HALO Approved for 2018

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


Lol. Their are like 56 pages. Aint got time for that to search. I was searching for my comments really. But his was the first. So i gave up afterward. :lol:

Thats said minds had changed shortly after that with in Belgium and many instances after that of course.

Racing Green in 2028

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


PlatinumZealot wrote:
Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:36 pm
SiLo wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:56 am
This still feels like a knee-jerk reaction to Bianchi's death. The sport is dangerous, the drivers know that and I'm pretty sure they accept it every time they get in the car otherwise they would be sitting at home watching on TV like the rest of us.

9 out of 10 teams said no to it, and they pushed it through anyway? Good work FIA =D>
Aha! First one!
I'm picking out the naysayers in the thread. 8)
I hope i wasnt one of them though... :oops:
Happy to say I have happily been proven wrong and will use this as proof that my armchair analysis is of no value to the sport!
Felipe Baby!

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


ESPImperium wrote:
Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:04 pm
Ive always wondered why the central section isn't taken away for two smaller less obtrusive (but still structurally strong enough) pillars don't come down and join on as part of the wing mirrors mounts?

If it was like this, i think it would get a nod form me as it would be much better looking for me, however still grotesque in the terms of the look of a F1 car.
I was wrong, I no longer notice the Halo. And now know that it's a needed bit of kit. On the weekend that the Aresnal v Wolves game had much criticism about a clash of heads, its great that F1 can say that we saved a life because of this piece of gear. Its not perfect, its pretty near close to it however.

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


I was a naysayer...and still think it quite the eyesore (however I originally stated it looked a "proper abortion"...so it must be growing on me). However, F1 is a dangerous endeavor, and it is quite possible in the future that the HALO's presence will prove detrimental. Now, the score is HALO 1 to zero...and think the odds are in favor of it saving more than the converse.

Interestingly enough, I was also quite the Gros detractor. In those few minutes watching live...awaiting news...I became quite ill due to the possible foreboding outcome. I fear watching such a fatal incident live would have permanently soured me. Thus, my hated HALO that saved Gros has allowed me to continue enjoying my favorite sport. Life is indeed strange (and 2020 sucks).

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


An illustration of how Halo saved Romain.

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


https://racer.com/2022/05/23/new-lighte ... -for-2024/

The American version of the halo has this latest design, manufacture development
With generative design and additive manufacuring they have achieved about a 32% weight reduction

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


johnny comelately wrote:https://racer.com/2022/05/23/new-lighte ... -for-2024/

The American version of the halo has this latest design, manufacture development
With generative design and additive manufacuring they have achieved about a 32% weight reduction
So they will reduce weight by material and process. No new design...

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


I'm ready for Halo v2. They said there would be development around the Halo after it's introduction.

A generative designed, 3d printed aero-structural component that lowers weight and improves strength should be a focus of F1.

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


But hadn't F1 made the point that the exact same halo could be mounted into F2 and F3 cars?
What you suggest would make the exact same halo now present in an F2 car appear like a cheap, less safe option.
What you suggest would make F1 cars safer and faster, and increase visivility toards and from the cockpit.
... nah, we'll take the image value instead.

By the way, are there any reports of a halo deforming too much, or cracking, or having any other type of fault? I get the impression that the think is now several times stronger than it needs to be, which is a good thing, but maybe removes any incentive to redesign it. this has been accepted, proven in battle... if it ain't broke...
Rivals, not enemies. (Now paraphrased from A. Newey).

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


From reading the article, the American version which is screen plus halo the weight could be reduced by 7 kilograms. Equal to a fair few layers of paint
One of the methods is honeycombing the solids.
Pankl and PPG are the companies involved.
It is another example of new manufacturing as opposed to dictums like "the crankshaft must be made from iron", something that was uttered in the 12th century

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


hollus wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 2:54 pm
But hadn't F1 made the point that the exact same halo could be mounted into F2 and F3 cars?
What you suggest would make the exact same halo now present in an F2 car appear like a cheap, less safe option.
What you suggest would make F1 cars safer and faster, and increase visivility toards and from the cockpit.
... nah, we'll take the image value instead.

By the way, are there any reports of a halo deforming too much, or cracking, or having any other type of fault? I get the impression that the think is now several times stronger than it needs to be, which is a good thing, but maybe removes any incentive to redesign it. this has been accepted, proven in battle... if it ain't broke...
I think they made the point that it would evolve from the initial design. Also, if mounting points are the same, new Halo version could be backwards compatible. Just thinner/lighter/stronger.

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Re: HALO Approved for 2018


Kind of amusing that the OP states a rushed decision (for 2018) when the halo was tested in in winter testing 2016. Also talk about a knee jerk reaction in 2022...

Anway. Because of all the talk about drag reduction, I wonder if there's a chance they'll revisit the Red Bull aeroscreen idea to replace the Halo. The first one, not the clunky one with the column in the center.
It should be a lot better aerodynamics-wise. It would also protect from smaller objects and the the issues it might have, I think can be dealt with. There's already an inlet for ventillation, which can be improved. The glare can be reduced (and hopefully eliminated) via state of the art (nano-tech) coatings.

Additional potential for giving back drivers their field of view, while still providing protection, by extending the glazing backwards. (The shoulder pads needs to remain below eye level.)