Vancouver F1 Viewing Club.

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Joined: 19 Mar 2007, 01:47
Location: Canada

Vancouver F1 Viewing Club.


Hi folks,

This is a relatively new club, as I just thought to form it about 15 seconds ago.

I am the only member at this point.

Living on the west coast of North America means to watch a European race, I need to be up at 4:30am. This is something I do every race day, much to my GF's chagrin.

I'd like to find a like bunch of people who enjoy getting up to watch the race.

If there are a few hardcores that would be interested in having the F1 pajama party every other week or so I am willing to host.

Any fanatics that are interested in a club, send me a private message on this board, or reply to this thread.

I wanted to have a pilgrimage to Montreal this year, but Bernie in his infinite wisdom has decided that North American doesn't matter.

I figure this should be fun.

I live on the east side of the City.
Before I do anything I ask myself “Would an idiot do that?” And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. - Dwight Schrute

Ian P.
Ian P.
Joined: 08 Sep 2006, 21:57

Re: Vancouver F1 Viewing Club.


Are you sure you really want a bunch of half awake, half naked, half clean half-witts showing up at your door at 4:30 am on a Sunday.??
If on the otherhand, you can coerce your GF into providing coffee and warm muffins (to eat of course...) then this could become a regular occurance.
The best part (after all, you really do have to find a good reason...) of watching the races before the sun comes up is that by 8:00am you are jazzed on adrenalin, full of coffee, have something to think about all day and the rest of the world has no idea what you were doing or why the smile from ear-to-ear.
Mind you, the Saturday Night far-eastern races are particularly enjoyable with a cold fermented malt beverage (FMB).
Interesting idea. Not much traffic over the bridge at 4:20 am.

North Van
Personal motto... "Were it not for the bad.... I would have no luck at all."

Joined: 19 Jan 2004, 19:02
Location: Vancouver, BC

Re: Vancouver F1 Viewing Club.


Great idea! Unfortunately, outside of the far east races, I'll be tucked up on the couch, drinking an espresso catching the action from the humble abode. I like the idea of a cold fermented beverage though!


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Joined: 29 Jan 2007, 05:30
Location: New York City

Re: Vancouver F1 Viewing Club.


Giblet wrote:If there are a few hardcores that would be interested in having the F1 pajama party every other week or so...
So wrong :!: