AMG.Tzan wrote: ↑Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:36 am
He can’t seem to battle without pushing the other one off the track or hitting him…
You can't possibly be serious. That was 100% on Russell. He turned in way too early.
Pictured below is Hamilton on Piastri at the same corner. Hamilton went for the inside, Piastri gave him plenty of space and took the outside line of the corner. Unfortunately, HAM had a small swerve on the corner exit, which caused the two cars to touch
after the corner, which sadly was enough for the cars to have damage. But it was clearly a racing incident, and both drivers handled that corner and overtake really well, considering how tight it is.
And here we have Max on George. Sadly couldn't get the same camera angle as the other overtake, but what happens is very clear: George turns in on Max early, and they collide way
before the corner.
And just to be clear: Max was far alongside for quite a while before the corner, so it wasn't a divebomb/late braking. George simply either didn't see him or ignored him.
That's a slam dunk penalty.
Did I mention anywhere that it wasn’t Russell’s fault?
Please. You ridicule Max's racecraft in a post where you, at the same time, make fun of his decision to overtake George. That's not an accidental combination.