A disappointing great race - Fisico

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A good race for Renault's Giancarlo Fisichella after a very disappointing start. Giancarlo's engine stalled on the grid. The Italian finished fifth in Sunday's Australian Grand Prix – after an heroic performance against the odds. Here’s why…

Giancarlo Fisichella Giancarlo, what can you say after a race like that – just jam-packed with incident…

"It was a really busy afternoon for me! I am pleased with the result, because it was a spectacular way to finish the race with Jenson blowing up, and I went all the way from the back to fifth. But I also had some problems that meant I couldn’t show the true performance of the car. Without them, I could have been fighting for the win with Fernando."

So what happened?

"The engine stalled on the grid, I had telemetry failure in the first stint and then the clutch failed at the end. In the middle of the race, I was suffering from really big understeer too and didn’t have the pace."

We heard the team talking to you on the radio and encouraging you to push…

"Yes, they have the overall view of the race and it was an important period for my strategy. I was on the limit all the way, but the balance just wasn’t right and we had really big understeer."

But things picked up again at the end?

"Once we had got round the clutch failure, I could start to push and it didn’t take many laps to catch Jenson. I started to put the pressure on him, and he had to respond… I am not saying we directly made his engine blow, but we put him in a difficult position."

When did you think you might be able to get him?

"It was really close for the last two laps, and then I started to see some smoke from his engine in the final corners. In the last corner, it became a fog mixed with fluid and I couldn’t see anything. It was really slippery and I had some big oversteer, but Jenson pulled over and I was able to pass him before the line."

You go to Imola second in the championship… "Yes, it’s a strong position for me. We know we have the right package to fight for wins. Fernando already has a good advantage in the points, but I will keep on pushing."

So you are looking forward to racing in Italy in three weeks?

"Absolutely. I wanted to be in a good championship position when I arrived there, and I am. Plus, I have a fresh engine, and hopefully it will be a new specification too. That would be a good bonus."