No points for Toro Rosso

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The Scuderia Toro Rosso hoped to score points at Shanghai as they experienced a good day in the rain yesterday. Tonio Liuzzi finished the Chinese Grand Prix in 10th position and Scott Speed in 15th position.

Tonio Liuzzi

"Overall, quite a good race as P10 is pretty much what we could have expected from what we saw on Saturday, when we saw we had good pace and hoped we could fight for points today. But the fact the track dried up did not suit us so well as the bigger teams had much better pace in these conditions. I was expecting us as a team to have a better day as we were lying 8 and 10 after the start, but then I had problems with my rear tyres as I was on a one stop strategy and so had a heavy fuel load. But we called the pit stop at just the right time which was good, but still no points today. Now, I'm looking forward to Suzuka."

Scott Speed

"The car was pretty good at the beginning and I got by some cars. Then I picked up some understeer, but it was looking good as I knew that on a two stop strategy and I knew the track would take a long time to be ready for dries. Then I came in and took on new intermediates and the car felt horrible and I was losing three seconds, as with all the new tread on the tyres we didn't have enough grip. After the next stop for dry weather tyres, I struggled a bit for a while, but then it was pretty good towards the end."

Gerhard Berger

"Tenth place for Tonio is not exactly reason to have a party but it is an okay result and nothing to be disappointed about. Both guys made a good start in the wet, making up some places. Tonio had what we can call his "usual" spin, but otherwise everything went fine. His pit stop was well timed and congratulations to the team for getting him at just the right time to switch to dry tyres. We were the first to catch that precise moment. As for Scott, he didn't get his tyres working and I'm not sure why at this moment."