mstar wrote: ↑Mon Jul 04, 2022 7:11 pm
Is it me but has Lewis just gone "soft" with drivers? he leaves MASSIVE gaps on the inside, backs off early when the others keep on it and sometimes hesitant to go for clear gaps.
I mean the perez pass was a rookie mistake the other drivers protected at least the inside but lewis when he knew perez was so close left a hole as big as the circuit and invited perez through. I have seen this last season with Max (and hence why max took risky moves as he knew lewis back off). I mean the abu dhabi pass by max AGAIN lewis left SUCH a big gap on the inside max could sail pass. And then when lewis had a run on him he should of just sent it down on MAX and hope for the best as he isn't going to win coming second and at least having a go is good enough as he could of tapped his rear tyre sending max to wobble or spin.
Sorry i am starting to become frustrated with lewis and his "safety" and Mr "nice / fair driver" business.
Careful saying that in here, people will come after you!
I agree though. Even in the 2 incidents you note, he could have put the car bang in the middle of the track and would have been significantly harder to get past. Even from Dubai, you could take Perez positioning of the car by not allowing room either side to be able to get a move started, as it would have required full send/commitment to get past on the inside or the outside.
JAF - I disagree with you a little there with the FIA/stewards ruleset. Those were rulings that define where racing room has to be left given overtakes on the inside or outside. If we watch the video F1 posted on Facebook (apologies if any regional restrictions for anyone), you can see that if Lewis moved a car to a car and a half width across, he would have had Perez covered off and he would have had nowhere to go. You can see Lewis move over quite a lot in order to get the racing line through the corner. If Lewis stayed in the middle, he could have took a line similar to Perez, or even not go out as wide on the left, and had a good swing at the left hander onto the straight. Perez would have had to stay behind, as he was on Lewis' right, so he was never ever going to outbrake him from that position on the left of Lewis to go round his outside, even so Lewis could have shut the door on him on the outside by moving across like Perez did meaning Perez would have had to go across the kerbs and would never have been able to attack on the straight due to the poor car positioning, the door being closed on the outside, and having a terrible angle for the left hander onto the straight. That move probably cost Lewis 2nd place IMHO.
Mess with the Bull - you get the horns.