Tendency to exaggerate the importance of Hamilton - Mosley

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FIA President Max Mosley hasn't made himself popular among the Lewis Hamilton fans. Mosley told the BBC that Hamilton may turn out as a bad effect on Formula One: "If he does the same thing next season as he's done this year, it will certainly have a big effect. It will start to be negative because we'll get the Schumacher effect where people start writing to me saying can't you do something to slow him down?"

According to Mosley, Hamilton isn't the only driver who made F1 exciting and attractive for the fans this season. He said: "He's certainly helped enormously in the UK for the sport. e's also got a lot of interest worldwide because he's come manifestly not from a rich background - he's just made it."

"There's always someone new. If it wasn't him, it would be either Rosberg or Kubica or one of the new stars. So I think there's a tendency to exaggerate the importance of Lewis Hamilton."