Hi. In case you would like to know who I am

I'm a Belgian. I live in Belgium and I even study in Belgium

Go to De Nayer Instituut in Sint Katelijne Waver not that any of you would know but its in the neighbourhood of (50km away) Antwerp.
I study Industrial Engenering option Electronics. A real F1 freak, watch every GP at my home with my bro, dad and neighboors so always lots of fun to support 1 team.. FERRARI

especially Michael Schumacher offcourse cause he's the best

I even got a lot (think its a lot) of diecasts of F1 cars... me and my bro got around a 150 or so. Really fun collection to look at and everytime you notice a tiny stuff xtra.
If you have any question don't hesitate to ask I always try to be friendly

and hardly ever get angry.
P.S: I can say some stupid stuff sometimes just ignore it