So, more often than not might mean 60% of the time, maybe more, maybe less, depending on which thread. That would still be alot of valuable upvotes on posts. It depends on the user as well. Some users predominantly shared opinion pieces over contentious subjects so most of their upvotes will have vanished and yes in that case, all mean nothing about their contribution.
Other users, such as those in the Honda topic that Wouter mentioned, will not predominantly be made up of such pieces, but perhaps some new insights of information, some technical leaning, and in the case of that user and others like them, their up votes actually did hold meaning. Maybe not as much as other users who offered in-depth technical knowledge / answers in the tech sections, but certainly not what you’d call meaningless either.
So, sometimes those upvotes had some value to what kind of user they were. And more users, maybe too many, had jumped up voting scores from accumulating them in their agreement pieces, and hence meant nothing much in terms of contribution.
If we look at my score,
I had 14. I lost 10 from team threads - what much else was there to discuss at this phase of the season ?

- but maintained 4 for technical related content in the tech forum.
I guess I’ve used some of my time more meaningfully than many would dare give me credit for