How much more was available, remains a mistery for now. I was gauging the customer teams to see what we can find. Haas made half a second jump from Q1 to Q2 and FI made a full second jump in the same time frame. Andy Green from FI claimed that, Haas had fully turned on the engine in Q2. ... ergleich/
"The sector 2 delta remained fairly consistent throughout the training. In Sectors 1 and 2 we were able to catch up more and more as training progressed. It could be interpreted as meaning that we had more power in our hands than Ferrari. But that's just an assumption because we do not know how much Ferrari could have turned up in Q3, "a Mercedes man said. Force India technical director Andy Green drew a comparison to Ferrari's HaasF1 customer team. "According to our measurements, they turned on the engine in Q2. And there came a lot of power. "