Burgess leaves MF1 Racing

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MF1 Racing announces the departure of Sporting Director Adrian Burgess, effective immediately, due to planned internal re-structuring of race and test team operations. MF1 Racing wishes to thank Adrian for his support and dedicated hard work during his time with the team. He has held the position of Sporting Director since May 2005.

"Adrian's experience and expertise were very helpful to us during the team's transition season," said MF1 Racing's Managing Director, Colin Kolles. "We wish him every success as he leaves to pursue other challenges, and we fully expect to see him back in the F1 paddock before too long."

The internal re-structuring plan provides for re-allocation of Adrian's duties among senior team members Andy Stevenson (Team Manager) and Dominic Harlow (Chief Race and Test Engineer).

After the official confirmation of Gascoyne being fired at Toyota this is already the second big departure from a top engineer today. We look forward to see when and if they are going to find another team to work for.