A good start to the weekend - White

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The Renault F1 Team Engine Technical Director, Rob White, is in Malaysia at the 'Sepang International Circuit' that is the venue of this weekend's Malaysian Grand Prix. White explains what went on during Friday practice.

Interview with Rob White

Rob, how was the day for the team?
"It was trouble-free. We ran through the programme without any bad surprises, and we are pleased with the level of performance this afternoon. As is now typical, we limited our running during the morning, then had a solid start to the weekend in P2. We primarily evaluated the engine mapping, and it all went well."

Is this a tough circuit for the engines?
"The heat makes it hard. The engine’s operating temperatures must be monitored closely, and we adjust the amount of air used for cooling in order to balance the effects of the high ambient temperatures. When the car is running then everything is well under control. What can sometimes be a problem are the starts, and pit-stops. That’s when the car is at a standstill and must start running again as soon as possible. We need to take those parameters into account."

Fernando is using the same engine as in Bahrain, while Fisico has a new unit. Will the cars follow different programmes?
"Not at all, they are very similar. Giancarlo would have done the same mileage today with an old engine."

Are you confident for the rest of the weekend?
"Yes. We started 2006 with a win, and we are competitive again this weekend. Four teams could win the race this weekend, but we are determined to be at the top of the tree."