My spanish isn't that good but:
"Interesante, si estan en la misma escala, el RBull tiene el + corto entre ejes. Esto adelanta el C d Presión Aero !"
Interesting, if [the pictures] are in the same scale RB has the smallest [wheelbase] between them. This moves forward the C [center? or something technical related to aerodynamic? i don't know] of Aero Pression [could be Downforce].
"Le sigue Ferrari c muy poca diferencia y luego el MercF1 el mas largo. El entre ejes + corto reduce el understeer !"
Ferrari comes after it with very small difference [he means that FER car is slightly longer than RB] and then MER is the longer. The smaller internal/inner axis [sorry i don't know exactly how to translate it] reduces understeer!
"Newey siempre esta al frente de todos los desarrollos en nuevos diseños. Lastima no tener un motor + eficiente."
Newey is always on top when developing new designs. A pity they don't have a better PU.
I might have done some mistakes, maybe some spanish native user can correct me