I am a fighter - Schumi

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On Monday morning the warriors were already on a plane heading home. Now was the time to relax and wind down ahead of next weekend's race at Barcelona. Michael was finding it easy to wind down after such a successful weekend as the one just gone: "after a win like that the joy does not just disappear", smiled Michael.

"I am sure that it is the same for the team. I am very proud of my squad and how they worked to improve the performance compared to last year. How they put things together was great. The fact that we have found the right set up by race five, having been behind in past seasons, is something that no other team has been able to do".

What makes Michael particularly happy is how much the hard work over the last two weeks has paid off. "We have got better a step at a time, testing and improving every single detail, developing the new parts and constantly searching for ways to refine the car. All of these details put together were decisive in yesterday's performance", stated the record breaking driver.

"It was exactly what we were aiming for. I think we have the right to say that the work we put in over the past few weeks was not only the fastest but also the best. Obviously it is extremely satisfying and stimulating. So, it is natural to enjoy the fruits of this work. On the other hand, we know how fast things can change as we have already been through it. So, what we have to do is not give in".

The big question after Ferrari's win at Imola was whether it was a one-off or not. The answer came at Nuerburgiring, a result that leads Michael to think that the Prancing Horse is now a contender. "We have learnt much over the past few weeks. Our car has enormous potential and we have to learn how to get the best out of it. I believe that we can play an important role in the title race".

"Naturally, we expect differences between the different tracks and that the other teams will improve. However, this is part of the sport. Formula 1 is a battle at the highest level, but I am a fighter and enjoy it very much. I cannot wait for Barcelona and the next round".

Source Ferrari