F1 teams do read this site!!

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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


Sorry Goony,

Instead of saying I told you so, I won't, because I never did :)

If I worked for a company like Mclaren it would take every ounce of willpower to not call everyone I know and tell them exactly what I do.

I have lost a job in a dramatic way as well. For what it's worth goony, I assumed you were not lieing about the job to begin with. You would have to be too good a liar I think.

So for what it is worth, thanks for bringing something so exotic as F1 close to home. Even though we all know that F1 teams are just companies that make racing cars, I really do appreciate you winding your neck out for our enjoyment and knowledge.

Live and learn : )
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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


Out of context or not, it isn't inaccurate. While I certainly wouldn't expect you to pledge loyalty to any organization for the rest of your life, you do need to show appreciation for the fact that they are putting that roof over your families head and paying your bills at the moment, or were at least. Don't take this as me indicting you personally, but the previous post is carefully worded:
gridwalker wrote:ANYBODY with access to anything remotely secret CAN pass on information, whether they have the knowledge to understand it or not
It's very plausible that you never had any intention to divulge company secrets for personal gain. However, if you look at it from there perspective, you did at the least provide warning signs that you have both sensitive technical information and potentially questionable loyalty to the organization and could be persuaded to sell information, so they needed to act on it. I didn't personally read your posts in the Mclaren thread before you edited them, so I don't exactly what you divulged or showed in pictures. And I obviously don't know the intimate details of how your managers handled the situation, but if what you revealed was something Mclaren management didn't want out then their actions are certainly justified.

That being said, if you what you have done is with a clear conscience then I wish you the best of luck finding employment so you can provide for your family, whether it be in F1 or elsewhere.

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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


goony wrote:that is out of context Im not loyal to any team as im a contractor its my job to go to where im being paid the most ive got a family to look after but that doesnt mean that I would give any information to the new team NOT FOR ANY PRICE
its up to the smart guys to come up with ideas not for me to pass on info in the 20 years ive been in this game ive never heard of any laminators giving away secrets we just do what we r told to do goony
If I let myself be convinced for a second that the above is true, that "goony" was working as a laminator at McLaren, in Woking, I would find it unfathomable that he would have access to any inside aerodynamic information whatsoever.
As a contractor at that?

But if the un-cured mould story is true, that would be so embarassing it could be reason for firing to let it out.
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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


wow so many seem so eager to jump on his back now (granted, a couple of you were already questioning goony's willingness to talk beforehand)..
i don't see anything wrong with posting photos of the factory, when all you are showing is old cars etc. nothing secret was given away bar one vague team-specific term. Hell, it was McLaren's very own official Twitter feed that posted a photo of the guys working on the MP4-25's tub & front wing!
Businesses pay a lot of money for social media/marketing exposure, and here Goony was effectively doing this for free. McLaren should be thankful! (and if any teams are reading this and decide they want to invest in the biggest marketing success since tv adverts.. pm me :wink: uh oh, did i just give away what i do? shame on me!)
goony wrote:..i think they were worried that i would tell other teams if i left them..
so their major reason for tearing up your contract was due to you planning for your future?
i don't get it, what do they expect you to do, not search for work within your industry until your contract is over?

while i offer my sympathies, at least this gives you the opportunity to further explore your options with the other teams - which you seemed to have set your mind on doing anyway!
its only 6wks of gardening leave and your next F1 trek awaits! :wink:
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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!



Moderators, this is an excellent news that F1 teams do read this site!! =D>

F1technical has got attention from the pinnacle of motorsports too; isn't it??

cheer up, dudes :P

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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


goony wrote:that is out of context Im not loyal to any team as im a contractor its my job to go to where im being paid the most ive got a family to look after but that doesnt mean that I would give any information to the new team NOT FOR ANY PRICE goony


isn't it contrasting, and confusing??

oh c'mon, ppl do jump from team to team (or for that matter, work to work) and implement/tell how they used to work in their previous environment and will use the techniques - if not for all, then at least for themselves - to get advantage on others at the new work to impress. human nature, huh?

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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


I was away on a short trip so missed the /25 thread developments. Have just been & read it.

Goony you were trying to be helpful to us here & yet faithful to your employers. But, I clearly see why they took exception to what you revealed. I sympathise with you but it is a hard lesson you have learned about others perception of what loyalty and confidentiality involves. Good luck with the next job.

I have a family member who worked at McL (not F1 part) who moved on to Red Bull F1. That worked out well for him personally & career wise. I hope the same happens for you.

Thanks for your contributions here. Knowing that a Dead Zone exists & is important alerts us to something intriguing to try and identify and understand (particularly as you state it is pretty simple).

Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


I can understand why mclaren fired you, it aint even about some data, but the fact that you say you are searching for another job does it.
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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


Jersey Tom wrote:You publicly posted your intent to find other work... that alone will piss off any employer.
or give them something to think about.

when one of my former managers saw a job offer on my desk we had a call during which I was told if I would have any complaints I should go to talk with him. few months later when I told him I do not see the chance for successful co-operation with my (new) direct supervisor and I am considering quitting he found me new position.

I know few similar cases.

but let's go back to Goony. I think McL overreacted but basing on the information in this topic they just followed their usual style of dealing w/ problems, which I personally find disgusting. it already happened so now it does not matter if I like it or not.

you have at least few years of experience in playing w/ composites and that itself make you a potentially valuable asset. I do not know details of your past experience so probably I can not help much but... maybe you should look at aviation - for sure both Boeing and Airbus are doing a lot in this area (and they both have a long list of f..ck-ups to clean out) and they are recruiting quite aggressively.

good luck !

Joined: 17 May 2009, 14:26

Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


to be honest it wouldn't be a bad idea for teams to use this site.
useful for concepts.
for example the dead zone will be the big thing next year.
withing a day you had loads of suggestions of how this might work/ what it is.
im surprised they dont post up random jargon and see what we all make of it.
some one even suggested using the 6 deg of front flap change to alter the flow to the defuser to cause it to stall etc.

everyone knows speed dependent aero dynamics are the big thing next year !

Joined: 17 Jan 2009, 14:21

Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


bjpower wrote:
everyone knows speed dependent aero dynamics are the big thing next year !
Ahh so no ones turned the wind tunnel up or down in the last 30 years then!

Joined: 17 May 2009, 14:26

Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


pete555 wrote:
bjpower wrote:
everyone knows speed dependent aero dynamics are the big thing next year !
Ahh so no ones turned the wind tunnel up or down in the last 30 years then!
nope but force india have just sent a engineer down to B&Q to get a dimmer switch.
they are "confident" it will work.

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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


bjpower wrote: nope but force india have just sent a engineer down to B&Q to get a dimmer switch.
they are "confident" it will work.
Not from B&Q, it wont!

whether you are mocking us or not is beyond my judgement (leave that to xpensive), but if you did really lose your job at Mc-no-more-Merc, well, best of luck finding a replacement

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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


bjpower wrote:everyone knows speed dependent aero dynamics are the big thing next year !

Hows life back in the 60s?

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Re: F1 teams do read this site!!


I knew that could happen. Goony was not smart enough to at least stay anonymous. He posted a pic of himself and the job that he did. He did not revealed secret technical stuff but he could*. A person that talks too much should work in the PR or Human Resources areas, not the technical ones.

The guys who knows me here knows that since I work for a team (thats not even remotely close to an F1 team or to reading this forum) I stopped my technical posting. I dont even ask about any "development" doubts I have.

Just I dont feel comfortable doing it :|

* there is always a posibility :|
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