So all Azerbaijan has to do is drop the long straights and it's as good as Monaco because then they just have 90 degree corners, chicanes, and slower tight section?

Monaco = Azerbaijan without the long straights.

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


SR71 wrote:
a1b2i3r45 wrote:
Cuky wrote:Onboard lap at Baku.
Sequence through turn 8-11 looks really tricky. Why did not they put any safety barriers around the tower, it can be dangerous in wet conditions.
They didnt put safety barriers all over the track. It's not complete.... That was clear in the video right?
I guess you are right, just found a simulated picture.


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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


a1b2i3r45 wrote:
SR71 wrote:
a1b2i3r45 wrote:
Sequence through turn 8-11 looks really tricky. Why did not they put any safety barriers around the tower, it can be dangerous in wet conditions.
They didnt put safety barriers all over the track. It's not complete.... That was clear in the video right?
I guess you are right, just found a simulated picture. ... igh.75.jpg

That artwork is great! I'm pretty excited for this race.

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Big Mangalhit
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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


ChrisDanger wrote:
wesley123 wrote:
Big Mangalhit wrote:
Agreed, there is no loop, no crossing of a lake, no dirt section and worse of all no final jump over a grand stand. disappointing as usual
Nice sarcasm
Yeah, I don't like it either. Is that a crime?

I also thought the idea of the Circuit of the Americas was dumb, being a track composed of borrowed, "famous" corners. But it actually makes a decent circuit. The Baku layout is crap (IMO) although the surrounding architecture gives it a nice atmosphere (IMO).
I actually really liked the circuit. It has a crazy long straight with some direction changes in the middle and irregular floor. Also some wide and slow corner area in the beggining which I think with the straight will be a great overtaking area. The following car will not get a big penalty of wake following and there is possibilities for different lines. And then there is a beatiful narrow circuit area where I think it will be pretty ball to the wall risky (good for quali) altough terrible for overtaking.
In the end I think it will be a great combination of overtaking fast areas with beutiful risky areas. But probably I am exagerating in optimism.

Anyway my remark was meant to be funny in a sarcastic way, because I am a sucker for these kind of jokes. I never meant to disrespect the original poster's (wesley123) opinion. I undestand poeple being cautious about this track that might as well be another snooze parade fest. Especially in a time we see a lot of new "all the same" tracks being added to the circuit while classic racing circuits are lacking funds and struggling to stay.

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


I actually hate myself for wanting to watch this race. I feel like I'm putting aside all my morals regarding human rights and enabling the Azerbaijan system to have the prestige it's paid Bernie for all for the sake of wanting to watch cars go round the pretty scenery.

I'm sure people will say "sports isn't political" but we all know that's rubbish; political and national prestige comes second only to money in sport.

Still, I suppose the country is better than Bahrain, the UAE and Russia at least...

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


SR71 wrote: So all Azerbaijan has to do is drop the long straights and it's as good as Monaco because then they just have 90 degree corners, chicanes, and slower tight section?

Monaco = Azerbaijan without the long straights.
Again putting words in my mouth I see.
Big Mangalhit wrote:
Anyway my remark was meant to be funny in a sarcastic way, because I am a sucker for these kind of jokes. I never meant to disrespect the original poster's (wesley123) opinion. I undestand poeple being cautious about this track that might as well be another snooze parade fest. Especially in a time we see a lot of new "all the same" tracks being added to the circuit while classic racing circuits are lacking funds and struggling to stay.
Np, it was a pretty good one actually :)
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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


To be honest, the topography and massively elongated straight aside, it feels a bit like Sochi. Too many 90-degree corners.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong though, especially with respect to tyre wear. Brand new tarmac, and not many seriously demanding corners. Hopefully not a universal 1-stop race.

Will it be flat from 16 all the way to the end of the lap?

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


Around 3 mins Ted is at the old Castle.
Barrier to go in around the walls. Clever how they have laid a membrane then laid tarmac over the top to keep the cobbles safe.

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Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


a1b2i3r45 wrote:I guess you are right, just found a simulated picture. ... igh.75.jpg
That balcony! How much would you pay to stand on that balcony?

Joined: 10 Oct 2012, 02:56

Re: Azerbaijan? Really??


OneAlex wrote:I actually hate myself for wanting to watch this race. I feel like I'm putting aside all my morals regarding human rights and enabling the Azerbaijan system to have the prestige it's paid Bernie for all for the sake of wanting to watch cars go round the pretty scenery.
While it may be true that change comes from within, I believe that it does so after people are exposed to other cultures and other values. I suppose it's a fine line between enabling change and supporting an existing regime. If we don't try to find where that line is, then we won't achieve anything. I don't know if an F1 race is an appropriate way to enable change, but doing nothing certainly is not a solution either.