I can be up there with the leaders again - Kubica

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Continuous development is a key phrase in Formula One: even at the fourth race of the season, the Spanish Grand Prix, all teams will line up with new car components. BMW Sauber F1 Team driver Robert Kubica is expecting a close race at the "Circuit de Catalunya".

"I think we will have a more predictable race than the first three overseas Grands Prix", says Kubica. "The conditions this time round are completely different. All the teams know the Barcelona circuit like the back of their hands because we do a lot of testing here. That's why I expect the gaps between the teams to become a lot smaller than in the last races."

The Pole is reckoning on the opposition having made improvements to their cars. For this reason, he views it as essential for the BMW Sauber F1 Team to go into the race with a successfully developed package. "If we manage that, and since the latest test in Barcelona I am convinced we will, I'll be racing right up at the front again. My goal is to achieve a good result to earn as many points as possible for myself and the team", says Robert.

Source BMW Sauber