F1 rules and stats 1990-1999

Safety regulations | |||
Circuits | Drivers | Organisation | |
1992: Kerbs lowered pitlane min. width 12m; pit entry chicane obligatory
1994: Pits spectator gallery fire shield obligatory. Identification of 27 "very high risk" corners by computer analysis: 15 removed from list by 1994 performance reductions. Tyre wall deceleration tests, analysed relative to human tolerance levels, produce a standard by which to judge new barriers. Use of conveyor belting in front of tyre walls recommended. 1995: Smooth raised kerbs recommended for F1. Gravel bed waves and furrows deleted. First pit wall debris shields installed. 1996: Corners classified "high risk" reduced to 2 through circuit safety improvements and track modifications. Temporary circuit wall and debris fence specification guidelines. FIA test requirement for 'thin' energy absorbing barriers. 1997: FIA circuit approval required for F1 testing. Kerb types and heights standardised after year of investigation. Bolted tyre wall construction obligatory. Analysis of the performance of safety measures with data recorded on the cars' ADR's. 1998: High performance tyre barrier test specification established. Pit lane should be straight 100m before pits. Increased use of full light sets to supplement flag signals. 1999: Pit wall debris fences becoming generalised. Recomended to widen the signalling platform by 50cm, for circulation, (obligatory for new circuits). Asphalt used on some run-off locations. |
1993: Severe end-of-race crowd control measures imposed.
1994: Approved helmet standards reduced to 3 most stringent (Sell/BSI/SFI). Ear - phones banned; weight 1800gr max. Check-tests made on clothing and helmets in use. 1995: 3-inch wide seat harness shoulder straps obligatory. F1 drivers Super licence criteria more stringent. 1996: Safety belt release lever must point downwards. 1997: FIA supervision of conditions for private testing. 1998: Two shoulder strap anchorages recommended. Driver must be able to exit and replace steering wheel, in 10 seconds. 1999: Highly visible gloves recommended for signalling startline problems. "Marshal information Display" lights system to be fitted in cockpit. Seat belts must comply with FIA Standard 8853-98. |
1990: Driver extrication exercise obligatory.
1992: Safety Car introduced. 1993: Pit lane speed limited to 50km/h in practices. 1994: Pit lane speed limited to 80km/h in practice, 120 km/h in the race. Fire-protective clothing for all refuelling crews Burns treatment material in each pit obligatory. Pit lane access new restrictions. Creation of the Advisory Expert Group, to apply new technology to safety in F1. 1995: Minimum safety services recom-mended for private testing. Clarification of blue, yellow, and white flags rules. FIA Doctor given Tech. Assistant. 1996: Standardisation of FIA medical and safety cars. Improved Safety Car procedure. Fire exercises with Teams. Transformation of starting lights and procedure. 1997: FIA approval for all Chief Medical Officers and medical centres. Revised accident intervention plan. Safety Car: more powerful; may be used for wet race starts; permanent professional race driver engaged. 1999: At least 4 medical intervention cars, + FIA Doctor car, obligatory. Pit lane exit control by red and green lights and blue warning flag, practice and race |
Technical regulations (chassis) | |||
1990 | |||
Larger mirrors; quickly detachable steering wheel. | |||
1991 | |||
FIA tested seatbelts; FT5 fuel tanks; rollbar test; dynamic test of survival cell. | |||
1992 | |||
More severe impact tests: water-filled fuel tank fitted to test strength of seat back bulkhead and 75 kg dummy fitted with maximum deceleration figure for the torso (also verifies harness anchorage strength). | |||
1993 | |||
Headrest area increased (from 80cm² to 400cm²). Front overhang reduced (100cm to 90cm). Rear wing height above ground reduced (100cm to 95cm). Distance of front wing endplates above the flat bottom increased (25mm to 40mm). Complete wheel width reduced (18 to 15"). Fuel regulations restricted to permit only fuels of a kind used by the general public. |
1994 | |||
Wheels must be made from an homogeneous metallic material. More stringent fire extinguisher regulations Minimum thickness of the headrest 75mm, (no minimum previously). Cockpit area side load test increased (from 2000daN to 3000daN). Driver aids (traction control, anti-lock and power brakes, automatic gears) banned. Four wheel steering no longer permitted. Downforce reduced: smaller front wing endplates, shorter diffuser, deflector panels restricted. Pump fuel compulsory. 10mm skid block under reference plane. |
1995 | |||
Chassis must extend at least 30cm in front of driver's feet (previously 15cm). Frontal impact test speed increased (from 11 to 12m/s). All deformation after the test must be confined to the nose box. Load in the nose push-off test increased (by 33% from 3000daN to 4000daN). Survival cell side impact test introduced. Obligatory automatic neutral selection when the engine stops. Introduction of a stepped flat bottom. Reduce front wing endplate heights (to between 5cm and 25cm above flat bottom) and length (must not extend further back than 35cm in front of the front wheel axis). No bodywork (wings) above rear wheels. Rear wing max. height reduced by 10cm. |
1996 | |||
Front wing endplates min. 10mm thick to prevent tyre damage to cars in front. Data storage unit to be within survival cell. Higher cockpit sides. 75mm side headrests compulsory. Static load test both sides of cockpit rim. Size of rear "winglets" reduced. |
1997 | |||
FIA Accident Data Recorder obligatory on all cars (ADR). Energy absorbing structure on gearbox imposed, with rear impact test. Energy absorption of steering wheel, column and rack must be shown by impact test. Bodywork rules to exclude rear "winglets" and midship wings. Suspension must be designed to prevent contact of a front wheel with the driver's head in an accident and to provide 120° articulation of the forward lower arms, front and rear, to help retain the wheels. |
1998 | |||
Overall width reduced from 2m to 1.8m; grooved tyres made obligatory, to reduce cornering speeds. Single fuel bladder mandatory. Refuelling connector must be covered. Cockpit dimensions increased; side headrests extended to steering wheel. Mirror size increased, 5cmx10cm to 5x12. Front roll hoop test introduced; survival cell dimensions forward of dash increased; side impact test speed increased (nearly 100% more energy), site moved forward 200mm. |
1999 | |||
Engine oil breathers to vent into the engine air intake. A cable must tether each wheel to the chassis to prevent it flying off or contacting the driver's head, in case of accident. A seat which can be extracted with the driver in it in case of injury is mandatory. Use of beryllium alloys in the chassis is prohibited. Frontal impact test: speed and maximum permitted average deceleration increased (from 12 to 13m/s and 25 to 40g). Distance of the driver's helmet below a line between the roll hoops increased (from 50 to 70mm). Rear and lateral headrests to be 1-piece, with standard quick-release method. Asymmetric braking prohibited. The FIA Accident Data Recorder must also be in operation in private testing. |
Regulations (engine - weight) |
1990-1994 |
3500cc, normally aspirated engines |
1995-1999 |
Engine capacity reduced: 3.5 to 3.0 litres. |