We are feeling confident - Nelson

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Fernando Alonso’s race engineer, Rod Nelson, thinks the team has made the right choices for tomorrow. Alonso will start from pole position in his R26 with a brand new B spec engine. Here follows the interview with Rod Nelson.

Rod, how has you weekend unfolded?

"Pretty well. Yesterday, all the drivers were complaining of a lack of grip but I was confident. I knew how much room for improvement we had with our car, which was even more than on Friday evening in Imola. Then, even in those conditions, we were already one of the quickest cars. So we were optimistic, and qualifying went as we expected. For the moment, it has been a good weekend."

Some people think the pole position is thanks to a more aggressive strategy than in Imola or Melbourne…

"There are always lots of rumours in the paddock! What I can say is that we haven’t changed our way of working this weekend."

The Ferraris seem to have confirmed their pace from Imola. Are you surprised?

"To be totally honest, I thought their performance in Imola would be an isolated thing and I was surprised to see them so competitive in qualifying here. However, I think they have gone for quite soft tyres this weekend. They are quick on one lap, but they seem to lose performance after two or three laps. So we are feeling pretty confident for tomorrow."

Source Renaultf1