It's a bit of a dream - Nelson

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Fernando Alonso’s race engineer, Rod Nelson took to the podium today after a ‘relaxing’ time on the pit-wall in the Australian Grand Prix! Fernando Alonso took his second victory of the season and the 3rd for Renault out of 3.

Rod Nelson Rod, there’s always a new face from the team on the pit-wall and today was your turn. What did it feel like to be up there?

"It was a bit dream-like to be honest, kind of in a daze. I was… “relaxed” I suppose!"

We heard you talking with Fernando during the race about how relaxed he was…

"Yes, he was in control all the way. He told us he was feeling pretty chilled out during the final stint, and he kept his cool to the finish. It was a very clean race, that just ran to plan for us. The strategy worked well, the tyres were perfect, and he was happy with the balance from the first stint onwards."

So it was an incident-free run?

"Once we got started. Fernando did a great job at every restart, controlled things perfectly, and had the pace when he needed it. It was quite a straightforward race for him, and he was very happy with the car's performance when he debriefed afterwards."

What about the trophy – are you taking it home?

"Yes! I think I’ll sleep with it on the plane tonight…!"