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Joined: 17 Jan 2004, 22:24
Location: Motorsport Valley, England.


f1.redbaron wrote:
Tom wrote:
I thought Yoshimoto was a battle ship?
That's Yamamoto
Joseff wrote:The Battleship Yamato served as the flagship of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.
Yamaha? :lol:

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Joined: 13 Jan 2006, 00:24
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Read Jeremy Clarkson's 'I know you got soul' for more info
I have that book and although its quite good, its very basic. Bear in mind Clarkson is seen as an expert on cars by the kind of people who avidly read 'Maxpower' and have exausts you could fit in. The book is mainly for that kind of people, however a lot of the info is useful. Thats how I found out about the SR71.
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Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

Joined: 18 Jan 2006, 18:46


Bear in mind Clarkson is seen as an expert on cars by the kind of people who avidly read 'Maxpower' and have exausts you could fit in.
I disagree ;)

There are moments from his TV career (occasionally on Top Gear) when it was clear he dislikes modified cars.
Half my mates seem to regard Top Gear as an 'old man's program'.

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Clarkson's book is a great read (I Know You Got Soul), yes it is basic, but its still great reading...he's a child in a mans most men actually. at 19 I'm apparently an "adult" but i still play console & PC games, watch sport, look at girls and behave like a child (when appropriate) LMAO!

Anyway...I'd completely agree Tom, it is basic, but I wuddnt want anymore technical info in a book like that. Its a good, light read. hehe heres an extract from the Yamato Chaper:

In fact her armour alone weighed more that the total weight of the worlds second-biggest battleship. This was her Raison d'etre. To startle, shock and terrify. We had a ship called Invincible. They had a ship that really was.
and with regards to her 18inch guns
Now the british had once mounted a gun of this size to the "Furious". But it was always felt that a gun of this size would do more damage to the ship from which it was fired than the ship it was aiming at.
One of the crew members from Furious remembers a test firing saying, "The recoil was tremendous. Everytime she fired it was like a snowstorm in my cabin but insted of snowflakes it was sheared rivet heads coming down from the deck and partition."
In other words, one 18inch gun used to tear the Furious apart everytime it was fired. And remember, the Yamato had nine. NINE!
Once I stood next to a tank that fired its miserable shell and the blast damn near knocked me off my feet. So God alone knows what would have happened if the pride of Japan's fleet ever fired all its main guns at once. There'd have been Tsunami's and Hurricanes. It would have been biblical. Real, genuine ocean-parting ferocity. And then some.

Sorry for the off topic, but I just wanted to share that with you all. Hope u like. 8)
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Joined: 20 Feb 2006, 17:05
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Thursday the TV commentators said that Montagny, and Ide before him, have a car around 10 kg heavier than sato's. They didn't seem to mean it was a fuel difference but really a difference in chassis weight. Do you know if it's true? And if it is, can someone explain why? I don't get it, really.