Honda Future Idea

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Re: Honda Future Idea


The Hawk's idea...

The next Civic Type-R goes upmarket with eAWD and DCT option.( Keeping MT as base).
Common man Ferrari πŸ˜‰

City Hatch Type - R replacing today's CTR.

1.5 L DOHC V3
8000 rpm redline
250 bhp at 7500 rpm( total power 310-330)
Two 90 kw Axial Flux Electric Motors between the ICE and Trans ( generators/ drive motor)

Electric Turbofan Compressor
( Axial Fan with leading Flow vanes then a opposite turning Mix Flow Compressor)
Moving alot Air without much air flow restrictions so it will act more like a NA engine)
Another bonus is no lag

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Re: Honda Future Idea


Honda makes a...
City Type-R
Civic Type-R
Prelude Type-R

ZR-V Type-S

There is no need for a S2000.

Honda just needs to build a new Limited Halo Sports Car that wasn't neutered like the last NSX. Keep it cheaper but better than the Ferrari in it's class and the people will buy it. And Very important is that the Honda buyer doesn't want a BEV sports car!!! They want a Very Good Honda ICE HEV that isn't a beached whale( too heavy)!!!
The people didn't buy the last NSX because even with a boosted 3.5L V6 and three electric motors,it didn't reach the magical HP number of 600 and it was way too heavy!!!

The NSX Type - S should of been the car delivered from day one!!!

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Re: Honda Future Idea


What the North American Market buyer wants right now???
Because cost of living is very high now!!!

A cheap Petrol ICE Automobile!!!

Maybe Honda would be smart and import the WR-V and the City Sedan and Hatch( replace the Fit) to the North American MarketπŸ˜‰.
NA 1.5L I4 base
NA 1.5L I4 HEV ( exchange battery πŸ”‹)
Boosted 1.5 L V3 in RS and Type-R( HEV)

Using the Exchange battery in the City could be a game changer in the market???!!!
It will solve the re- sale problem of HEV and BEV caused by the cost of replacing a Battery Pack.
Game Changer

The people want good cheap cars just like when Honda brought the Civic CVCC to the market.
And Honda performance models like in the 90s.

Europe probably would like it too and with the EU and Brazil about to sign a trade deal. Import it from Brazil to Europe and the USA.

That means it would be very smart to expand production in Brazil ( I said that a year ago!)
It is probably smart for Honda to expand production in Brazil 2 times as today for local market and export by 2026.
Some people say I see the future like Paul in Dune???
I bet Brazilians would love a Honda Pilot, Passport and RidgelineπŸ˜‰

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Re: Honda Future Idea


WR-V Type-S
1.5L boosted V3. 230 bhp
90 kw electric motor
Estimate around 300 bhp total
Exchange batteries( the very small and compact V3 leaves room for them under the hood and closer to the coolers)
Flex-Fuel( higher bhp when on E85)
Common Man Performance SUV

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Re: Honda Future Idea


The Petrol ban in Europe is most likely going to be delayed so it would be smart for Honda to expand production in Brazil of the City and WR-V for local market and to export to Europe and USA.
Another 100,000 production capacity by 2026 and be prepared to expand ever more.

1.5L DOHC V3 boosted would be a perfect engine for RS, Type-S and Type - R versions.

Exchange batteries too. ( Think ahead like a thief and put in simple but effective anti- theft solution from day one)

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Re: Honda Future Idea


Honda new solid State battery goes into production in 2025 but can't be made large enough for BEV.

Probably a good product for it is for Electric Drones that the Japanese Defense Forces will need like yesterday.πŸ˜‰

Especially with China putting export ban on things needed to make batteries for Electric Drones πŸ˜•.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


I just read a review on the Acura ZDV( BEV SUV)

He liked it but wrote the only reason Honda is selling it is because of California Law.
He liked it's price( sold at a loss to Honda and taxpayers) and soft drive dynamics ( he just had hip surgery so his Porsche 911 just hurts to much to drive at the moment).

He didn't like it being too much GM.
He knows it will not be around long because Honda will replace it with their own design and built vehicle.

A example how a government can make manufacturers go broke and how they waste taxpayers money.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


Red Bull and Honda partnering to buy KTM after their bankruptcy is cleared could be a very smart move.πŸ€”

Focus on bringing the Exchange battery and exchange stations to Europe. New small mostly automated factory that uses alot of 3D Printing Manufacturing for parts that builds KTM, Husky and Honda BEV motorcycles in one plant. Each brand has their own unique design.

Bring new ideas to KTM and Husky ICE motorcycles 🏍️ and HEV Motorcycle 🏍️.
Red Bull and Honda will improve the reliability of KTM and Husky while producing them at a lower cost that will be handed down to the buyer at the sticker price and maintenance costs.

Red Bull and Honda should take the X-Bow( Honda powered )and make it the too go Brand for Track Cars in junction with HRC.

New almost 100% self sufficient manufacturing plants. Turning waste products to make Bio-fuel for generators and Bird safe Tube wind turbines. Metal processing using powdered raw materials ( furnace and 3D Printing) that produces the the product in seconds to minutes over hours. This is how to can manufacturer in Europe and make a profit.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


Dream A Little Dream 😚

Aston Martin Honda Sports Car!!!

( I know most will not be able to afford it but I think most would be happy it was built. Growing up,my brother put up a poster on our bedroom wall of a Lamborghini Countach and I would just stare and dream. I still remember the open scenes of the Movie... Cannonball Run and that is the moment I fell in love with Sports Cars.)
Also my family book shelf was a Fly Fishing book with a photoshoot of the Lamborghini Miura in the green woods next to a trout stream.😍

A Newey design RWD Fan car.
Very High revving Electric Charger Wide Angle 2.5L V5 with 150 kw electric motor.
Small Solid State battery pack
Curb weight less than 2800 lbs
Using Metal Foam as core material in Composite laminate body and seats for ultimate strength and energy absorbing abilities.
Nano Process metals for Cat for ultimate exhaust flow while still absorbing the pollution.
Using new advance piezoelectric CNT/ BNNT smart material tires that in can transform from slick to a intermediate Tire( small water channels). Can also pre- heat or cool the tire.

Aryton Senna Experimental- Racing

( Track version)
Last edited by Sasha on Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


If Red Bull and Honda buys KTM, I would move the KTM MotoGP shop to Bolzano South Tyrol.
A perfect mix of German/ Italian Society and a place that people would like to live while closer to the base of Moto GP Manufacturers in the Po Valley. Just looking down on them from the Alps

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Re: Honda Future Idea


They are using Scare Tactics on you Honda,you do know what happens every time Honda Leaders believe the scare tactics.
Leave F1 many times!
Stop many almost finished projects that cost the company a ton of money,set the company back for years and bad image of weak leadership.
The rumor is it's the Japanese Government behind the scenes pushing Honda to safe Nissan because the Japanese Government is afraid China will buy Nissan. The only winner of Honda saving Nissan is Nissan Leadership and stockholders. It will be a negative move for Honda that possibly will hurt them at a very bad time where cash flow and smart future decisions are going to be key!!!
The Japanese Government can save Nissan or just han China from buying Nissan. Like the US government did with GM.

Bottom line is...
Mr Honda wouldn't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even his more financially sane partner would make sure he didn't!!!
Mr Honda would just poured himself a very good whiskey and sip it in honor of his competitor lose. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

Honda and Mitsubishi working together is ok from Automobile to Space πŸš€ ships.πŸ˜‰
Mostly on securing raw materials to processing them, new technologies( batteries, manufacturing to electronic) and Financing.

The CEO of Home Depot stated the worse thing they did was to buy a existing hardware lumber store based in Texas rather than building their own stores. The company had a bad reputation with it's customers but the Home Depot leaders thought putting their name on the stores would change that but they kept the employees.
It didn't because the problem ran deep thru that companies whole system and it cost Home Depot more money than building their own stores staff with their own people. To fix the situation they had to replace the people with their own people.
Lesson is... don't buy someone's else problem!!!
Thinking πŸ€” it's a great business decision!!!πŸ˜‰
( My idea to buy KTM stands because the employees are good just the upper management needs to be replaced. My gut feeling is the key people in the company turned the company in a Ponzi scheme and that is why they didn't slow down manufacturing numbers even tho there was a selling slowdown. They was trying to cover up something bad by getting more and more business loans and keeping production high. The employees knew something was fishy and the poor employees are the ones who are going to get punished ( layoffs and not getting their earned salary for December). Probably a smart move for the Government raid the company for and upper management homes for fraud πŸ€₯

Honda is being bully into going BEV too fast against their own wishes and now being pressure to merge with Nissan. Honda Leaders are being told that move is the only way to survive the China dumping on the market.

My advice is that automobiles are not the future and Honda needs to focus more on their roots( motorcycles) because automobiles are just getting to expensive for the public.

Mr Honda dream was always too turn his company into a Aerospace Company!!!
Motorcycles and Automobiles was just supposed to be a stepping stone.
( Elton Musk stole that idea with Tesla and SpaceX)
The major reason why Honda stated their is no Honda without Racing. Racing 🏎️ is the closest thing on ground that equals shooting 🌠 to the stars feeling.
Senna and Mr Honda was alike because when Senna was on his game his car wasn't touching the ground ( he was in another dimension per his own words...a Hawk thing πŸ˜‰).

So instead of waisting money on Nissan,Honda should invest in new manufacturing ideas.
Like max production 3D Printing Manufacturing and new metal alloy making by using 3D printing DNA( powered raw materials used in the furnace and nano processing). That is how you make steel in seconds instead of hours!!!

The BEV Scooter πŸ›΅ and Small Motorcycles with exchange battery πŸ”‹ are going to be the thing just like the original Honda Cub!!!
Partnering with Red Bull to buy KTM and Husqvarna would be a good move because it will help to standardnise the the exchange battery system globally. Also Red Bull is one of the best promotors of their products ( that is bonus!!!).

In the Limit Sports Car market it might be smart to be the Powertrain supplier to Aston Martin. A place to test new ideas in the real world without worrying about a major recall of 100,000s- millions of vehicles.
Have a better open relationship with each buyer for feedback and fixing the problem like in 🏎️ racing.

Honda Future is the Honda Rocket πŸš€ and eVTOL.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


There is no win for Honda saving Nissan!

All you have to do is to look at Nissan stock( +20) to Honda stock ( down) to understand that Honda is being played.

Honda's worry is the joint BEV platform that Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi was working on.
Honda's thinking is to save Nissan is to save that BEV platform.
Honda has killed almost finished platforms before even tho it was a big financial and image hit but is willing to throw money away to a sinking ship to save a money losing BEV platform.
It would be smarter to partner with Toyota on a BEV platform than save Nissan.

I wonder if Honda been played from the very beginning to partner with Nissan on a BEV platform. Lured in with the shared cost benefits then given the news after being hooked and landed that Nissan is broke. Either Honda pays Nissan share of the program ( Honda can't) or bail out Nissan thru a trust.( That is why Honda stock isn't going up because the market knows that is a loser move).
The only move is to eat whatever money Honda spent on the BEV platform to this moment and move on.
Saving Nissan is a lose...lose.. lose deal for Honda.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


The Renault 5 is a nice EV, no reason why an e.2 couldn't have picked up a bit of range and been in the same market, though more costly; the 5 is really quite reasonably priced. No reason not to have a mix of hybrids and EVs in your range if you're a volume manufacturer, covering all eventualities.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


This is what happened to the UK motor industry 40 years ago. They were all making models for each niche, but the "command" was not to make the same sector as another company (in the combine) so it sort of divided into big luxury cars and small economy cars neither of which were any good as adding luxury items to small cars and making large cars economical was seen as pirating on the other part of the company. Doomed to fail

Same with British and American Motorcycles, almost all sunk without trace after "amalgamating"
When arguing with a fool, be sure the other person is not doing the same thing.

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Re: Honda Future Idea


What I believe is that Honda should expand it's Hybrid offerings , a few Key BEVs, Performance Models while not forgetting the Cheap but Great base Models( ICE only).

The future of the Automotive business isn't the BEV but future modern manufacturing!!!
Faster, Cheaper with high QC.
Powder raw materials manufacturing and nano processing.
Smart problem solving automation with master workers oversight.

If I was a Honda Stockholders,I would do everything possible to stop any type of merge or saving of Nissan.
Nissan is just a very bad run company and the bad managers running the company will be still running the company after the Honda bail out!
Nissan is Japan Government Motors so why would Independent Honda Leaders want anything to do with Nissan???!!!

The Honda Leaders was already played on working with Nissan/ Mitsubishi on BEV.
Honda Leaders wasn't told that Nissan is broke.

Everyone brings up China???
Any Free Company needs to forget about the China market and the BEV because the Smart Free Companies would be planning now for what is coming. I'll just say it's history repeating itself and it's the 1930s again.πŸ˜‰

Just look at Ukraine's electric interstuctures and ask yourself if you what a BEV in the near future?
Like in Mad want gasolineπŸ˜‰

It looks like Mr Porsche was right with his fist automobile going Hybrid.
Honda would be beyond smart to focus on better Hybrid with more efficient ICE and Flex-Fuel.
The exchange battery could change the Hybrid and Compact BEV like the exchange battery changed the hand powered tools business πŸ€”