Ferrari F60 papermodel

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Joined: 26 Feb 2015, 21:26

Ferrari F60 papermodel


Finally I managed to learn how to design 3D models by starting from a Blueprint. With this knowledge, I was able to improve the quality and accuracy of the models I am making from paper. For my latest model, the Ferrari F60, I used Tamiya's very accurate Blueprints (Big thank you to Tamiya).

A big challenge was to somehow involve my wife into this project - she is an english teacher - so I finally let her to choose the color : "metal red copper". This is not the Ferrari F60's color, but overall it is very nice, reminds me to the Ferrari F2007.

I started with the Tamiya Blueprint

Image01 by hetesip, on Flickr

Image04 by hetesip, on Flickr

Image06 by hetesip, on Flickr

Image09 by hetesip, on Flickr

Final 3D model:

ImageF60_model_4 by hetesip, on Flickr

I extracted and unrolled as many surface as possible to make the car from paper:

Image11 by hetesip, on Flickr

And I started to build it:

ImageDSCN6847 by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageDSCN6863 by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageDSCN6992 by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageDSCN7027 by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageDSCN7136 by hetesip, on Flickr

And finally, the paperwork was done, it was high time for painting.

ImageDSCN7203 by hetesip, on Flickr

Here are some photos about the final model:

ImageFerrari F60 model (front view) by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageFerrari F60 by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageFerrari F60 (side view) by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageFerrari F60 model (front view) by hetesip, on Flickr

ImageFerrari F60 model by hetesip, on Flickr

Joined: 08 Jan 2011, 16:04

Re: Ferrari F60 papermodel


Great work, this is what I call dedication, good job! :)

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Joined: 09 Feb 2012, 13:11
Location: Derby

Re: Ferrari F60 papermodel


Nice work!
I have thought about doing something like this as my other-half has one of these:

It can cut paper/card/most things from a cad file so would be pretty handy.

Joined: 26 Feb 2015, 21:26

Re: Ferrari F60 papermodel


Thank you for the encouragement. I can only say that go ahead, design and build models if you like, it is fun. Not easy, and often time consuming. For example, I always admired those who could design a car in 3D, but finally I took the time and learned into it. This Ferrari F60 model shows that I am not a professional, but not too bad as well :)

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Joined: 09 Feb 2012, 13:11
Location: Derby

Re: Ferrari F60 papermodel


Could use the Codemasters 3D models from their F1 games so to skip a step

Joined: 26 Feb 2015, 21:26

Re: Ferrari F60 papermodel


Yes, you are right, either from Codemasters or from GP4. I was able to import some GP4 cars into my CAD program, so for my very next project, I can save some time.