McLaren vs Lewis

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


feynman wrote:of course the counter argument might actually be that all this splitting hairs over comedy-reference time-lines and supposed expiration thereof is a right old load of posturing nonsense, and is employed simply as an easy stick to use in yet another banal messageboard squabblefest. To make an argument based on comedy character chronology looks kinda flimsy and ridiculous, but whatever works ... I guess.
This! =D>
More could have been done.
David Purley

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


Ali G was mentioned as an aside, an after-thought if you will. That is why I don't believe that he was going to mention it until he realised his blunder.

Bottom line, he shouldn't have said it, joking or otherwise.

But it's OK. He's apologised on the faceless medium that is Twitter.

During the war, they didn't have Twitter. If only they had... Dammit mentioned the war! #-o

JET - stop mentioning Brass Eye. I'm struggling not to make a Frankie Boyle type joke centred around one of their more controversial episodes!

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


He said it, it was a joke, deal with it. If you don't like what you hear don't listen.

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


Hamilton is not as dumb as you think guys, he gave Lee Mckenzie EXACTLY what she was looking for.

She asked, "Lewis why do you think you are being penalised so much?'

What do you expect the man to say? Lee Mckensie GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED! NOW SHE KNOWS BETTER!

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


Indeed, the media are quite idiotic with their questions sometimes. They purposefully ask provocative questions and it's about time they got some hard answers. It's a bit like the incident recently with Mark Webber where someone suggested he was like Eddie Irvine...
Irvine said being beaten five times in succession by Schuey during the German's dominant years was like being hit over the head with a baseball bat.

Asked if he was in the same boat, Webber replied: "Absolutely f****** ludicrous question, mate!"

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


About McLaren vs. Lewis. With all the strategy cock up in Q3, Lewis still could've ended up chasing the top 3 guys after the first stint if the crew had been waiting for him when Lewis came into the pits. Of course, he ended up behind Massa whom was on inferior tires and the rest is history. I think it was as big a cock up as Q3, or even worse.
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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


n smikle wrote:Hamilton is not as dumb as you think guys, he gave Lee Mckenzie EXACTLY what she was looking for.

She asked, "Lewis why do you think you are being penalised so much?'

What do you expect the man to say? Lee Mckensie GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED! NOW SHE KNOWS BETTER!
How right you are! It is all the BBCs fault. They made him say something stupid!

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


JohnsonsEvilTwin wrote:.....
But Hamilton may rather have meant what he said alot more than he would have us think....I could be wrong.
I certainly think his irony hints at a deeper feeling of frustration, through a lack of stewarding consistency. Much of course depends on how the Sporting Code defines and interprets the definition of an 'avoidable accident'. For the sake of doubt lets suppose that it is consistent with hitting another car, then we have the following inconsistency from the Monaco GP:

Schumacher breaks of Lewis' diffuser endplate at St Devote - avoidable? penalty?
Massa hits Rosberg in back on climb up the hill from St Devote - avoidable? penalty?
Massa on turn-in sharply at Loews to cut-off Hamilton and hits Webber at the rear - avoidable? penalty?
Di Resta hits D'Ambrosio at Loews (after the Alguersuari coming together)and damages his wing - avoidable? penalty?
Kobayashi hits Sutil at Mirabeau - avoidable? penalty?

These are the...'is it co's i iz....' that I believe Lewis hints at.

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


Indeed, the media are quite idiotic with their questions sometimes. They purposefully ask provocative questions and it's about time they got some hard answers.
You are dead on: the media wants to create interest/uproar/ scandal/ratings. That's their job. It is the job of the public figure/driver NOT to be used by the media. I place most of the blame on McL's PR guys (and they have good ones). They should have given Hamilton extensive (and repeated) media training. And now they should keep him after school for some remedial training. Remember: many of Hamilton's millions are paid for him to represent some high profile multinational sponsors. He is always under the magnifying glass, but he gets paid well to watch what he says.
(Full disclosure: I was once a spokeseperson for a US-based Fortune 25 firm. Compared to Hammie I was microscopically unimportant, but even I had a full-time PR veteran accompany me everywhere I went (with electric razor in briefcase!). He briefed me before every planned media event and was constantly in my ear prepping me for unexpected events and questions. I'm sure Hamilton gets orders of magnitude better support. He just has to accept it and learn.)
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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


andrew wrote:
n smikle wrote:Hamilton is not as dumb as you think guys, he gave Lee Mckenzie EXACTLY what she was looking for.

She asked, "Lewis why do you think you are being penalised so much?'

What do you expect the man to say? Lee Mckensie GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED! NOW SHE KNOWS BETTER!
How right you are! It is all the BBCs fault. They made him say something stupid!

Yes or no is a good start or even refusing to comment.
Sometimes, people just have to say what they feel.

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


What's wrong with that? It's a nice pleasent sentiment and makes a change to the usual whoop de doos, even though it is pretentions twaddle.

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


speedsense wrote:Having done some 60 street races (more than half,very successful) in my career, the decisions for qualifying and racing are very different than for race tracks.
For set up from the beginning to the end of the race weekend is a race in it's self, as the grip of the track is in constant change. It is so easy to take a perfectly handling car in an early non grip situation and end up with a slow car for the race, merely by chasing the track. The driver/data/engineer have to have perfect information, experience with street courses and have certain realizations about a street course.
Example one- cleaning up an off course excursion, takes double to triple the time to clean up and blocks the track, almost always resulting in a stoppage (red flag)/or full course yellow. With a race track, an incident rarely stops the session
Secondly, the driver has more influence on lap time than the setup does (if your close with the setup that is). So to say that Mclaren (a highly successful team) is making the decisions for Hamilton, on a street course that favors the driver's talent over the cars, is not saying much for either the team or the driver.
With the scenario at Monaco, my best guess would be that both Hamilton and management decided on gambling a one run qualifying to conserve tires, knowing full well an incident causing red flag could prevent the scenario from working. It worked for them in China, so somebody made a convincing argument that they should try it here. They gambled, they lost. Hind sight being still 20/20 leads to comments as to what should have been done.
A championship team learns from their mistakes and doesn't repeat them, a driver vs the team, will never win a championship or chase down anyone leading one.
Hamilton is still second (barely) and with just under 2/3 the season remaining.

Mclaren has a history of winning, and the last "versus" on their team, lasted one year on a three contract and had his own team racing against him for the remainder of that season....the thread is wrongly named, should be Mclaren AND Hamilton, as it will be till the end of the season, otherwise Button will be number one starting in Montreal and Mclaren will start racing Hamilton as well...

If it is a "versus" situation, why not Hamilton for Webber, just to find out whats going on at Red Bull, an easy answer to a driver vs a team senario. IMHO.
Logic?! get out of this forrum now. you logical thinker, you.Talking logically!! you should be ashamed of yourself.
“To be able to actually make something is awfully nice”
Bruce McLaren on building his first McLaren racecars, 1970

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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


Most people think full face helmets are for safety. They are, but they have another useful benefit, when the drivers put one on, you can no longer hear them speak and radios have off switches, all that's left is watching them drive...
Unlike other sports, we don't get to hear drivers, see their emotions or see that sweat building up on the forehead.... aren't we lucky just to experience the driving ability and the fact we can make up what they are thinking or not thinking, simply by how the placement of the car is. The hyperbole for the drivers only starts after the game is over and the car has stopped running and the helmet comes off.
Aren't we lucky to have such a sport? :lol:
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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


andrew wrote:
n smikle wrote:Hamilton is not as dumb as you think guys, he gave Lee Mckenzie EXACTLY what she was looking for.

She asked, "Lewis why do you think you are being penalised so much?'

What do you expect the man to say? Lee Mckensie GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED! NOW SHE KNOWS BETTER!
How right you are! It is all the BBCs fault. They made him say something stupid!

Yes or no is a good start or even refusing to comment.
Or... if you're finnish,





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Re: McLaren vs Lewis


If you are Finnish the answer is "having a ---"