2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


PlatinumZealot wrote:The Official FIA driver of the day is based on online fan votes. So automatically Vertappen will win all the votes even if he crashes out on Lap 2. If Max crashes out before lap Lap 2, there might just be a tiny chance that F1 will take his name off the poll, and the Max fans won't bother to vote or vote for another driver.
I'm not sure anyone should put too much into something based on online votes.

I'm Danish and I like to see Magnussen have success in F1 but this is probably pushing it :
http://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/ ... e-your-say

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


That's the kind of crap you get when you want your sport to do more social media. Just low quality, opinionated biased clickbait.

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


Mandrake wrote:. If every driver would assume Alonso's behaviour ("I was already aside him") ...
Substitude Alonso with Verstappen in this sentence and I'll agree :wink:

He's been allowed to do some very aggresive moves and fia didn't complain, so Alonso has only adapted to that bar.

That's what racing drivers do, make the most they're allowed to do, same Max do when he changes direction under braking, if not banned, do it and take advantage.

BTW, divebombing is more or less justified when the driver in front make a mistake and go wide, like Massa did. You can't ask a driver to not try an overtake on maybe the only chance he'll enjoy, as we all know mclaren can't pass williams at a straight, not even with DRS

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


Massa didn't make a mistake.

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


OK so new footage on F1.com

http://www.formula1.com/en/latest/featu ... dents.html

Some really great onboard shots. I wish they would incorporate more of this kind of footage in the world feed. Come on FOM you can do better!

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


I agree, onboard shots are by far the best. We should be getting like 5x as much as we do during the broadcasts.

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


BanMeToo wrote:Massa didn't make a mistake.
Going wide is a mistake, specially with a car right behind you :wink:

Even if you don´t consider he went wide, he opened the door, and when some car is trying to pass you, that´s a mistake too

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


I suppose you could argue that he opened the door. But he didn't 'go wide.' He was on the racing line.

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


Andres125sx wrote:BTW, divebombing is more or less justified when the driver in front make a mistake and go wide, like did. You can't ask a driver to not try an overtake on maybe the only chance he'll enjoy, as we all know mclaren can't pass williams at a straight, not even with DRS
True if we don't allow this only mercedes powered cars have a reasonable chance of passing.

I think 'divebomb', although a catchy term is highly subjective. Some great passes could have easily be classified as divebombs and probably would have if they had resulted in contact.

Take for instance Ric move on Bot in Monza. It was heralded as a great pass. On the flipside it was made possible by Bot seeing Ric coming escaped over the curbs. Would Bot have been anywhere near his normal racing line it would have been contact, and some people would have been talking about divebombing instead of a great pass.

Thing is if you can't make it past on power, then you have to do it under braking. And since none of the drivers really brakes early that is by definition a risky maneuver where you have to rely on the other to make some room. Physics more or less dictates that you will not be able to follow the idal line when you start the corner on a non ideal position and speed. And that can go wrong if the drivers don't read each others intentions. If that is the case I see it as a racing incident more than anything else.

It is not like Alonso speared his car in the side of Massa's car, steering unresponsive and all wheels locked. He just needed a bit more road than Massa anticipated.

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


Edax wrote:
Andres125sx wrote:BTW, divebombing is more or less justified when the driver in front make a mistake and go wide, like did. You can't ask a driver to not try an overtake on maybe the only chance he'll enjoy, as we all know mclaren can't pass williams at a straight, not even with DRS
True if we don't allow this only mercedes powered cars have a reasonable chance of passing.

I think 'divebomb', although a catchy term is highly subjective. Some great passes could have easily be classified as divebombs and probably would have if they had resulted in contact.

Take for instance Ric move on Bot in Monza. It was heralded as a great pass. On the flipside it was made possible by Bot seeing Ric coming escaped over the curbs. Would Bot have been anywhere near his normal racing line it would have been contact, and some people would have been talking about divebombing instead of a great pass.

Thing is if you can't make it past on power, then you have to do it under braking. And since none of the drivers really brakes early that is by definition a risky maneuver where you have to rely on the other to make some room. Physics more or less dictates that you will not be able to follow the idal line when you start the corner on a non ideal position and speed. And that can go wrong if the drivers don't read each others intentions. If that is the case I see it as a racing incident more than anything else.

It is not like Alonso speared his car in the side of Massa's car, steering unresponsive and all wheels locked. He just needed a bit more road than Massa anticipated.
watch how Mag and Pal managed it, https://youtu.be/mStbZlJozVE?t=55s

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


Massa should have yielded the position. Alonso already got inside and significantly alongside.

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


PlatinumZealot wrote:Massa should have yielded the position. Alonso already got inside and significantly alongside.
Thats it. Massa made a mistake, Alonso took his oportunity, and Massa closed the door when the Spaniard was already alongside, too late Felipe.

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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


PlatinumZealot wrote:Massa should have yielded the position. Alonso already got inside and significantly alongside.
Yield the position like on a zebra crossing? Stop, wave him by and once Alonso has crossed the track to the runoffs get going again?
Yes, that would have been a smart solution.
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Re: 2016 United States Grand Prix - COTA, 21-23 October


I don't agree Massa should have yielded, it was a good bit of racing, I honestly don't understand why everyone is crying for a penalty. Don't we want to see this kind of on-track action?