Alonso's new look

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Once in a while, change is good for a man. That’s why Fernando has had his helmet re-designed for the 2006 season! Fernando has always been a man who enjoys change once in a while. A new look, new haircut, whatever it may be – sometimes, the fancy just takes him to do things a little bit differently.

So today, when he arrived at the official FIA portrait photographs, there was some surprise to see an unfamiliar yellow object under his arm. But there it was – a brand new helmet design for the world champion’s first race with the number 1 on the nose of his car.

The new design features stronger yellow colours than before, and a more modern look. “I thought the other design seemed a bit old,” explained the Spaniard this afternoon. “I was looking to use the red and yellow colours of Spain, the blue that symbolises Oviedo for me, and then to have a modern feel to it. I am really happy with the result.”

Some people might be surprised to see a driver changing his helmet colours spontaneously. After all, isn’t this something they attach superstition to? “Not for me,” concluded the world champion. “I just felt it was time for a change!”

Source Renaultf1