Engine RPMs

All that has to do with the power train, gearbox, clutch, fuels and lubricants, etc. Generally the mechanical side of Formula One.


I noticed JPM had a very difficult time passing Trulli, and wasn't pulling on him at all on the straights (even with the advantage of drafting him). This leads me to believe that Renault aren't down on power much vs. their rivals.

- KJ

Joined: 17 Nov 2003, 03:40


how would you know if they made it up or not. F1 engine supplers don't give out very much the details of their engine. And I don't think even the FIA would they give the details of thier engine to.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55


Am I wrong or is a current Formula 1 car grip more handicapped than short on Power?
I would assume all current F1 cars have more power than grip coming out of almost every corner and could make up for lacking horsepower by gearing shorter at he loss of Topspeed.
Of course the engine manufacturers would tell you horsepower is the game ,and the chasis side has always someone else to blame if the time is not coming.
But if you think about it,every mile per hour you are faster in the apex of a corner ,is a win over the whole lap lifting your average speed without compromising the rest of the car(assuming ,the gains are made through gained grip) That is the answer why it is so easy to find seconds in the tyre
quite easily .Just think about the increase in brakeperformance you need to kill the gained momentum as you still have the same speed in the corner....
More revs or more topendpower do not translate necessaryly into better lap times .
And who would honestly say :Oh my Engine had 899 Hp yesterday and we have 906 today and it makes a huge difference,may I lough ,just a little bit?how much ? 1 second per lap ,as in australia?
Just look at Sauber :same engine ,same Gearbox ,same topspeed as Ferrari.Assuming they did use the same tyres ,they lost their time
thanks to producing less grip than the red ones.As Australia does not sport any real fast corners ...so where did they loose out with a car so
similar to the Ferrari?

Joined: 26 Jan 2004, 16:56


one must agree that the comparison between ferrari and suaber affirms your suspicion and well williams certainly suffered from somthing .. i guess a poor tyre choice would be it. Funny i thought mario thiessen said they want their drivers to run more than others on fridays, yet renault won the michelin race with a "different" tyre choice to others!

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55


thanks for sharing my opinion,
I firmly believe Engine RPM are more of a political value than package performance related.

Joined: 17 Nov 2003, 03:40


Look at how pathetic Mercedes engines are, even with gold coating to help cooling down the engine, they still have to put a limit to the rev of the engine to 17,000 rpm to preserve reliability, as confessed by DC. Bot only that, the have the lowest hp of the top 3 teams, how shameful.
They can decrease the size of the airbox without changing the hole, that makes greater air pressure and increases the engine HP,,that's one problem solved(probably...)or they should concentrate more on thier radiators and cooling systems, ir completely chage their engines designs...

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55


anyone who has had the chance to read the book of mr Ludvigsen on Illmors making has the answer on his lips:
What a loss Paul Morgans death was for Illmor.I think this man had the passion and feeling needed to shorten roads into blind alleys.
I don´t feel Mr Illien has the say he would need anymore,and maybe he does not want it in the first place...
What we see more and more of is the influence of Stuttgart with all their Group C 3500cc wideangle,centre powertakeoff Dynosaur background
(I bet Peter Sauber suffers still nightmares if he dares to think back to their last year in Group C) which just does not translate into a top notch Formula 1 powerplant. But of course they really know better....
Mercedes looks into a recruitment plan to build their own Mercedes-Mercedes ...good luck .
The problem is :800 people some pulling in one direction one in the other and lots of people don´t know .....