The cars tend to suffer understeer

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In front of a home crowd, the BMW Sauber F1 Team is hoping to be able to enter the point ranks once more at the European GP. Willy Rampf, Technical Director Chassis, explains which particular requirements the Nürbrugring demands of the tyres and car set-up.

In order to fully utilise the potential of the BMW Sauber F1.06, an excellent tyre performance is absolutely crucial. The BMW Sauber F1 Team has covered many test kilometres in the past few weeks to be able to enter the race on the Nürburgring with ideal tyre mixtures and set-up. Rampf says: "The Nürburgring track offers plenty of grip and rubber wear isn't too extreme, which means we will be using a relatively soft compound."

Next to the right choice of tyres, race preparations are focussing on the car set-up in particular. "Cars tend to suffer understeer on this track," Rampf explains. "That will be the main consideration when it comes to the car's set-up. It can be offset by the right aero balance or through mechanical modifications. That's what we have been working on this week during testing at Silverstone. In view of the close competition in the middle of the field at the moment, everything has to be just right, especially if we want to achieve a good position on the grid.

Source BMW Sauber f1