2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


ispano6 wrote:
Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:02 pm
Charlie Whiting has the last word, period. And he is the FIA.
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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


iotar__ wrote:
Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:27 pm
It's especially apparent in inventive on the spot bending or outright breaking of the rules in favour of marketing chosen ones, for example give back position after yellows overtake in Australia.
I can't remember what happened in Australia.
Could you give me a hint?

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


iotar__ wrote:
Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:27 pm
ispano6 wrote:
Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:02 pm
The article clearly states who makes the final call and it's not the stewards. So it's the race director, Charlie Whiting.

"Five of the seven officials are nominated by the FIA. These are the race director (currently Charlie Whiting), a permanent starter and three additional stewards, one of whom is nominated chairman and one of whom is an experienced former driver. The additional stewards must be FIA Super Licence holders.

The other two key officials are nominated by the National Sporting Authority (ASN) of the country holding the race. These are the clerk of the course and an additional steward (who must be a national of the host nation). Both must be FIA Super Licence holders."

So not only are all the officials FIA superlicense holders outside of the FIA officials, but all but two are nominated by the FIA.

So the ruling of each race is in fact an FIA ruling and not some whimsical farce of some commentators or stewards with the benefit of hindsight and replays. Brundle, Hill, Scarborough all can have their opinions but Charlie Whiting has the last word, period. And he is the FIA.

Some fans here refuse to accept this for idiotic reasons, naivety of youth or something.
Yep, stewards are glorified FIA tourists :wink: and occasional facemen, f. driver stewards explained: blah, safety, blah. You could not achieve this consistant level of selective decision making if many poeple were involved =P~ .

It's especially apparent in inventive on the spot bending or outright breaking of the rules in favour of marketing chosen ones, for example give back position after yellows overtake in Australia.

Since the thread is still going on, with all the radio messages before the incident Verstappen can't even pretend that Ocon did something unexpected.
All you've stated is opinion and zero facts. The fact is the FIA made their decision regarding Ocons ill timed challenge of the race leader. Case closed.

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


TAG wrote:
Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:05 pm
We can always talk about Vettel's total unraveling and how his weighbridge antics have shown him once again to come under the red mist rage , cursing Charlie out, throwing his car at a competitor and destroying FiA property. Wasn't there some stipulation about his behavior in the future or something like that after the Charlie incident?
Vettel is a lolcow at this point and so are some of the worst fans of his and Ferrari.

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


AnthonyG wrote:
Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:30 pm
strad wrote:
Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:25 pm
He tried to unlap himself in the improper place.
I don't think you saw the actual onboard, but Max was defending his position from Ocon.
https://streamable.com/0bynn?fbclid=IwA ... blpM8FttwI

How anybody objectively can look at this and think Ocon was at fault is beyond my comprehension.
Thanks for the video.
At the time Greek TV only showed the crash and the commentators spouted their usual pro-Verstappen BS.
I thought it was Ocon's stupid fault. But seeing it again, I don't know who's fault it was, but I know who was being stupid. Verstappen tries to close the inside line on a car that is 1 lap behind him.
That's silly. You're the leader, protect your race, let the backmarker pass and use DRS for free next lap and then let go and keep your own pace. Why defend your position? It's just silly. Another brainfart, Vettel wannabe...

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


foxmulder_ms wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:27 am
zibby43 wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:39 am
Vettel destroying the weight-measuring equipment:

https://twitter.com/FedeCallizo/status/ ... 7482683392
This is golden. I didnt know it was this bad, lol :) Now I actually think 25K is unjust, That scales could hit a person there. Vettel is very lucky he got away with 25K fine.
It's amazing Vettel got off so lightly. FIARRARI at work again.

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


Lol, just read about Carey wanting a Rio de Janeiro GP because he liked the scenery whilst looking out of his Hotel room. .......

i assume he only looked towards one side, if you take a good look around you'll see the poverty of Rio too, at the famous Favela's.
Interlagos is already pretty risky, but go ahead if you want to make the dangers even bigger, go right to Rio.
Interlagos nor Rio as a venue will change that Brazil has the biggest douche of a prez right now, i mean honestly, go look him up,
but going to Rio is only asking for more issues.

gawd Carey is becoming more and more of a tool to me than i ever imagined.
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


Andres125sx wrote:
Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:24 am
Verstappen-Ocon, I think what Ocon did was not that bad, his mistake as he´s the lapped car, but if un-lapping is not banned and he was faster due to the new SS tires, he had to try.
The more I think about the incident, less responsability I see on Ocon side based on this:
  • Un-lapping is not banned so he had the right to try
  • He was much faster thanks to new SS vs used S on Max car
  • He passed at the less risky point of the track, DRS straight, and completed the overtake before the braking point
  • Then Max outbrake him and put his car alongside FI again in T1, keep alongside in T2 and close the door when FI is still side to side with him

I initially thought since Ocon was the lapped car, Max can close the door if he will, but if un-lapping is not banned, then normal overtaking rules should apply to prevent accidents. If Ocon was side to side with Max, then Max should have let some space to him instead of assuming he has to back off

Also, if we ignore the rulebook and only think about what is reasonable and what is not, fighting a lapped car wich is faster than you thanks to a tire advantage is one of the most stupid moves I´ve seen in many seasons. If we´re talking about the race leader who can win a race on a season where victories are rare for them, then it´s even worse. There´s no reason at all for Max to close the door, it´s not fair, it shouldn´t be legal, and it´s absurd. It´s a lose-lose situation, he had nothing to win and a victory to lose, and that´s exactly what he achieved

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


Andres125sx wrote:
Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:47 pm
Andres125sx wrote:
Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:24 am
Verstappen-Ocon, I think what Ocon did was not that bad, his mistake as he´s the lapped car, but if un-lapping is not banned and he was faster due to the new SS tires, he had to try.
The more I think about the incident, less responsability I see on Ocon side based on this:
  • Un-lapping is not banned so he had the right to try
  • He was much faster thanks to new SS vs used S on Max car
  • He passed at the less risky point of the track, DRS straight, and completed the overtake before the braking point
  • Then Max outbrake him and put his car alongside FI again in T1, keep alongside in T2 and close the door when FI is still side to side with him

I initially thought since Ocon was the lapped car, Max can close the door if he will, but if un-lapping is not banned, then normal overtaking rules should apply to prevent accidents. If Ocon was side to side with Max, then Max should have let some space to him instead of assuming he has to back off

Also, if we ignore the rulebook and only think about what is reasonable and what is not, fighting a lapped car wich is faster than you thanks to a tire advantage is one of the most stupid moves I´ve seen in many seasons. If we´re talking about the race leader who can win a race on a season where victories are rare for them, then it´s even worse. There´s no reason at all for Max to close the door, it´s not fair, it shouldn´t be legal, and it´s absurd. It´s a lose-lose situation, he had nothing to win and a victory to lose, and that´s exactly what he achieved
OCO cleared ignored multiple blue flags to let HAM pass, OCO pushed to get out of the blue flags to attack VER with whom he has a long feud, OCO was encoured by his team (so to his defense), OCO tried to pass VER when it was clear that VER wasn't letting him past, instead of aborting the move he, as 14th? position of the race lapped and utterly hopeless for points, crashed the race leader out of the race/contention for victory and didn't even apologize.

Even if OCO would have unlapped himself succecfully his lapped times would have soon dropped to the point that he would have gotten blue flags to let VER by again. So VER could assume that this move also was a move to help HAM regroup.
After Monaco race we have seen OCO is Merc puppet
https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/1548 ... in-monaco/

So VER was right not to expect OCO to fight "to death" in those two corners, AND as FIA saw it the same he was punished. End of story. Douche move of the race goes to OCO and not to VER like some gentlemen in this thread are trying to spin.
Finishing races is important, but racing is more important.

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Re: 2018 Brazilian Grand Prix - Interlagos, 9-11 November


I guess nobody is going to change their minds now.

Let's move on to Abu Dhabi.