Performance assumptions with limited parameters

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Joined: 25 Jun 2017, 12:59

Performance assumptions with limited parameters


Hi guys, Im currently in my first year doing automotive engineering and just join the uni's formula student team as well. I was wondering is it possible by using just the wheelbase and the radius of the track (a skid pad) to determine the speed at which 1G cornering occurs and its yaw rate?? And if i could what can i calculate it with?

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Joined: 13 Feb 2009, 06:29

Re: Performance assumptions with limited parameters


This is a pretty straight forward kinematic calc. Vel = sqrt(LatAcc x Radius).

Yawrate is 360deg divided by the time taken to do one lap (as calculated with the above info).

It's all completely independent of the wheelbase.
Not the engineer at Force India